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Prepared by:
Analyn L. Tribiana
Earth and Life Science
SY 2022-2023
1. Explain the different metabolic processes involved
in the various organ systems

2. Describe the general and unique characteristics of

the different organ systems in representative
animals. (S11/12LT-IIIaj-21)

2. Analyze and appreciate the functional relationships

of the different organ systems in ensuring animal
survival. (S11/12LT-IIIaj-22
Different Metabolic Processes
Objectives :
1.To define metabolism
2.To differentiate between catabolism and anabolism
3. To explain the different metabolic processes
involved in the various organ systems

Metabolism is from the Greek word metabolē ,
meaning "change" It is a set of life-sustaining
chemical trans- formations within the cells of living
The three main purposes of metabolism are;
1. The conversion of food/fuel to energy to run cellular
2. The conversion of food/fuel to building blocks
for proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and some
carbohydrates, a n d
3. The elimination of nitrogenous wastes.

• These enzyme-catalyzed reactions allow organisms

to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and
respond to their environments.

Metabolism can also refer to the sum of all chemical

reactions that occur in living organisms, including
digestion and the transport of substances into and
between different cells.
Intermediary metabolism.- The set of reactions within
the cells

Metabolism is usually
divided into two categories :
a). catabolism - the
breaking down of organic
matter by way of cellular

b). anabolism - the

building up of components
of cells such as proteins
and nucleic acids.
Metabolic Processes
Metabolic processes are sequences of biochemical
reactions that take place within living cells to
maintain life.
They can be divided into two main types :
A.Catabolic processes involve the breakdown of
complex molecules from food into smaller units that
can be used as building blocks for new molecules or
to provide energy
B.Anabolic processes involve the use of energy to
build new chemicals that become components of
cells. These reactions are made possible by a number
of organic catalysts known as enzymes.
Catabolic Processes
Some organisms, such as green plants, make their own
food from inorganic materials, while others, such as animals,
consume organic materials to obtain their nutrition.
The food consumed by animals can be broken down into
three main types
1. carbohydrates,
2. lipids (fats and oils), and
3. proteins.
Digestion involves catabolic processes that break these
down into simpler components. For example, relatively
complex carbohydrates, such as polysaccharides and
disaccharides are broken down into glucose, and proteins
are broken down into amino acids.
These simpler compounds may be used by anabolic
processes to build new materials, or they may be further
broken down to provide energy.
Cellular respiration is the process by which the
carbohydrate glucose (C6H12O6)
is broken down into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water
(H2O), producing energy that is stored in ATP. The
procedure involves oxidation, and where there is
atmospheric oxygen available it is used in what is known as
aerobic respiration. This is the process that takes place in
animals, plants and some microorganisms.

In conditions where no free oxygen is present,

anaerobic respiration takes place. This is found only in
certain microorganisms that live in soil, decaying organic
matter, under the sea, deep underground, and in the
intestines of animals. These organisms use alternatives
such as nitrates, sulfates, fumarate, and even sulfur in place
of free oxygen. Anaerobic respiration is much less efficient
than the aerobic process, and produces much less ATP.
Proteins are very large, complex molecules, made
up of building blocks known as amino acids.
Anabolic Processes
Also known as biosynthesis, these are reactions
that use up the energy stored in ATP by catabolic
processes. They include the building of proteins
from amino acids and the construction of DNA from
nucleotides. In animals, the muscle contractions
that power movement can also be included, as
these require the use of stored energy. In plants,
the synthesis of glucose from carbon dioxide and
water through photosynthesis is another anabolic
How do animal cells get food

Food to an animal cell is glucose. Glucose is a

monosaccharide (a simple sugar)
produced by plants in the process known as
photosynthesis. Glucose is used to produce the
energy to make another molecule called ATP
(adenosine triphosphate) which is the "energy
currency" of the cell (This process is called cellular
respiration and this process takes place in the
mitochondria of the cell.) All cells, regardless of
what living thing they are in, require glucose to
make ATP in sufficient quantities to run their
When we eat plants or animals, the glucose is of
often called polysaccharides (starches). During
the process of digestion, these molecules are
broken down to glucose. Other molecules made
from these simple sugars include the
disaccharides, or double sugars (table sugar,
sucrose, is one of these). Once these molecules
are broken down, the glucose enters the cell via
diffusion. Once the cell has the glucose, it is
transported to the mitochondria where it is then
processed to form the ATP.
How Cells Obtain Energy from Food
Cells require a constant supply of energy to generate and
maintain the biological order that keeps them alive. This
energy is derived from the chemical bond energy in food
molecules, which thereby serve as fuel for cells.
Sugars are particularly important fuel molecules, and
they are oxidized in small steps to carbon dioxide
(CO2) and water . In this section we trace the major
steps in the breakdown, or catabolism, of sugars and
show how they produce ATP, NADH (Nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide), and other activated carrier
molecules in animal cells. We concentrate on glucose
breakdown, since it dominates energy production in
most animal cells. A very similar pathway also operates
in plants, fungi, and many bacteria. Other molecules
, such as fatty acids and proteins, can also serve as
energy sources when they are funneled through
appropriate enzymatic pathways.
Organ Systems of the Human Body

