Information Technology Packages CIT-INF-121: Microsoft Excel

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Information Technology Packages

CIT- INF-121


MUBAS 04/15/2023
2 Facilitator

Wilson Lemani

MUBAS 04/15/2023

Indicative Content:
 Understand Common Excel Error Codes
 Use Excel Macros
 Array formula
 Protect excel file
 Print Worksheets

Kamuzu University of Health Sciences formerly COM and KCN 04/15/2023


 The following table shows Excel's error

values along with meaning and the most
probable cause for its appearance.
 To remove an error value from the cell
you need to figure out what's wrong with
formula and fix it.

Kamuzu University of Health Sciences formerly COM and KCN 04/15/2023

5Common error messages

 ##### cell isn't wide enough to show the data

 #VALUE! Wrong type of data for a function
 #DIV/0 Tried to divide by Zero
 #NAME Cell name not defined (usually) misspelled
 #REF Cell reference is not valid
 #NUM Function requires a number
 #NULL Called a nonintersecting range of cells
 #N/A No value available

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 The column is not wide
enough to display the
value, ie the cell is too
small for the value

 Widen the column
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 Wrong type of argument
 Wrong type of data function
 Something wrong with the
input to the formula

 Check operands and
arguments and make sure
references are valid

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 The formula attempted to divide
by Zero
 The division operation in your
formula refers to a cell that
contains zero or is blank
 Change the value or the cell
references so that the formula does
not divide by zero

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 The formula is referencing an invalid
or nonexistent name
 Cell name not defined or (usually)

 Make sure the name still exists or
correct the spelling

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 Excel cannot locate the referenced
cell (for example, referenced cells are
deleted) cell references are invalid

 Click UNDO immediately to
references and then change the
formula references or convert
formulas to the value

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 Incorrect use of numbers (such as sort
(-1)) or formula results in a number
too large or too small to be displayed.
 Function requires a number
 Make sure the arguments are correct
and that the result is between -
1*10307 powers

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 References to intersection of two area
that do not intersect
 Called nonintersecting range of cells
 Check for typing and reference errors

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 Most commonly means no
value is available or
inappropriate arguments were
 No value available

 In a look up to the formula, be
sure the look up table sorted
Kamuzu University of Health Sciences formerly COM and KCN 04/15/2023
14 Correcting errors

Errors in Data and Formulas

 To fix bad data, click on the cell and retype the
 To fix bad formula, click the cell containing
formula then, then highlight the error in the
formula bar and make corrections
Errors in Data and Formulas
 The program can help spot errors
 Excel messages begin with “#’”
Kamuzu University of Health Sciences formerly COM and KCN 04/15/2023

 A macro is an action or a set of actions that you can

run as many times as you want.
 To automate a repetitive task, you can record a
macro with the Macro Recorder in Microsoft Excel.
Imagine you have dates in random formats and you
want to apply a single format to all of them.
 A macro can do that for you. You can record a
macro applying the format you want, and then
replay the macro whenever needed

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This feature works the same in all modern versions of

Microsoft Excel: 2010, 2013, and 2016.
1.On the View tab, in the Macros group, click
the Macros command

2.Click record Macro

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In the Record Macro dialog box:
1.Enter a Macro name. Choose a name that clearly identifies the
macro. You may not use spaces.
2.Enter a Shortcut key. You will be able to run the macro using this
shortcut key.
3.Choose where to store the macro. You will normally accept the
default (This Workbook).
4.Enter a Description. Briefly explain what the macro does.
5.Click OK.

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1.After clicking OK, every keystroke is recorded.

2.To stop recording, on the View tab, in the Macros group, click
the Macros command and then click Stop Recording

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19 How to run Macros in excel

1. Go to view
2. Click macros command
3. Choose saved macros
4. Click run

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Array formulas

 Essentially, an array is a collection of items. The items can be text or

numbers and they can reside in a single row or column, or in multiple rows
and columns.
 So an array is just a list or range of values,
 In Excel, an Array Formula allows you to do powerful calculations on one
or more value sets. The result may fit in a single cell or it may be an array.
 An Array Formula is a special type of formula that must be entered by
pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
 The formula bar will show the formula surrounded by curly brackets {=...}.

Kamuzu University of Health Sciences formerly COM and KCN 04/15/2023

21 Simple example of Excel array formula

Suppose you have some items in

column B, their prices in column C,
and you want to calculate the grand
total of all sales.
Of course, nothing prevents you
from calculating subtotals in each
row first with something as simple
as =B2*C2 and then sum those

Kamuzu University of Health Sciences formerly COM and KCN 04/15/2023


So, all it takes is a single array formula and 2 quick steps:

1.Select an empty cell and enter the following formula in it:
2.Press the keyboard shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER to complete the
array formula.
Once you do this, Microsoft Excel surrounds the formula with {curly
braces}, which is a visual indication of an array formula.
What the formula does is multiply the values in each individual row of
the specified array (cells B2 through C6), add the sub-totals together, and
output the grand total:

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Because all Excel array formulas require pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter,
they are sometimes called CSE formulas.

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Example 2. A multi-cell array formula in
In the previous SUM example,
suppose you have to pay 10% tax
from each sale and you want to
calculate the tax amount for each
product with one formula.
Select the range of cell in some
blank column, say D2:D6, and enter
the following formula in the
formula bar:
=B2:B6 * C2:C6 * 0.1
Once you press Ctrl + Shift + Enter,
Excel will place an instance of your
array formula in each cell of the
selected range, and you will get the
following result:
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 Select FILE > Info.
 Select the PROTECT WORKBOOK box and
choose Encrypt with password
 Enter a password in the password box and
then click ok
 Confirm the password in the Reenter
Password box and then select OK
Kamuzu University of Health Sciences formerly COM and KCN 04/15/2023

 To print your document,

 go to File
 Print
 select your desired settings
 and then click Print.

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 It is also possible to print by using the

Print icon on the Standard toolbar
 however this does not bring up the Print
dialogue box that allows you to change
your printing options
 so it is advisable to use the other method.

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Changing Page Orientation

To be able to change the orientation of your page for
Click on the Page Setup button under the option to Print

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 Microsoft Access

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