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Media Literacy, Information
Literacy and Technology
What is Literacy?
● UNESCO defines literacy as the
 ability to identify,
 understand,
 interpret,
 create,
 communicate and compute
● using printed and written materials associated with varying
● it involves a wide range of learning, wherein individuals
able to develop their knowledge and skills, achieve their
goals, and participate fully in their community and wider
Media Literacy, Information Literacy and
Technology Literacy
• are all important skills for navigating the increasingly complex and
interconnected world in which we live.

• developing
 media literacy,
 information literacy,
 and technology literacy
skills can help individuals become more;
 informed and effective members of society,
 better able to navigate and participate in the world around them.

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Lesson 2:
Media Literacy, Information Literacy
and Technology Literacy
Learning Objective

01 Identify the similarities and differences of media literacy,

information literacy, and technology literacy

Understand and value the concept of Media and Information

02 Literacy as a whole
Differences between media literacy,
information literacy, and technology

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Media literacy
• refers to the ability to
 access,
 analyze,
 evaluate,
 and create media in various forms.

• It involves being able to understand and critically evaluate media

messages and the ways in which they shape our perceptions and

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Media literacy
• Some key skills and concepts associated with media literacy include:
• Understanding different forms of media (e.g. television, social media, news,
• Identifying and analyzing different types of media messages (e.g.
persuasive techniques, bias, stereotypes)
• Evaluating the credibility and reliability of media sources
• Creating media messages that are clear, effective, and ethical

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Information Literacy
• refers to the ability to
 locate,
 evaluate,
 and use information effectively and ethically.

• It involves being able to access and analyze information from a

variety of sources and to use that information to solve problems or
make informed decisions.

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Information Literacy
• Some key skills and concepts associated with information literacy
• Understanding the structure and organization of information (e.g.
databases, search engines, library catalogs)
• Evaluating the credibility and reliability of information sources (e.g.
websites, books, articles)
• Using information effectively and ethically (e.g. citing sources, avoiding
• Being able to identify and use different types of information for different
purposes (e.g. scholarly articles, popular magazines, social media)

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Technology Literacy
• refers to the ability to use technology effectively and efficiently in
order to
 solve problems,
 communicate,
 and create new knowledge.

• It involves being able to navigate and understand the various tools

and platforms that are available in today's digital world.

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Technology Literacy
• Some key skills and concepts associated with technology literacy
• Understanding how different types of technology work (e.g. hardware,
software, networks)
• Being able to use technology to communicate and collaborate with others
(e.g. email, video conferencing, social media)
• Using technology to organize and manage information (e.g. spreadsheets,
• Understanding how to use technology to create and share digital content
(e.g. multimedia presentations, websites, blogs)

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“Media literacy, information literacy,
and technology literacy are combined

Media and Information Literacy (MIL)”


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Media and Information Literacy
• UNESCO defines Media and Information Literacy as

“a set of competencies that empowers citizens to access, retrieve,

understand, evaluate and use, to create as well as share information
and media content in all formats, using various tools, in a critical,
ethical and effective way, in order to participate and engage in
personal, professional and societal activities.”

• In simpler terms, it is the ability to effectively and efficiently create, use, comprehend, and
share information through any mediated communication.
• The ability to navigate the media is a powerful and crucial skill.

Photo Credit: Components of Communication - Google Search

5 key concepts of media literacy
01 : Media are constructions:
• Media are not objective reflections of reality, but rather constructed
by individuals or organizations with specific goals, values, and

• This means that media messages can contain biases, assumptions, and
ideological viewpoints that need to be critically analyzed.

• For example,
“news media may report on a political event from a particular
perspective that reflects the biases of the media outlet or the journalists
covering the event”
02 : Media have commercial and political implications:
• Media messages are often created for specific purposes, such as selling
products or promoting particular political viewpoints.

• Understanding these commercial and political implications is crucial

for being an informed and critical media consumer.

• For example,
“advertisements for beauty products may create unrealistic beauty
standards that can lead to negative body image issues for some individuals.”
02 : Media have commercial and political implications:
• Representations of world issues, both in journalism and fiction, can
affect how much attention they receive; and society’s views towards
different groups can be directly influenced by how – and how often –
they appear in media.
• And so we ask:

• Who and what is shown in a positive light? In a negative light?

• Why might these people and things be shown this way?

• Who and what is not shown at all?

• What conclusions might audiences draw based on these facts?

03 : Media have social and cultural implications:
• Media messages can reinforce or challenge social norms and cultural
values, and have the power to shape our perceptions and beliefs about
the world.
• Media literacy involves being able to analyze these social and cultural
implications in order to better understand the ways in which media
impact our lives.

• For example,
“For example, movies and television shows can portray certain groups of
people in stereotypical ways, perpetuating negative stereotypes and
reinforcing discrimination.”
Media messages are created using a creative language with
04 : its own rules: “Each medium has a unique aesthetic form”
• Media messages are created using a unique language that includes
elements such as visuals, sounds, and text.
• Understanding the conventions and rules of this language is crucial for
being able to analyze and interpret media messages effectively.

