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Biome Science

By: DJ
Contents of this presentation
Contents of this presentation is the following:
1. Introduction
2. Organic life in the biome
3. Landforms
4. Common areas of this biome
5. Climate
6. Popular desert
7. Historical landmarks
Surely by now you have heard of this quite Iconic Biome. The desert.
Infact 33% of land is actually desert. It definitely serves it’s purpose as
biome. It has helped us in some ways you probably haven’t heard of.
Like for example: it’s dry conditions actually help us in giving important
minerals like potasium, gypsum, borates, nitrates and more. Mainly
because water evaporates in the desert that carries the minerals and
therefore making these salts. It’s definitely help us in getting raw
minerals. In fact 50% of all copper according to UN comes from these
sandy dunes. Though it doesn’t look like much it actually homes ⅙ of the
world’s population. Even some of the world’s first civilization arose from
these sandy lands. This biome should never be taken lightly. Now that
you have a somewhat better understanding of the biome let’s talk about
it’s organic life.
Organic life in the
Organic life in the
Though the Desert mostly looks like a Baron
wasteland with nothing but sand and heat it
actually homes to many plant and and
animal life that has adapted to it’s difficult
Some examples are

And others like:
Crocodiles Desert tortoise

Even though deserts to some people are just piles of sand. It actually has
a lot of rock formations or landforms are actually in these sand biomes.
Some are:

Oasis Sand dunes

Common areas
Common areas
The desert biome is found on every continent but some of them have less.
America’s Arizona or Texas is one of many examples. Of each continent
there is usually some big patch of desert lands in their western side. Some
countries even have their entire land be of desert and desert only. Like
libxa who has 99% made up of pure desert. On average a country has
atleast 1 or 2 deserts in their country. So in conclusion desert is pretty
common. I mean it has 1/3 of our land so it’s not surprising that it’s found
in every continent. I mean Antarctica obviously doesn’t have any deserts
The desert as you may know is pretty hot. And doesn’t receive all that
much rain ormoisture since it’s absolutely steaming hot in there. Though it
apparently never stopped our ancestors from making agriultural
progress. Some of our ancestors before they died showed some signs of
agricultural activity. There are two types climate in the desert. One for hot
desert and cold desert. Now you might ask: Cold desert? Is that even
possible? Well yeah. In the Gobi desert which is located right here in asia
is considered a cold desert. It reaches at about -38° in the most coldest and
at summer which is 42°. How is it possible though? Well the Gobi desert is
actually near the most tallest mountain: Mount Everest. Which is near the
Himalayas mountain range. Located in Nepal plus it is above sea level.
And the other climate is the hot climate. Which is the most common and
pretty self explanatory
Popular Deserts
Popular Deserts
There are tons of legendary deserts in the world. They are either known
for being extremely beautiful or homes a lot of minerals or homes a lot of
artifacts or historical objects. Probably one of the most popular desert
amd is basically the face of all Deserts is the Sahara desert
Why is it popular?
What made the Sahara desert very
popular? Wel of you haven’t heard it
actually appears in some movies. It is to
he expected from the biggest desert in
the world. This desert is also the reason
some early civilizations were able to
trade. It was a popular trade route back
in the day when the first civilizations of
the world were using it trade goods like
gold, salt and other precious materials
Popular Deserts
Gobi Desert is also one of the most iconic Deserts in the world. Known for
it to be the biggest desert in asia. It is also a unique desert…kinda. The
reason it’s very unique is because of it’s unusual tenparature.
Historical landmarks

One of the most ancient piece of art int

the world is the Pyramids of Giza. Which
is located on Egypt in a… You guessed it:
in a desert. And is a one of the seven
ancient wonders of the world.

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