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Case Study: Ben and Zerry

Presented to
Professor Mohammad Kamrul Ahsan (KRL)

Presented by
Group 04
Department of History and Philosophy
Name ID Topic

Zawad Ahmed 1722219030 Introduction and Ethical

Salman Farshi 1531532030 First part
Dewan Tauhidul Haque 1711511030 Second part
Sayed Nafiul Haque 1831085030 Third Part
Shafreen Beg 1821747630 Fourth part
Sharmin akter sumi 1713037630 Conclusion
 Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc. (B&J) is one of the two major
players in the super premium ice-cream market in the United
States of America.
 the company faces the risk of falling behind strong competition.
In order to strengthen its competitive position it will have to
drive down the cost of sales, expand internationally, and
expand domestically.
 Health conscious consumers: As health awareness continues to
rise throughout the population, it has the potential to slow
down sales of the high-fat super premium flavours.
Ethical Issues
1 Diminishing Freedom of Choices

2 Calorie Concern

3 Environmental Footprint

4 : Social Activism
First Issue : Diminishing Freedom of Choices

Kant’s theory of duty – To buy safety items and person’s

independence of purchasing decisions.

Bentham’s act of utilitarianism – Cost of the Ice cream, maximum

happiness and pleasure on all the people of the society.

Second Issue : Calorie Concern

Economists Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill according to

them, which an action (or type of action) is right if it tends to
promote happiness or pleasure and wrong if it tends to produce
Third Issue : Environmental Footprint

Kantian theory holds that human beings have duties

“regarding” flora and non-human animals.
Decreasing the size of the environmental footprint of the paper it
used for the containers of the products

Reducing the environmental

impact of their dairy and other Getting rid of toxic materials
livestock farms
Fourth Issue : Social Activism

Stand Against Oil Drilling in Alaska

Lobbied for same-sex marriage in Vermont

Protest against FDA’s approval of cloned

meat & dairy products

Festivals to educate about global warming

and peace
The company is still very healthy and has good
prospects for future success. B&J are still at the top
of the super premium ice-cream industry. we believe
that the investor should have confidence in investing
further into the company

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