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Is a natural shape of land.
Different landforms are found on
earth. Among these are plains,
plateaus, mountains, volcanoes,
hills, valleys, islands, peninsulas
and isthmuses.
Kinds of Landforms
Plains are wide and flat stretches of land.
Plains are highly suitable for planting
crops such as rice and corn. They are also
excellent sites for building homes and other
structures. Most people live in plains.
In the Philippines, the widest plain is found
in Central Luzon. Plain occupy much of the
country’s land area.
Plateaus are high landforms with a flat top.
The temperatures in plateaus are much lower
than those in plains. Grasses and similar plants
grow well in these landforms. This makes plateaus
great grazing ground for cattle.
The Bukidnon plateau is an example of this
landform in the Philippines. Baguio City is
also located on a plateau.
Mountains are the highest landforms.
Mountains are landforms with steep sides
that rise over other landforms.
A series of mountains is known
as a mountain range.
Mountains, with their rich soil, make them
excellent areas for planting crops.
Mount Apo in the province of Davao is the
highest mountain in the Philippines.
Volcanoes are mountains with openings.
A volcano is a mountain with an opening on its
topmost part. Gases, ashes, and very hot rocks called
magma pass through this opening when the volcano
Mayon Volcano is found in the province of
Albay. It is known throughout the world
because of its near-perfect cone.
Hills are smaller than mountains and
Hills are small areas of land that are higher
than plains but much lower and smaller than
mountains and volvanoes. .
The Chocolate Hills in Carmen, Bohol are covered
with green grass, which turns brown during the dry
months of the year. When this happens, the hills
look like mounds of chocolate from afar.
Valleys are found between mountains
or hills.
Valleys are low-lying lands between
mountains or hills.
In the Philippines, there are many valleys among
its mountanous regions all over the country. Among
the crops planted in them are rice, vegetables and
Islands are set at the center of water.
An island is a landform that is surrounded by
water on all sides.
A large group of islands that are close to each
other form an archipelago.
Because of the waters that surround it, an
island is a source of limestone.
The Coron islands in Busuanga, Palawan are
among the limestone islands that form the
Philippine Archipelago.
Peninsulas are surounded on
three sides by water.
A Peninsula is a narrow strip of land that is
surrounded on three sides by water.
The Cavite Peninsula is an example of this
landform in the Philippines.
Isthmuses join two larger land areas.
An isthmus is like a land bridge that connects
two larger land areas.
Part of the isthmus of Aurora Province.

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