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Bilingual Education: effect

on language proficiency of
Grade-7 students of Agdangan
National High School
Bilingual Education

This study generally determined the effects of Bilingual Education on the

Language Proficiency of Grade -7 Students at Agdangan National High School.
Specially, this study aimed to answer the following Questions: (1) What is the
profile of the respondents in terms of: Age,Gender, Dominant Language. (2)
What is the effect of Bilingual Education to the Language

Proficiencies of Grade-7 Students? (3) Are there significant differences of

Bilingual Education to the Language Proficiencies of Grade-7 Students? (4)
What program/ project may be proposed to improve to students Language
The study attempted to test that there is no significant
difference in Language proficiency of the students on using
Bilingual Education.

This study randomly students coming from each section

using the Slovin’s formula. The total number of sections in
Grade-7 were five. The respondents of the study were
composed of thirty-nine (39) grade 7 students in section
Chives, forty-one (41) students in section Turmeric, forty-one
(41) students in section Aloe Vera, thirty-nine (39) students in
section Eucalyptus and Forty-one (41) in section of Blumeia
with the total of two hundred one (201) students who enrolled
during . Out of 201 population size, we got 57 sample size.

Section No. of Respondents


Chives 39 11

Turmeric 41 12

Aloe Vera 41 12

Eucalyptus 39 12

Blumea 41 11

Total 201 57
 This study also presents related study and
literature about the stated problem, from the
different studies of professional's in our nation
and in the other nation that tackles about the
effects of Bilingual Education to the Language
Proficiency of the Grade 7 Students which
explain the different factors that caused the
 Michelle Manno(2013)
 Orsula et al (2010)
 Pro English Organization (2000)
 Study of unknown (2008)
 Diego Vege and Cindy Kronauge (2006)
 Baker(2001)
Findings 1.1
Table 1.1 shows the age of the respondents, where in 75.42% of them
ages 12 years old got the highest percentage followed by 14.06% who ages 13
years old, the third one got the 7% of the ages 11 years old, while the 3.52
percent of the respondents ages 14 years old and above got the lowest
Conclusion 1.1
This tells us most of the respondents, wherein ages 12 years old got the
highest percentage because it’s the right age for the Grade 7, while ages 14
year old and above got the lowest percentage because most of the students in
this age are now in grade 8 and grade 9.
Finding 1.2
Table 1.2 shows the gender of the respondents, where in most of them were
female with a percentage of 59.64% while only 40.36% of the respondents
where male.
Conclusion 1.2
This implies that the female respondents dominates the male
respondents according to gender.
Recommendation 1.1 and 1.2
The varied profile of the respondents should be considered in
conducting a research like the age and gender.
Finding 1.3
Table 1.3 shows the dominant language of the respondents, it
revealed that 56 or 98.25% of the respondents understand and used
most of the time the Filipino language, while 1 or 1.75% of the
respondents choose English as their dominant language .
Conclusion 1.3
This tells us that most of the respondents, used and
understand well the Filipino Language because it’s our own
dialect and it is the language that we uses in everyday
Recommendation 1.3
It is recommended to practice other language specially English so
that the respondents will use it in their classroom discussion.
Finding 2
Table 1.5 revealed that ages 12 years old got the highest mean in
Filipino and English. While the ages 11 and 14 years old and
above got the lowest mean. It only shows that those
respondents who are 12 years old understand well the Filipino
and English language. It also shows that respondents got higher
mean in Filipino than in English.
Conclusion 2
It is therefore concluded that Grade 7 students age 11 and 14
years old and above got the lowest mean. It is because students
ages 11 are too young to understand English story and those 14
years old and above students are having their part time job and
old enough to focus on their studies too much.
Recommendation 2
It is recommended to focus on those student ages 11, 14 and
above because they got the lowest mean (average score) in the
research made. It also recommended to conduct a remedial to
those students so that they can improve the performance of the
students in their least language proficiency area?
Finding 3.
Table 3 shows the mean language proficiency of the
respondents when group according to gender. We got
3.47 in Filipino and 3.17 in English when we get the total
average score of the male while the total average of
female in Filipino is 3.97 and in the English is 3.76. It only
revealed that students got high average score in Filipino
than in English and Female got higher grades than the
boys in both languages.
Conclusion 3
Mean language proficiency of the Female are higher
than the mean language proficiency of the male.
Recommendation 3
It is recommended to focus on male students
specially in their least language proficiency (English).
Findings 4
Table 4 indicates that language proficiencies of grade 7 students
has a t-computed value of 2.0 is greater than the t.0.5 value of
1.980, fail to accept the null hypothesis. This stipulated that
there is significance difference between language proficiency of
grade 7 students in bilingual education.
Conclusion. 4
There is significance difference between language proficiency of
grade 7 students in bilingual education.
Recommendation 4
It is important to help the students in their least language
proficiency. The t-test revealed that there is a significant
difference between the performance of the students in reading
and answering Filipino and English story. Many students find
difficulties in terms of understanding English. So it is
recommended to put a sub-title or translation in the test. It is
also recommended to conduct a remedial every afternoon to
improve the performance of the students.

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