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Grup A:
Try Suheri Effendi
Siti Humairoh
Nanda Triana
Danissa Fitriamalia
Table of contents
01 02
Definition Research Type of Research
Question Question

Example Within the
English Language
Teaching Context
Definition Research
A research question is an inquiry that the
research attempts to answer. A good
research question defines your study
and helps you seek an answer to your
research. Moreover, a clear research
question guides the research paper or
thesis to define exactly what you want
to find out, giving your
work its objective.
Type of Research
Types of Research Question:
1. Quantitative Research Question
i. Descriptive Questions
ii. Comparative Questions
iii. Relationship-Based Questions
1. Comparative question) : Is there a significant difference
between student with good grammar and apply it in speaking
& students not good at grammar and doesn't apply it in
2. What is the relationship between perfect grammar & good
speaking skills
3. (Relationship Based Question) : To what extent can perfect
grammar predict good speaking skills?
Research Topic Example #1: What is the effect of personal
technology on today’s youth? Survey Question: Do you feel that
personal technology has positively or negatively affected you?

Research Topic Example #1: Are people more likely to buy a product
after a celebrity promotes it? Survey Question: Would you ever try a
new product because a celebrity you respect said that it worked for

Research Topic Example #1: How do preschoolers in a play-based

program handle transitions between activities? Survey Question:
How do you feel when it’s time to put your toys away and start the
next activity?
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