CV Writing

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JC Neelu Tuteja

JC Neelu Tuteja

Did You Know...

Fact #1: Recruiters sort through 1,000's of resumes daily by computer and only 1% of those get a thorough read through. Fact #2: On the average, employers grant one interview per 245 resumes. Fact #3: Research revealed that for every 1,400 resumes sent out, there is only ONE job offer! Fact #4: According to HR professionals survey, nearly 94% of resumes in circulation (either on paper or in cyberspace) are bad. Fact #5: One study showed that 82% of job hunters can't prove their top ten skills for the jobs for which they are interviewing.

JC Neelu Tuteja

What is a Resume?
The interview gets you the job, the resume gets you the interview!
Positions you in the mind of the employer, thus creating a value.

The answer to What can you do for me?

Makes the first impression about you.

Highlights the relevant facts about you, your education, and your experience.

JC Neelu Tuteja

The most common reason to prepare a resume is to get a job

Or, more specifically an interview But sometimes, resumes are used to establish your credentials They often accompany proposals and grant applications and serve to establish the suitability of the applicants for the proposed job or financing opportunity

JC Neelu Tuteja

It is important to sell yourself a little 1. Let the reader know what theyll get if they hire you 2. Be specific 3. Present yourself in the best light 4. Convince the prospective employer that you have what it takes to succeed

Why are you doing this and for whom JC Neelu Tuteja

A CV is used in academic and research-oriented job searches.

A resume is used in business, government and other types of job searches. 1 page, 2 pages max.

A CV is of flexible length. A CV is a record of your academic accomplishments and credentials.

JC Neelu Tuteja

Should be targeted to a particular job in a particular field.

RESUME CONTENT: Does it sell you to an employer?

Put in everything that would point out why you would be good at the job.

JC Neelu Tuteja


Know Yourself

Current Values, Interests, Skills, Personality Traits and Personal Priorities. Goal Setting. Matching goals, transferable skills, and personal needs to a career path.

Explore Career Opportunities

A list of potential employers. Your dream company or companies where you would like to work Job descriptions from past positions. where you have

served earlier

JC Neelu Tuteja

Essentials of a Resume
Clear Objective
Professional Summary Core Competency (area of expertise) Professional Experience Educational Qualification Technical Qualification Achievements Personal Vitae References

JC Neelu Tuteja

There are three (really two) basic formats used to organize your resume

In a chronological resume All the experience you have accrued is listed, job by job in reverse chronological order

A functional resume highlights your skills and accomplishments

A combined resume includes elements of both these formats and can take advantage of the strengths of each type while avoiding their negatives

Resume Formats

JC Neelu Tuteja

Begin with an objective

But not like this:

Objective: To obtain a position that will allow me to advance my potential while seeking new and exciting challenges.

Like this:

Objective: An entry-level position in mechanical engineering where strong leadership ability and good communication skills are needed. Objective: Vice-president of aerospace engineering in an agency where extensive knowledge of thermodynamics and heat transfer are needed.
JC Neelu Tuteja

SUMMARY Is a concise section about what you have to offer to a prospective employer. Make it Lively & readable

EXAMPLE 1 Fourteen years of marketing experience, proven ability in building brands.

Electrical engineer with over fifteen years of experience in the aerospace industry. Adept at forming productive project teams. Excellent management and communication skills. Recipient of the IEEE Medal of Honor, 2005. Energetic selfstarter with excellent analytical skills seeks dynamic position overseas.
JC Neelu Tuteja

Contact Information
DEEPA SANKAR 409-b, Cross Road South Extn-I New Delhi-11 Mob: 09995595959
Deepa sankar 409-b, cross Road, South Extn-I New-Delhi-11 Mob: 09995595959

Rajesh Krishnan 580 Church Road Phone: 022-2354698 Worli, Bombay-69 Mob: 09747123333 Rajesh Krishnan

580 Church Road Phone: 022-2354698 Worli, Bombay-69 Mob: 09747123333
JC Neelu Tuteja

Reverse chronological order. Divide the Relevant Experience with Work History.

Five Components: Job Title Name of Employer Location Dates of employment Description
JC Neelu Tuteja


Unaccountable gaps Street address

Supervisor names
Telephone number Reason for leaving.

EDUCATION List most recent education first. Mention Date of Completion and University/College name. Percentage only if I class. Academic honors. Dont include high school (unless this is your highest level of education).