Several major organ systems of animals work together in

keeping them alive in specific environments
1. Nutrition: Getting food to cells -
Nutrition is the process of taking in
food and using it for growth,
metabolism, and repair. Nutritional
stages are ingestion, digestion,
absorption, transport, assimilation, and
excretion. Body cells need food for
energy, growth and repair. However,
when food is eaten, it is not in a form
that can be used by cells in the body.
Food must be broken down into a form
that cells can use. The body changes
food into a usable form by means of a
group of organs known as the
digestive system. One important point
to consider is that all of the human
body systems are connected.
The endocrine system could be considered one of the most important
when it comes to nutrition. That’s because this organ system is
responsible for regulating appetite, nutrient absorption, nutrient storage,
and nutrient usage. The muscles and bones help grind the food during
biting and chewing, the smooth muscles is responsible for the peristalsis
in the digestive tract. While the circulatory system then transport the
nutrients to the cells.
2. Gas Exchange with the Environment - A person can survive a week
without food, few days without water but not more than five minutes without
oxygen. Breathing is a mechanical process; it is a process of pumping air
into (inhale oxygen) and out (exhale carbon dioxide) of the lungs. This is the
main function of the respiratory system. The respiratory organs filter particles
from the incoming air. They help control the temperature and water content
of air. They also aid in producing the sounds used in speech and play
important roles in the sense of smell and regulation of pH (potential
Respiration is made possible with
the help of the sheets of muscles in
the chest cavity attached to the rib
cage and the diaphragm at the
bottom of the lungs. The circulatory
system then transports oxygen
towards the cells and Carbon
dioxide from the cells.
3. Circulation: The Internal
Transport System - The circulatory
system is the life support system
that feeds your cells with food and
oxygen. The circulatory system is
like a network of highways, streets
and alleys connecting all the cells
together into a community. There
are three main parts of the
circulatory system: The heart, which
continuously pumps the blood, the
blood vessels which carry the blood
to different parts of the body and
the blood which contains nutrients
and oxygen to the cells and collects
waste and carbon dioxide from the
The muscular system allows the body to move voluntarily, but it also
controls involuntary movements of the heartbeat in the circulatory. It
consists of over six hundred skeletal muscles, as well as the heart
muscle, the smooth muscles and all your arterial blood vessels.

4. The need for Homeostasis - Homeostasis is the state of steady

internal, physical, and chemical conditions maintained by living
systems. This is the condition of optimal functioning for the organism
and includes many variables, such as body temperature and fluid
balance, being kept within certain pre-set limits (homeostatic range).
Metabolic homeostasis may be defined as when
the nutrients consumed and absorbed matches
the energy required to carry out life’s biological
processes. Simply put, nutrient energy intake
equals energy output. Other variables include
the pH of extracellular fluid, the concentrations
of sodium, potassium and calcium ions, as well
as that of the blood sugar level, and these need
to be regulated despite changes in the
environment, diet, or level of activity. Each of
these variables is controlled by one or more
regulators or homeostatic mechanisms which
together maintain life. Most physiological
systems in the body use feedback to maintain
the body’s internal environment exactly
balanced. The types of feedback systems are
negative and positive.
5. Salt and Water Balance and Waste
Removal – Living cells, tissues of one’s
body form chemical wastes. One of
these wastes is carbon dioxide gas that
is exhaled by the lungs. Other organs,
such as your skin and kidneys, help in
getting rid of liquid waste materials.
The integumentary system consists of
the skin, hair, nails and exocrine
glands. The skin is only a few
millimetres thick yet is by far the largest
organ in the body. Skin forms the
body’s outer covering and forms a
barrier to protect the body from
chemicals, disease, UV light and
physical damage.
The exocrine glands of the integumentary system produce sweat, oil and
wax to cool, protect and moisturize the skin’s surface.

