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Sayings of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w):Hazrat Usman e

Ghani r.a
1. Every Prophet will have a special companion of Him in the Heaven, and my
companion there will be Usman. (Ibn-e-Majah)

2. Should I not feel shame from Usman to whom the angels feel shame from. (Muslim)

3. Oh Usman!, if ALLAH some day give you this government and the hypocrites want
you to put off this shirt (government) which ALLAH gave you, then you should not
put it off. [Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) repeated these words three times] (Ibn-e-
Hazrat Usman: His life before becoming a caliph and his character:

• Hazrat Usman belonged to Banu Ummayya family of the Quraish.

• His father’s name was Affan.
• He was born in Makkah in the 6th year of the Elephant.
• His mother’s name was Arwah.
• His ancestry coincided with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in fifth generation on Abd Munaf.
• In the ignorance Period, his by-name was Abu Amr.
• After embracing Islam, his by-name was Abu Abdullah.
• Hazrat Usman’s father was one of the richest men in Makkah.
• Hazrat Usman was educated and loved learning.
• He lived a chaste life, even during the Jahiliya Period, and never drank, gambled or
worshipped idols.
When he accepted Islam at the hands of Hazrat Abu Bakr, his family started torturing him.
• Hazrat Usman was one of the first Arabs to accept Islam.
• Muhammad (PBUH) gave Hazrat Usman his second daughter, Hazrat Ruqayya, in
• Hazrat Usman migrated to Abbysinia with his wife, where he flourished as a trader.
• He  returned  to  Makka  when a rumor spread among the emigrants that the Quraish had
accepted Islam.
• Instead of returning to Abbysinia, he stayed back at Makkah with the Prophet (PBUH).
• Here, he spent freely in the way of Allah and liberated quite a few Muslim slaves.
• Migrated to Madina where Hazrat Aus bin Sabit was his host.
• After the Battle of Badr, Hazrat Ruqayya fell ill and passed away.
• Muhammad (PBUH) gave his third daughter, Hazrat Kulsum, in marriage to Hazrat
Thus, Hazrat Usman is known as Zun-Nurain, or “the possessor of two lights”.
• Barely 6 years after her marriage, Hazrat Kulsum also fell ill and died.
• In Madina, Hazrat Usman worked hard as a trader and became one of the richest men of the
• He used to spend freely in the way of Allah, and earned the title of Ghani.
• Took part in all important battles, except Badr, when he was nursing his dying wife, Hazrat
• Second person after Hazrat Umar to offer allegiance to Hazrat Abu Bakr as the first caliph.
Main attributes of his personality:

• Eloquence and dignity, forgiveness even when able to wreak vengeance, generosity, modesty and
nobility; sincerity in friendship and giving advice, kindness and compassion to all people, zeal for his
faith, fear of the Lord and his devotion in Allah’s worship.
Election as Caliph:

• Hazrat Umar told the following people to choose the next caliph from among themselves:
I) Hazrat Ali               II) Hazrat Usman             III) Hazrat Zubair bin Awwam             IV) Hazrat Abdur
Rehman bin Auf       V) Hazrat Talha              VI) Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas

• Hazrat Abdur Rehman bin Auf was not willing to shoulder the responsibilities of being a caliph and
Hazrat Talha was not in Madina at the time of Hazrat Umar’s death.
• Hazrat Abdur Rehman bin Auf agreed to act as a judge in the choosing of the next caliph.
• After having consulted with the contestants, prominent Companions and the populace, he determined that the
majority favored Hazrat Usman.
• Hazrat Abdur Rehman bin Auf and all the other contestants took the Bayt at the hands of Hazrat Usman.
Thus, Hazrat Usman was selected as the 3rd Caliph on 4 Muharram, 24 AH.
Causes of the revolt against Hazrat Usman:

• The Islamic State contained many tribes and nationalities which had been subjugated. Although some
of them had accepted Islam, they still grudged their defeat and Islam had not imbibed their hearts.

• The Jews who had lost their religious and social importance conspired against Islam.

