Building & Managing Web Sites: HTML Review

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Building & Managing Web Sites

HTML Review

April 12

Valtara Digital Design, 2000

Importance of HTML
HTML most important protocol for webmasters. HTML allows authors to publish online documents with headings, text, tables, lists, graphics, etc. HTML originally intended for exchange of technical documents, but has far outgrown those simple original goals. Serious web authors must have excellent HTML skills! (at least for now)
April 12 Valtara Digital Design, 2000 2

HTML Standards
Based upon Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) [ISO 8879] a language for describing document markup languages. SGML around since mid-1980s and fairly stable. Very rich functionality, but very complex to use. HTML specified a small subset of structural tags for authoring relatively simple documents and allowing hypertext (links).
April 12 Valtara Digital Design, 2000 3

HTML Standards
HTML Standard managed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Several HTML versions available at W3C site (
HTML 2.0 (Nov.1995) - base version HTML 3.2 (Jan.1997) - Frames, expanded tables, improved forms HTML 4.0 (Dec.1997) - CSS, scripting, deprecated tags HTML 4.01 (Dec.1999) - Minor fixes XHTML 1.0 (Jan. 2000) - Integrating HTML into XML
April 12 Valtara Digital Design, 2000 4

HTML Terminology
Element Used to identify the basic structures and/or behaviors of a document
Case insensitive

Consists of start tag, content, and end tag

Some elements do not require or have content or end tags (e.g., <P> or <BR>)

April 12

Valtara Digital Design, 2000

HTML Terminology
Tags the codes that define an element. Denoted using < and > symbols. End tags start use a slash, e.g., </P> What is the difference between Elements and Tags?
Elements (not tags) meant to identify the structural and presentational, & semantic information of the content. Tags define an element's region and other information about the element.
April 12 Valtara Digital Design, 2000 6

HTML Terminology
Attributes Properties of an element. Included within an elements start tag. Like properties in programming languages. Frequently in the form property = value.
Deprecated an HTML element or attribute that has been outdated by new constructs. So far, virtually all browsers support all deprecated elements/attributes, but may not in future.
April 12 Valtara Digital Design, 2000 7

Basic HTML Elements

HTML element
HEAD element TITLE element
Important Prominently displayed in browser and most search results. Put most important/unique information early in title.
E.g., not New Page or Home Page, instead Home Page HTML Fanatics Society
April 12 Valtara Digital Design, 2000 8

META provide additional information about the page that is not visible. METAs made up of property and value pairs. Description META
<META <meta name="Description" content=2-3 sentence description of content>

PICS -- learn more at HTTP-EQUIV Can force values into the HTTP header, e.g., Expires
<META http-equiv=Expires content=Sat, 01 Jan 1999 12:00:00 GMT>
April 12 Valtara Digital Design, 2000 9

Document <BODY>
The GUTS OF THE PAGE! Attributes: Background, BGCOLOR, text, link, vlink [deprecated in HTML 4 because of CSS] Replaced by FRAMESET element for documents using frames.

April 12

Valtara Digital Design, 2000


Heading elements
Use to mark the major headings of document. H1 typically too large, but ... H3 often roughly equal to the default bolded normal text for many browsers.

Use of H4-H6 rare.

Will be more useful with style sheets
April 12 Valtara Digital Design, 2000 11

Table Element
Always set the border attributes explicitly Use borderless tables and cell merging for page layout Avoid assigning width unless absolutely needed -if needed use percentages rather than pixels! Use bgcolor attribute for cheap color effects <TH> tag is rarely used HTML 4 allows much more control of table formatting - take a look!
April 12 Valtara Digital Design, 2000 12

Anchor Element
Avoid too many links in paragraphs Make anchor captions short but descriptive On downloadable links, provide document type and size so user know what they are getting into. When naming anchors/bookmarks, it IS case-sensitive and avoid punctuation and spaces
April 12 Valtara Digital Design, 2000 13

Other Tags you should know!

<p> <br> <hr> <div> <span> <ol> <ul> <li> <strong> <em> <big> <small> <tt> <pre> <img>

April 12

Valtara Digital Design, 2000

Deprecated Elements (Dont Use)

<center> use align attributes <font> use style sheets when possible <b> use <strong> <i> use <em> <u> Underlining implies an anchor on the web and hence should not be used.
Valtara Digital Design, 2000 15

April 12

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