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Rosalind Franklin
Franklin was born in 1920
1 in London.

El trabajo anterior de Rosalind

había sido crucial para esto y
2 para el descubrimiento general
de la doble hélice del ADN.
Rosalind Franklin

Rosalind was 30 years old when she generated

a photograph, known as "Photo 51", which was
3 key to demonstrating for the first time what the
structure of DNA, which until then had been a
mystery, should be like.

She was a British chemist and crystallographer

whose work was instrumental in understanding
4 the molecular structures of DNA, RNA, viruses,
carbon, and graphite.
Rosalind Franklin

5 In 1951 began working for King's College

London as an expert in X-ray crystallography.

Rosalind Franklin began experimenting with

X-ray diffraction to study the DNA molecule
and soon created the iconic "Photo 51" with
6 Raymond Gosling, a PhD student
collaborating with her department.
Rosalind Franklin But in addition to
began photography, the
experimenting with expert recorded
X-ray diffraction to precise
study the DNA measurements and
molecule and soon observations in her
created the iconic laboratory
"Photo 51" with notebooks that
Raymond Gosling, would be decisive
a PhD student for the
collaborating with advancement of
her department. science.
Rosalind Franklin

7 Franklin had many obstacles to

go to university.

Rosalind Franklin died of ovarian

8 cancer in 1958.

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