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Journey - út, utazás

Explorer - felfedező
Voyage - út, utazás
Merchant - kereskedő
To discover - felfedezni
Sailor - hajós
Native - őslakos
Ambitious - célratörő
Native American - indián
Spice - fűszer
Benefit - haszon
To prove - bebizonyítani
Trade - kereskedelem
Spherical / globe - gömb alakú
To trade - kereskedni
To convince - meggyőzni
Trading - kereskedelmi
Support - támogatás
● The first peoples in the Americas lived there for thousands
of years before European explorers arrived:

■ North: - Eskimo
- Aleut
■ South: - Carib
- Aztec
- Maya
- Inca
Christopher Columbus:
- merchants
- sailor
- ambitious man
- wants to find new, safer route to the Far East
- wants to prove that the Earth is spherical / globe and not FLAT
Columbus convinced the Queen (Isabella of
Castile) and the King (Ferdinand of Aragon) for
support of his journey

● Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492

Santa Maria
He thought that he went to India so he called the people
who lived there Indians.
Native American -
Indians - indiai
Benefits of the discovery of the New World:
- potatoes
- tomatoes
- corn
- new trading route
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