The Excretory System. Our body carries different wastes. Wastes are
chemicals that are not needed and harmful in some ways. If wastes were
not removed from the body, the tissues could fill with poisonous waste
products and could destroy cells and tissues. Wastes are either made by
your body cells or are taken into your body as part of your diet. Getting
rid of liquid waste is the job of the urinary system. The body regulates its
salt and water balance not only by releasing excess sodium in urine, but
by actively retaining water. The body controls the amount of water
reabsorbed from the kidney through vasopressin, a hormone released by
the hypothalamus when it detects a concentration of salt in the blood
plasma. The kidneys clean the blood by filtering it, saving the reusable
materials and discarding the waste, then the waste exits the kidneys by
the ureter and stored in the bladder as urine.
6. The Immune System: Defense from
Disease - The immune system is the
body’s defense against infectious
organisms and other invaders through a
series of steps called the immune
response. The immune system attacks
and fights organisms and substances
that invade body systems that causes
diseases. Our immune system is made
up of a network of cells, tissues, and
organs that work together to protect the
body. The key primary lymphoid organs
of the immune system include the
thymus and bone marrow, as well as
secondary lymphatic tissues including
spleen, tonsils, lymph, vessels, lymph
nodes, adenoids, skin, and liver.
Other organs of the body aid in the defense against diseases
including the skin, a waterproof barrier that secretes oil with
bacteria-killing properties. The lungs has mucous (phlegm) which
traps foreign particles, and small hairs (cilia) wave the mucous
upwards so it can be coughed out. The digestive tract has mucous
lining containing antibodies, and the acid in the stomach can kill
most microbes. Additionally, body fluids like saliva and tears contain
anti-bacterial enzymes that help reduce the risk of infection. The
constant flushing of the urinary tract and the bowel also helps
7. How Hormones Govern Body
Activities - The endocrine system
allows different parts of our body to
communicate. It is made up of small
glands that make special chemicals
for carrying messages through the
body. Any organ, tissue or group of
cells that make a secretion is called a
gland. The chemicals made by
endocrine glands are called
hormones. Hormones are found in
the blood. Once in the blood,
hormones travel to different organs of
the body.
The word hormone comes from the Greek word that means
“to excite” which is what exactly what hormones do—to
excite a body activity.
Table 1 represents some of the major hormones secreted
and their functions. Hormones keep many of the body’s
activities at homeostasis by regulation. For instance, the
blood sugar rises after consuming a meal, the pancreas
secretes insulin to signal cells of the body to consume the
sugar in the bloodstream thus maintaining a homeostatic
level of blood sugar. The endocrine system is aided by the
circulatory system as the hormones are transported through
the blood.
8. The Nervous System – This system makes
you feel, know, and do anything. The nervous
system uses special cells to keep in touch.
These cells help the body communicate with
other body parts. The basic unit of the
nervous system are the nerve cells or
neurons. They are the information and signal
processors of the body. They receive and
transmit signals without the loss of signal
strength. Neurons receive information
through dendrites and transmit these signals
to the next nerve cell through axons.
Moreover, the nervous system regulates
behaviour, maintains homeostasis, and
controls sensory and motor functions. It is the
body’s mission control center.
The nervous system consists of brain, spinal cord, and many nerves. The
brain and spinal cord are protected by the skull and spinal column. The
endocrine glands work together with the nervous system to regulate
biological activities and maintain homeostasis.

9. The Body in Motion – The Musculoskeletal System also known as The

Locomotor System is an organ system that gives humans the ability to
move using their muscular and skeletal systems. The musculoskeletal
system provides form, support, stability, and movement to the body. The
Skeletal system’s functions includes: protect the vital organs inside the
body, provide anchor or support to the muscles, blood cell production sites,
and calcium and phosphorus storage sites. The skeleton is the framework
of the human body. Like anybody system, it is made up of various
organs/tissues which include the bone, cartilage, ligaments and tendons.
The Muscular System moves limbs and trunk, moves substances through
the body, provides structure and support.
Muscles are special kind of tissues that
brings about movement. The kind of
movement that muscles carry depends on
where they are located. Muscles are also
responsible for the movement of the body
fluids as blood, urine and they function in
heat production that helps maintain body
There are three kinds of muscles:
1. Skeletal muscle also known as the
voluntary muscles ;
2. Smooth or involuntary muscles which
form the muscle layers of the
digestive tract and other internal
organs: and
3. the cardiac or heart muscles.

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