RELEVANT COURSEWORK (optional) This is for new graduates or current students. This lets the employer know which courses you have already completed. Do not list every course, only relevant courses to specific skills.

ACTIVITES & HONORS Only if relevant to job. Mention scholarships, memberships etc. Community work, volunteer work etc. Dont include anything from before college. Avoid controversial topics such as Politics, Religion etc.

JC Neelu Tuteja

PERSONAL VITAE Technological Skills. Foreign Language.

HOBBIES & INTERSTS Dont list unless Organized, that is, if you belong to a club or group Relevant to the position

REFERENCES Must come as a separate document using the same header on resume. Do not send to employer unless they request it. Between 3-5 references, All individuals with direct knowledge of your job abilities. Or a professor of main subjects. Ask the permission of references before giving their names and numbers.

JC Neelu Tuteja

Should I Have More Than One Version of My Resume?

Create a targeted resume each time you apply for an opportunity. Develop a 'generic' resume to use in online databases.

JC Neelu Tuteja

JC Neelu Tuteja

Career break in 1999 to renovate my horse Hobbies: enjoy cooking Chinese and Italians I am about to enroll on a Business and Finance Degree with the Open University. I feel that this qualification will prove detrimental to me for future success. I believe that weakness is the first level of strength, given the right attitude and driving force. My school advised me to fix my punctuality One applicant used colored paper and drew glitter designs around the border The objective on one recent resume I received stated that the applicant wished to pursue a challenging account executive position with our rival firm. I once received a resume with a head and shoulders picture in the top left of the first page. The picture was of a lions head, wearing a coat, shirt, and tie. One resume that came across my desk stated how the individual had won a contest for building toothpick bridges in middle school.

JC Neelu Tuteja

She wanted a cum job!

JC Neelu Tuteja

The state of Computer Professionals here This is the stage of the Computer Professionals passing out from their M.Sc.

JC Neelu Tuteja

Resume presentation
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.! But In resume presentation, beauty is NOT in the eyes of the beholder.

JC Neelu Tuteja

It starts with a K.I.S.S.

Keep it Simple, Stupid K.I.S.S.

Never try to get overly fancy with your resume. It is a marketing tool and the product is YOU!

Dont waste valuable time on fancy design.

JC Neelu Tuteja

JC Neelu Tuteja

DOs of Resume
1 to 2 page. Write in telegraphic style- without verbs, articles or connectives. 10-12 font size. Times New Roman, Arial, Bookman, Trebuchet, Lucida Sans, Garamond, Verdana etc. Be consistent with fonts/size/bold/italics etc. Spread out information. Indented or bulleted statements. Bolding, different size fonts. Your name should be largest font on page. Write in third person.

JC Neelu Tuteja

Donts of a resume

Height, weight, place of birth, marital status, race, caste, religion and health.
Fancy Fonts, Clip art or non-traditional paper. Dont go for bordered paper. Dont fold resume, dont stuff into envelope, dont crumple.

The word "Resume" at the top!

Avoid Details of Travels. Any statement that begins with "I" or "My" Reasons for leaving previous job(s). Picture of yourself. Salary Information. References. Religion, church affiliations, political affiliations.

JC Neelu Tuteja

Dos & Donts

JC Neelu Tuteja

WHAT SHOULD YOUR COVER LETTER DO FOR YOU? It should answer the question why should I hire you?

FIRST PARAGRAPH: This is the "why I'm writing to you" paragraph This is short - usually 2-3 sentences. Show from your research why you are interested in this position or organization

JC Neelu Tuteja

This is the "why I'm qualified" paragraph.

Highlight some of your most relevant experiences and qualities as they relate to the position for which you are applying.

Choose 2 - 3 points you want to make about Specific experiences/accomplishments or about general qualities you have exhibited.

provide Specific examples to support those points.

This is usually the longest paragraph of the letter

JC Neelu Tuteja

This is a short 2-4 sentences paragraph.

You should refer to the enclosed resume, request an interview and let the reader know what will happen next

It is vital that you thank the reader for his/her time and consideration.

JC Neelu Tuteja

Does your resume answer these questions:

Does it clearly and quickly communicate to employer that you can do the job? Do your strengths come across? Does everything support the job you are targeting? Should anything be removed? Does it really sell your skills?
JC Neelu Tuteja

JC Neelu Tuteja

JC Neelu Tuteja

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