Lecture 4 Hrmatif

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Human Resource Management

Lecture 4

MGT 350

Last lecture
• What is HRP
• Supply measurement
• Demand Measurement
(Trying to predict future staffing needs)
Sales Projections
Vacancy Analysis (projected turnover)
(Predicting worker flows and availabilities)
Succession or Replacement Charts
Skills Inventories (use of HRIS)
Markov Analysis (Transition Matrix)
Personnel Ratios
Regression Analysis
Trend Analysis


Equal Opportunity Employment


• Government legislation affects all HRM

• Municipal laws impact HRM, as well as
the Federal laws
What is equal employment opportunity?
• Laws and Policies designed to protect the discrimination
among the applicants.
– Colour
– Gender
– Religion
– Member of a particular group
• Affirmative Action:
The requirement that organizations take proactive steps to
ensure the full participation of protected groups in its
Guarding Against Discrimination Practices

• Determining Potential Discriminatory

– The 4/5ths Rule
– Restricted Policy
– Geographical Comparisons
– McDonnell-Douglas Test
Guarding Against Discrimination Practices

• The 4/5ths Rule

– Compares selection ratio for minority

applicants to that for majority applicants
– If less than 4/5ths (80%), discrimination may
have occurred.
– Applies to all steps in a selection process.
Guarding Against Discrimination Practices

• Restricted Policy
– infractions occur when HRM activities result in
exclusion of a class of individuals
• E.g., laying off employees over age 40 while
recruiting younger workers
Guarding Against Discrimination Practices

• Geographical Comparisons

Characteristics of the qualified

pool of potential applicants

are compared to

characteristics of employees
Guarding Against Discrimination Practices

• McDonnell-Douglas Test
– Individual is member of a protected group.
– Individual is qualified for job.
– Individual is rejected.
– Organization continues to seek other
applicants with similar qualifications.
Responding to an EEO Charge
• Employers should discontinue practices
which cannot be defended.
• Practice reinstated only after
– Careful study
– Practice is modified, if necessary
• Three defenses:
– Business necessity
– Bona Fide occupations qualifications
– Seniority System
Responding to an EEO Charge
• Business Necessity
– the right to expect
employees to perform
– shown by demonstrating
that selection criteria
are job-related
Responding to an EEO Charge
• Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications
– Can be use when job requirements are
“Reasonably necessary to meet the normal
operation of that business or enterprise”
• Prison guards
• Washroom attendants
Responding to an EEO Charge
• Seniority Systems
– Decisions that adversely affect protected
group members may be permissible if:
– Based on well-established and consistently
applied seniority systems
– Promotion and pay plan.
Current Issues in Employment Law
• What is Sexual Harassment?
– Unwanted activity of a sexual nature that affects an
individual’s employment
• Sexual harassment can occur where: verbal or
physical conduct toward an individual:
– (1) creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile
– (2) unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work
– (3) adversely affects employee’s employment
Current Issues in Employment Law
• Are Women Reaching the Top of
– Comparable worth - determining fair pay for both
female-oriented jobs and male-oriented jobs
based on comparable skill, effort, and
– Glass ceiling - lack of women and minority
representation at the top levels of organizations.
– The invisible barrier that blocks females and minorities
from ascending into upper levels of an organization.
• What is equal employment opportunity?
• Determining Potential Discriminatory Practices
– The 4/5ths Rule
– Restricted Policy
– Geographical Comparisons
– McDonnell-Douglas Test
• Three defenses:
– Business necessity
– Bona Fide occupations qualifications
– Seniority System
• Comparable worth
• Glass ceiling

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