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Why is research important?
A. It provides estimate basis for any practice in any field
B. It is undertaken for continuous development and
further productivity
C. It creates a problem to be more complicated
D. It does not promote the pursuit of knowledge
Which of the following statement
is not correct?
A. Research impacts decision making
B. Research develops and evaluates alternative
approaches to educational aspects of any discipline
C. The research aims to advance the personal and
professional qualifications of a practitioner
D. None of the above
Which of the following examples shows
that research could provide solution/s to
A. The Rich Culture of Lumad in Mindanao
B. Prevalence of Tuberculosis in the Province of
C. Stem Cell Therapy for Cancer Treatment
D. Causes and Effects of Increasing Gasoline Price in
the Philippines
4-5. Catherine conducted an experiment.
She observed the growth of monggo plant
when sub-jected to different lighting
conditions (without sunlight and with
4. What is /are the independent variable/s?
A. growth of monggo plant C. Without sunlight
B. With sunlight D. without sunlight and with
4-5. Catherine conducted an experiment.
She observed the growth of monggo plant
when sub-jected to different lighting
conditions (without sunlight and with
4. What is /are the dependent variable/s?
A. growth of monggo plant C. Without sunlight
B. With sunlight D. without sunlight and with
A group of college students were given a
short course in speed-reading. The
instructor was curious if a monetary
incentive would influence performance
on a reading test taken at the end of the
course. Half the students were offered
Php1000 for obtaining a certain level of
performance on the test, the other half
were not offered money.
Independent variable:
Dependent variable:
Experimental group:
Control group:
A social psychologist thinks that people
are more likely to conform to a large
crowd than to a single person. To test this
hypothesis, the social psychologist had
either one person or five persons stand on
a busy walking path on campus and look
up. The psychologist stood nearby and
counted the number of people passing by
who also looked up.
Independent variable:
Dependent variable:
Experimental group:
Control group:
The more time people spend
using social media, the less able
they are to express themselves in

Independent variable:
Dependent variable:

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