• For example,
“understanding how camera angles and lighting can affect the mood of a
movie or television show can help individuals better understand the intended
emotional impact of a scene.”
Media messages are created using a creative language with
04 : its own rules: “Each medium has a unique aesthetic form”

• This includes the technical, commercial, and creative demands of

each medium
• So ask yourself:

• What techniques does the media product use to get your

attention and to communicate its message?

• In what ways are the images in the media product manipulated

through various techniques (for example: lighting, makeup,
camera angle, photo manipulation)?

• What are the expectations of the genre (for example: print

advertising, TV drama, music video) towards its subject?
05 : Media audiences negotiate meaning:

• The meaning of media messages is not fixed or predetermined, but

rather negotiated by audiences based on their individual experiences,
values, and perspectives.
• Media literacy involves being able to recognize and critically analyze
the multiple meanings that can be derived from media messages.

• For example,
“a news story about a controversial political issue may be interpreted
differently by individuals with different political beliefs, based on their
preexisting attitudes and values”
05 : Media audiences negotiate meaning:

• which means that the different audiences may have varied takeaways
from the same content.
• MIL encourages us to understand how individual factors, such as age,
gender, race and social status affect our interpretations of media.
• We should ask:

• How might different people see this media product differently?

• How does this make you feel, based on how similar or different
you are from the people portrayed in the media product?
Benefits of Media and
Information Literacy

PHOTO : Media and Information Literacy - Google Search

1. It teaches you how to verify information and
acknowledge others’ perspectives.

 Is this photo real or edited?

 Did this person really say this statement?
 Is the source of this article credible?
 Is this post backed with evidence?
 These are the things the MIL teaches you to ask.
 Ultimately, it compels you to discern the credibility of information
come across especially on the Internet.
2. It encourages audiences to think critically.

• With critical thinking, you are able to wisely use the information you
have with you to objectively form an informed opinion or
perspective about a certain matter or issue.
• You are also able to discern whether these information makes sense,
what it contains, and what it lacks.
• You not only get to formulate your own ideas using the information
you’ve acquired, but also cite these ideas as examples to support your
3. It promotes responsible information sharing and

• With the spread of false information nowadays,

• MIL encourages you to step back and evaluate the truthfulness;
 of the things you share in social media and;
 even those that you speak of to your friends, relatives, or
4. It helps you identify and understand the media’s
role in our culture.

• From the billboards to the texts and the videos that we see around
us, media tend to promote our culture in various ways.

• MIL makes you conscious of these influences on your preferences,

tastes, choices, and even lifestyles.

• This is important for you to be aware of the extent of media’s

influence on your life so as for you to evaluate whether it has been
doing you good or bad.
5. It teaches you to think and decide objectively,
factually, and reasonably.

• Each story and information that you see everywhere you go has a side.

• MIL reminds us that the messages we encounter often have more than
one side and that it is our responsibility to explore these other angles.

• Knowing all sides of the story will not only keep you neutral in issues
but will also help you stay aware of texts or images that are meant to
deceive its readers into picking sides, such as fake news or propaganda
6. It encourages you to actively participate in public
affairs as a citizen.

• Media keeps you updated with what’s happening in current affairs.

• Have the opportunity to voice out your opinions (literally or in social media)

• Gives you the ability to actively engage in public discourse (healthy

conversations) where the views of people may affect the collective opinion
of others regarding a certain issue.

• If done correctly, sending out a voice or starting a movement through

social media can also make an impact in government affairs or make a
similar change in the world.
7. It teaches you to create your own content

• Media creators aren’t only those who work under the media industry.

• In reality, even our Facebook posts or tweet are already a form of


• You, in turn, are creating a piece of information that you’re willing to

share, and each post that you share on social media contains
information that you are responsible for.
8. It makes you better appreciate media products.
• MIL makes you more familiar of how media messages and productions
 created,
 developed,
 improved,
 packaged,
 advertised,
 and disseminated.

• Your knowledge on these make you value more the work and effort
poured into making such products.
• Moreover, as you view or listen products of art through media, you are
able to appreciate not only its entertainment value but also its technical

Activity 2.5: Disaster Scenario
• As earlier discussed, Information Literacy involves being able to
access, manage, and share information in a knowledgeable and
responsible manner.
• This is a test on how well you can do such task. Read and analyze
the situation below. Afterwards, answer the matrix that follows.

“According to the weather forecast, there is no typhoon.

However, your locality is experiencing heavy rainfall, while
some parts in your province /region are already flooded.
There are reported incidents of landslide, evacuation,
stranded vehicles and drowning. As a student, what are you
going to do?”
Information needs
What information do you need?
Sources of information
Where will you get them?
Access to information
How will you access them?
Evaluate information
How will you check the quality of

Organize information
How will you organize and store them
Communicate information
How will you create and communicate them?

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