• When Hazrat Usman learnt of the activities of these conspirators, he expelled them from Kufa and
Basra. These conspirators widened their sphere of activity. Especially in Egypt, where a number of
Jews who had only outwardly accepted Islam joined hands with them One of these Jews, Abdullah bin
Saba, instigated Muslims in the name of Hazrat Ali in Kufa, Basra, Madina and Egypt and sowed the
seeds of dissension amongst them.

• Rivalry in the Quraish themselves, i.e. between the Hashimites and Umayyads weakened the power of
Hazrat Usman. Old tribal jealousies began to raise their head.

• Hazrat Usman’s leniency encouraged his enemies.


• It is also alleged that Hazrat Usman was weak and did not exercise a check on his
• Actually, he had his governors in confidence and they enjoyed much independence from
the center.
• He did not wish to interfere in their day-to-day affairs

1)      Collection and Editing of Holy Quran

There were different accents of Arabic language in the Arab world. The Holy Quran was also read in
different accents according to local languages. Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) thought that these accents can
cause wrong pronunciation of Holy Quran in future. Therefore, he collected all copies of holy Quran,
which were prepared in the era of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (RA). He destroyed all these copies of Holy
Quran and made a fresh copy of Holy Quran in the presence of Muslim scholars. Hazrat Usman Ghani
(RA) ordered to read the Holy Quran in one accent. He sent fresh copies to all provincial governments.
2)      Economic Reforms.

The third caliph Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) made many reforms in the economic system of
Muslims and strengthened their economy. He further prolonged the government treasury
programme of Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA). Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) worked day and night for
the success of this programme without any salary. Dutiful and well reputed officers were
deputed on this programme for betterment of his people. He donated his salary and other
income for the welfare of his people.
3)      Reforms in Defence Sector.

Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) brought important reforms in defence sector. He constructed many
cantonments for defence force all across the states of his dynasty.  Usman Ghani (RA) considerably
increased the monthly salary and other allowances of soldiers. He enrolled soldiers from all tribes
of far flung areas and provided high quality horses to them.

4)      Provision of First Naval Ship.

Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) provided the first naval ship to Governor of Syria on request of Hazrat
Ameer Mavia. In this way, the Muslim army acquired naval superiority at first time in the history.
The Muslim army defeated Syrian army with the help of these sea war tactics. The third caliph
established the factories of ships in the coastal areas of Egypt and Syria.
5)      Religious Services.

Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) constructed many mosques in the country and provided water to these
mosques. He deputed a Moazzan for offering Azan in these mosques. Moreover, he extended Masjid-
e-Nabvi and Masjid-e-Haram and decorated these mosques with colorful and precious stones.

6)      Welfare Projects.

Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) launched many welfare projects in his period, which inculude constructed
buildings, roads, bridges, well and Inns.
Battle Victories.

The third caliph achieved many battle victories in his first six years of government. He extended the
borders of his country to China, Iran and Subcontinent. Usman Bin Affan (RA) also conquered
Tarabulus (Tripoli), Tunas, Marrakesh and Aljazeera in Northern Africa countries during his
period. The island of Cyprus, Kabul and Ghazni (presently in Afghanistan) also came under the
Muslim government in his period. Some famous battle victories have been described in the
succeeding paragraphs:-
1)      Occupation of Skandaria (Place) Durbar.

A large number of Romans were living in Skandaria (place) but they were suppressed from Hazrat
Umar Farooq (RA). When Hazrat Umar (RA) passed away, the Qaiser-e-Rome incited these
Romans against the government of third Caliph Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA). These Romans created
mutiny in the country. However, the commander of third caliph Hazrat Umro Bin Abi Waqas
defeated them and occupied again the Skandaria. The Romans got heavy losses in this war because
the tribal did not support them in this war.
2)      Rise of Mutiny in Northern Provinces.

Some people in the provinces of Armenia and Azerbaijan created mutiny against government after
the death of Hazrat Umar (RA). When Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) came to know, he sent Hazrat
Waleed Bin Uqba (RA) to tackle the mutiny. Hazrat Waleed Bin Uqba (RA) tactfully tackled the
situation there and ensured peace in these provinces.

3)      Occupation on Tarabulus (Tripoli).

Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) deputed Abdullah Bin Sarah as governor of Egypt in place of Hazrat
Umar Bin Alghas (RA). Abdullah Bin Sarah was young, intelligent and bravo general. He attacked on
northern Africa. Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA) sent Hazrat Ibn-e-Zubair towards northern Africa for
support of Abdullah there. They carried out multiple attacks on Tripoli. The king of Tripoli Zarbeer
did not defend his country and surrendered to Abdullah (RA). He made a peace treaty with Abdullah
and promised for paying of twenty five hundred Dhamam annually to Abdullah (RA).
4) Occupation on Island of Qabrus (Cyprus).
The Island of Qabrus (Cyprus) is situated on the bank of Syria. Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) was
against the sea warfare, therefore, he did not allow battle against the rebels of Cyprus in his period.
When Ameer Mavia (RA) deputed governor of Syria after the death of Hazrat Umar (RA). He sought
permission of battle against these rebels from Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA). Hazrat Usman Ghani (RA)
permitted Ameer Mavia to fight against the rebels of Cyprus.
Ameer Mavia prepared a strong ship and attacked on rebels and defeated them. The rebels made a
peace treaty with Ameer Mavia and promised for paying seven hundred Dhamam. Later on, the people
of Cyprus broke this treaty and refused to pay the amount to Ameer Mavia. When Ameer Mavia came
to know about the violation of treaty, he again attacked on them and occupied the island of Cyprus. Then,
he attacked on Iran and Paris and occupied these countries.
Abdullah Bin Amir attacked on Neharistan and Kerman and defeated these countries. In this way, he
advanced towards Ghazni and Kabul (now in Afghanistan) and occupied these countries. The Muslim
conquerors reached to the borders of Hindustan (India) in those days.
Martyrdom of Hazrat Usman:

• The rebels returned 4 days later, shouting for revenge.

• They claimed that they had intercepted an order of Hazrat Usman to the governor of Egypt to kill
Muhammad bin Abu Bakr and his companions upon their arrival.
• Hazrat Usman swore that he had sent no such order.
• The rebels told Hazrat Usman to abdicate or he would be disposed.
• When Hazrat Usman refused, they besieged his house and cut off all supplies of food and water.
• Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Zubair deputed their sons to protect Hazrat Usman and bring him food and
• Hazrat Usman refused all offers of military help as he did not want to shed Muslim blood.
• The siege lasted for 50 days.
• Some rebels scaled the back walls of Hazrat Usman’s house, jumped in and mercilessly killed him while
he was reading the Holy Quran.
• When Hazrat Usman’s wife, Naila, tried to save him, she was pushed away and her fingers were cut off.
• This tragic event took place on 18 Zil-Haj, 35 AH.
• Hazrat Usman’s martyrdom shattered Muslim unity and serious differences arose between the Muslims
who were now divided into two parties – the Hashimites and the Umayyads.

• Followed the Sunnah of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)

• Relaxed the strict laws of Hazrat Umar.
• Allowed Arabs to acquire lands in conquered areas.
• Made extensions to the Masjid-e-Nabwi and constructed new mosques.
• Ordered construction of inns, border-outposts and guesthouses.
• Made arrangement to supply travelers with water by having wells dug near roads.
• Built dam to protect Madina from floods coming from the side of Khyber.
• Raised the salaries of officers and the armed forces.
• Rendered great service to Islam by standardizing the Quran.
Q1 : (a) What major events took place during the caliphate of ‘Uthman? [10]

pped away from Muslim control. Amir

(b) Explain why ‘Uthman encountered difficulties in the later years of his caliphate and was
assassinated. [4]

sisted by Habib bin Maslamah

His appointment of family members in important positions was regarded as favouritism. The
burning of the copies of the Qur’an to be replaced by the official version prepared by Zayd Ibn
Thabit was seen as destroying the word of Allah. Yet another reason was that some Muslims

questioned his ability to rule. To get to the higher level of marks the candidates must write about his
assassination as well. Here the stronger candidates could state that after ‘Uthman had pacified the
Egyptians they were on their way home when they got a hold of a letter supposedly from ‘Uthman
to the Governor of Egypt to have the leaders of the group put to death on their return. Seeking
vengeance they returned and killed him. Evaluation of some of the points discussed above is needed
to get to the top levels

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