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East Delta University
Group Members
Tauqir Rahman Khan (223002802)

Pratul Saha (223001902)

Tuhin Saidy Khan (223002702)

Fyza Fyroz Mohine (223002402)

Saidul Abrar (223006802)

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We have written a report for the
Petrochem Group. It is a private group
and it was published in 1990.In the last
31 years it has become one of the most
renowned business conglomerates in

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Pe t r o c h e m G r o u p , i s o n e o f t h e l e a d i n g g r o u p o f c o m p a n i e s i n B a n g l a d e s h , e s t a b l i s h e d i n
1990. Over the years it has become one of the renowned business conglomerates in the
c o u n t r y. I n t h e l a s t 3 1 y e a r s , Pe t r o c h e m G r o u p h a s m a d e a b r e a k t h r o u g h i n i t s s t r o n g
f o u n d a t i o n a n d b u s i n e s s d i v e r s i f y i n g i n A g r i c u l t u r e S e c t o r, A g r o . C h e m i c a l , P o w e r & E n e r g y
S e c t o r, R e a l E s t a t e S e c t o r, I n f o r m a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y, M a c h i n e r y a n d E l e c t r o n i c s S e c t o r e t c . I n
t h e p r i v a t e s e c t o r, Pe t r o c h e m G r o u p ’s s i s t e r o r g a n i z a t i o n s a r e a s f o l l o w s :

Agro Industries Power & Energy Engineering Information &

Real Estate Technology
Petrochem Bangladesh International Services
Solar Power Ltd. Habitat Builders Bangla Solar IT
Ltd. & Petrochem Agro Ltd.- ISL
Industries Ltd.
a) Solar Solutions a) Industrial Boilers and Dryers
a) Constructions a) ERP Software
a) Seeds –Rice, b) CTC Machineries, Conveyor Solutions
Maize and b) Power Generations Belts for processing industries b) Building Design
Vegetables and development b) Sales Force
c) LED Lighting c) Industrial Automation Tracking Software
b) Pesticides Solutions
d) Oil and Gas, Lubricant Oils,
Anti Corrosion Paints e) Misc. Solutions
c) Agro Chemicals
e) Mono Rail Automatic
d) Aqua Products Solutions

e) Food Processing f) DuPont MECS Clean

Technology Solutions

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Vice Chairman

Managing Director

Planning and Research

CEO Finance Department HRM Department Medical Department Imunance Depart

Permanent Emploee
Constructor 170

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Manpower Number

Permanent Employee 256

Contractual & Temporary Employee 330

Total 586

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Target Customer

B2B: Business to Global Export:

B2C: Business to
Business (Super
shop, General Store, Consumer Export Product
Restaurant etc.) (General People) (Foreign


Global Export:
East Delta University 14/3/2023 7
Marketing mind map

Research Strategy


Survey User Survey User

Group Group

Online Key 14/3/2023 8

Feedback Objectives
Marketing Mix Mind map
Packaging Price

Positioning Product

Marketing Mix

People Place

Politics Promotion

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Distribution Channels





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Marketing Mix 6P’S

• Advertisement
PRODUCT • Sponsors and partnerships PLACE
• Customer referrals
• Events and pop-up experiences
• Main features • Distributions
• Additional / side usage • Sales
• Quality and usability • Logistics
• Branding and packaging • Locations

• Customer interactions (how, when)

PRICE • Customer journey PEOPLE
• Marketing structure
• Conditions • Employees
• Rebates • Management
• Discounts • Culture
• Sweepstakes and prizes • Customer service

East Delta University 14/3/2023 11

Type of Ownership
Petrochem Bangladesh ltd is a private limited company.
This company owned by a small group of shareholders
who have limited liabilities of the company debt. At
present this company has 4 shareholders.
1) Chairman- Sultana Dowlah – owner of 17% share.
2) Vice chairman – Asif Uddowlah – owner of 33%
3) Managing director – Saif Uddowlah – owner of 33%
4) Director – Sarmin Uddowlah – owner of 17% share
Basically, Petrochem don’t sell their shares into share
market. The shareholders of this company are belongs
to same family. Also, Petrochem can’t sell any bond to
anyone. That’s why it is a private limited company.
Now I highlight few advantages and disadvantages
about their experience on their ownership.

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Advantage And Disadvantages


• 1. Limited liability • 1. Limited Access of capital

2. Control of management 2. High government rule and regulation
3. Unlimited life 3. High taxation

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Topic one
Improving Agriculture,
Improving Lives
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Growvita agro’s goal will be achieving revolution in
the area of agriculture by increasing quality and
improvement in quality of products.
Some of the popular growvita products are:

1. Growvita Liquid Fertilizers

2. Growvita Organic Fertilizers

3. Growvita Biostumulants

4. Growvita soil conditioners

East Delta University 14/3/2023 15
Stock Growvita will
issue 30% of
the shares in
the stock
Growvita Some strategies ‘Growvita Agro’ can
1. Expand into new market

2. Develop new products or


3. Increase Market Share

4. Improve operational efficiency

5. Investing in technology and

And for the partnership, Growvita is planning to trade among themselves 14/3/2023 16
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So, Growvita Agro’s Goal is to serve Smart

Specific Measurable Achievement Realistic Timely

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CSR Practice highlights

Petrochem Bangladesh Ltd is engaged in a number of initiatives aimed at

promoting sustainability, environmental stewardship, and community development.
Some examples of the company’s CSR activities includes:

1. Environmental Sustainability

2. Employee Welfare

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Thank You

East Delta University 14/3/2023 19

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