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Physical Science

Chapter 3

Work & Machines

Section 4-1: What is Work?
 Work is force exerted on an object that causes the
object to move some distance
 Force without moving a distance yields NO WORK!!

Work = Force x Distance

SI Unit for work is the Joule
1 Joule = 1Newton x 1 Meter
Word Problems
 Word problems can be confusing; but w/ some practice
they’re not that bad. Here are a few hints to make them easier
 1. Be sure you remember the “Need-to-Know” formulas
 S =d/t ; A = Vf – Vi ; F = MA ; W=FxD; Power = Work/Time
 In the word problem be sure you know the units for each of the variables
in the particular formula being discussed.
 Distance – Meter; Force – Newton; Volume - cm3 or Liter
 2. In the word problem, all but one of the variables is told to you in one
way or another. Identify what variable is being asked to solve, then
plug in the remaining variables to the formula
 Solve it!! Make sure you also keep track of the units
How much work performed:
 How much work is performed if you apply 85 newtons of force on a box causing
it to move 3 meters:
W = 85N x 3m = 255 Nm
255 J = 255 Nm
 How much work is performed if you apply 37 newtons of force and move a
wagon 4.3 meters?
W = 37N x 4.3m = 159.1 Nm
159.1 J = 159.1 Nm
 How much work is performed if you apply 118 newtons of force on a car that is
stuck in the mud and doesn’t move?:
W = 118N x 0m = 0 Nm
0J =0Nm You might be tired from pushing but no work was done!!
How much force required:
 How much force was required to move
an object 3 meters if 75 Joules of work
were expended?
 Formula: Work = Force x Distance
 Need to solve for Force, w= 75 J & D=3M
75 J = F x 3M
75 NM / 3M = F
75 NM / 3M = F
25N = F
What is a Machine?
 A device that makes work easier or more effective
 A machine makes work easier by changing the amount of
force, the distance covered or by changing the direction of
the force
Section 4-3 Simple Machines
Inclined Plane
 A plane is a flat surface. When that plane is inclined, or slanted, it can
help you move objects across distances. And, that's work! A common
inclined plane is a ramp. Lifting a heavy box onto a loading dock is much
easier if you slide the box up a ramp--a simple machine.

IMA = length of incline / height of incline

 you can use the edge of an inclined plane to push things apart. Then, the
inclined plane is a wedge. So, a wedge is actually a kind of inclined plane.
An axe blade is a wedge. Think of the edge of the blade. It's the edge of a
smooth slanted surface.
 an inclined plane wrapped
around a cylinder
 A screw can convert a rotational
force (torque) to a linear force
and vice versa.
 Any tool that pries something loose is a
lever. A lever is a rigid bar that "pivots" (or
turns) against a "fulcrum" (or a fixed point).
IMA = Distance from input force to fulcrum / distance
from output force to fulcrum
1st Class Levers
 Notice how
 The input & output forces are in opposite directions
 The fulcrum is between the input & output forces
 Examples include nail remover, paint can opener scissors, seesaw
Class Levers
 Notice how:
 The input & output forces
are in the same direction
 Input force is farther
away from the fulcrum
than the output force
 Examples include: wheel
barrow, door, nutcracker
3 Class Lever
 Notice how:
 The input & output
forces are in the same
 The input force is closer
to the fulcrum than the
output force
 Examples include rake,
shovel, baseball bat
and fishing pole
What Class of Lever?

6 7

1. 3
Class 2. 1_______
Class 3.
3. 1_______
Class 4.

5. 2
Class 6.
6. 3_______
Class 7.
Class 8.8.2_______
Class 8
Wheel and Axle
 two circular objects attached together about a
common axis
 Wheel is the large cylinder
 Axle is the small cylinder
IMA = Radius of the wheel /

Radius of the axle

 In a pulley, a cord wraps around a wheel. As the wheel
rotates, the cord moves in either direction. Now, attach a
hook to the cord, and you can use the wheel's rotation to
raise and lower objects.
 IMA of a pulley system = the number of ropes that
support the weight of the object
Physical Science
Chapter 4

Energy & Power

5. The Nature of Energy
 Energy – the ability to do work or cause a change.
 work is the transfer of energy
 SI unit for energy is the same as the SI unit for work – Joule
 Two main types of energy: Kinetic and Potential
 Kinetic Energy: the energy of motion
 Potential Energy: Energy stored for use at a later time
Section 5. Power
 Power: the rate at which work is done
 Power = work / time and since:
 Work = force x distance….

 Power = Force x Distance

 SI Unit for Power is the Watt
 1 Watt = 1Joule / 1 Second James Watt
 Horsepower : An American unit of power
 The amount of work a horse does when it lifts
33,000 pounds of coal to a height of 1 foot in 1 minute.
 1 horsepower = 746 watts


Same amount of work was done; however there was more

power in lifter B since his took less time

P=FxD/T P = 35 N x 10 m / 5 sec P = 350 J / 5 sec = 70 J/sec
P = 70 Watts

W=PxT convert 1 hour into seconds: 1 hour 60 min x 60 sec

Work = 60 watts x 3600 sec = 216,000 Joules 1 hr 1 min
= 216 Kilojoules
Different Forms of Energy
 6 different types:
 Mechanical

 Thermal Energy

 Chemical Energy

 Electrical Energy

 Electromagnetic Energy

 Nuclear Energy
Mechanical Energy
 associated w/ the motion (kinetic) or position of an object (potential)
 Kinetic Energy exists whenever an object which has mass is in motion
with some velocity. Everything you see moving about has kinetic
 Potential Energy exists whenever an object which has mass has a
position within a force field. The most everyday example of this is the
position of objects in the earth's gravitational field. GPE =
Weight x
Thermal Energy
 associated w/ the total energy of the particles (atoms and
molecules) in an object. As thermal energy increases, the
particles increase in speed and the thermal energy
(temperature) of the object increases.
Chemical Energy
 the energy stored in chemical bonds. The
potential energy stored in compounds.
Electrical Energy
 Moving electrical charges. Electricity!!
Electromagnetic energy
 Travels in waves, associated w/ light, infrared, ultraviolet, microwaves, x-
rays, etc
 Longer wavelength yields low frequency & low energy
 Shorter wavelength yield high frequency & high energy
Nuclear Energy
 Associated w/ the fusion or fission of nuclear atoms.

The fusion of
hydrogen into
helium fuels the
power of the sun
5.2 Energy Conversion and Conservation
 Most forms of energy can be converted from one type to another.
 Law of the Conservation of Energy - states that energy cannot be created
or destroyed. It simply changes from one form into another
 Einstein’s theory of Relativity - E = mc2
 a small amount of mass can be changed directly into a tremendous
amount of energy
 E = the energy produced

 m = the mass being converted

 c = the speed of light (186,000 miles/second)



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