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Periods of Music

 Aim of unit:
 To learn about the periods
of music required for
Higher Music
 Aim of lesson:
 To learn about the Baroque
 By the end of the lesson
you should:
 Be able to describe
Baroque vocal music
Music written between c. 1600-1750

Famous composers include Bach, Handel and Vivaldi

Development of new forms of music such as opera,

concerto, and oratorio
Baroque Period
Originated in Italy
Architecture – very
extravagant and
intricately detailed
Art – heavily
influenced by religion,
theatrical and
dramatic in style
Music – very ordered,
lively and tuneful
Key Musical Features
 Oratorio
 Polyphony
 Cantata
 Harpsichord
 Passion
 Major/Minor
 Opera
 Long, flowing melodies
 Chorale
 Imitation
 Concerto
 Sequence
 Forms
Suite  Dynamics
Ternary  Ornaments
Da Capo Aria
 Fugue
 Canon
 Chorale Prelude
A musical drama
featuring singing,
acting, set, costumes
and orchestral
Operas are usually
written in a foreign
language such as
Italian or German
 A story from the Bible set to music
 Features soloists, chorus and orchestra
 Can include recitative, arias and duets
 Is performed without acting or stage design
 Can be in English or German
A type of vocal writing where the music follows
the rhythm of speech. It is used in operas to
move the story or plot on.
A song with orchestral accompaniment which is
heard in opera
A small-scale oratorio
Features soloists, chorus and orchestra
An oratorio which is
based on the
‘Passion’, the
Crucifixion of Christ.
Text is in German
and features
chorales as well as
recitatives, arias and

• A hymn tune sung in German
Female Voices
Soprano – Highest female voice

Mezzo-Soprano - A female singer whose voice

range lies between that of a soprano and an alto

Alto – Lowest female voice

Male Voices
Counter Tenor - A male adult voice whose
range is higher than a tenor's

Tenor - Highest male voice

Baritone - A male voice whose range lies

between that of Bass and Tenor.

Bass – Lowest male voice

2 videos
A Capella
Unaccompanied singing
Vocal music in which several notes are
sung to one syllable
Vocal music where each syllable is given
one note only
A work for soloist and orchestra e.g. solo violin
and orchestra, solo piano and orchestra etc
Concerto Grosso
A type of concerto in which a group of soloists
(concertino) is combined and contrasted with a
larger group (ripieno).


Keyboard instrument

Strings inside are

plucked when a key is

No dynamics

Basso Continuo
A bass line (basso continuo) played by cello, bass,
viola or bassoon. In addition the harpsichord, organ or
lute player was expected to fill in harmonies built on
that bass line. Sometimes figures were written under
the bass line indicating the chords the composer would
like played. This was called figured bass.
Chorale Prelude
An extended composition for organ based on a
chorale melody. The melody can be treated in a
variety of ways, e.g. fugal style and variation form.

Strict imitation. After one part starts to play or sing
a melody, another part enters shortly afterwards
with exactly the same melody.
A contrapuntal piece based on a theme (subject)
announced in one voice part alone, then imitated by
other voices in close succession.
Texture which consists of two or more
melodic lines, possibly of equal importance and
which weave independently of each other.

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