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Wahyu Nur Latifah Novia Rahmadayanti Sitti Nurfaika

(2105036001) (2105036005) (2105036009)

Muttaqin Jusriadi
(2105036021) (2105036012)
Shape of Galaxies

Galaxies Classifications

Galaxies Distance

Milky Way Galaxy’s

Galaxy is cluster of billion stars. Galaxy is very beautiful, and full of mistery. One example of a galaxy is
the Milky Way Galaxy. This galaxy is where the Earth is located. In addition to stars, this galaxy also
contains space dust, gas, and so on. The numerous stars and the gas that resides between the stars are
restrained by the gravitational force possessed by the star.

Discoveries of Galaxy

The very idea that other galaxies exist used to be
controversial. Even into the 1920s, many astronomers
thought the Milky Way encompassed all that exists in
the universe. The evidence found in 1924 that meant
our Galaxy is not alone was one of the great scientific
discoveries of the twentieth century.

Scientists questioned the composition and
structure of the universe as early as the
eighteenth century. However, with the telescopes
available in earlier centuries, galaxies looked like
small fuzzy patches of light that were difficult to
distinguish from the star clusters and gas-and-dust
clouds that are part of our own Galaxy. All objects
that were not sharp points of light were given the
same name, nebulae, the Latin word for “clouds.”
Because their precise shapes were often hard to
make out and no techniques had yet been devised
for measuring their distances, the nature of the
nebulae was the subject of
much debate.
Shapes of
Galaxies come in different shapes and sizes.

Scientists classify galaxies by shape. The three

most common types of galaxies are spiral,
elliptical, and irregular
Spiral galaxy, contains population I stars in its arms. Within his arms many stars were forming. At its center as
well as in the large mantle around it are older population II stars, namely red giants, dwarf stars and several
Cepheids. Spiral galaxies are subdivided into Sa, Sb and Sc along with the looseness of the coiled arms. There are
also bar spiral galaxies, which extend their arms from the center almost vertically, then coil at the ends. The
longer the stem, this type is divided into Sba, Sbb, and Sbc. The transitional form between elliptical and flat
galaxies is called a lenticular galaxy (S0), which is a flat disc but the disk is not discrete into arms

Part of spiral galaxy

A spiral galaxy has two parts: a central
bulge an arms that form a spiral around
the center. The bulge is a dense group of
old stars. The arms are made of gas, dust,
and much younger stars.
An elliptical galaxy is made of many stars and looks like
a snowball. Elliptical galaxies are among the largest
galaxies in the universe. Some may contain as many as
5 trillion stars! There is very little free gas in an
elliptical galaxy. Therefore, few new stars form there.

Elliptical galaxies, which are no longer producing new

stars, because their gas and dust are used up. These
galaxies are usually very large, and consist almost
entirely of older population II stars. This galaxy is
further divided into classes E0 (spherical shape) to E7
which are flattened with the formula

Irregular galaxies, which have no shape, although here and there they show a spiral
shape. This galaxy contains mainly population I stars, namely large, blue and hot stars,
and young, bluish-white stars. This galaxy contains a lot of interstellar dust and gas

An irregular galaxy has no clear shape. It
may have as few as 10 million or as many How Irregular
as several billion stars. Some irregular Galaxy Forms
galaxies form when two other galaxies


Characteristic Spirals Ellipticals Irregulars

Mass to to to

Diameter (Thousands of light-

15 to 150 3 to >700 3 to 30

Luminosity to to to 2 ×

Populations of stars Old and young Old Old and young

Much gas; some have little dust,

Interstellar matter Gas and dust Almost no dust; little gas
some much dust

Mass-to-light ratio in the visible

2 to 10 10 to 20 1 to 10

Mass-to-light ratio for total

100 100 7 Credits:
Astronomers so far have several methods that are considered accurate for
calculating the distance of a galaxy. There are 4 methods used to calculate the
distance of a galaxy, namely the Cepheid variable starlight curve method, the
Tully-Fischer relation method, the Supernova Ia method, and the Law Hubble-
Lemaître method

Cepheid variable
The Tully-Fischer
Type Ia
The Hubble-
starlight curve Relationship Supernova Lemaître
method Method. Method. method.
1. Cepheid variable
starlight curve method
This Cepheid variable starlight curve method can only be used in galaxies
that are close to our galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy and have an order of
distance from Earth to 1 Mega parsec (Mpc). Cepheid stars are used
because they have a relatively large mass that can be observed from Earth
and a relatively constant pulsation period than other variable stars. This
method utilizes the relationship between the luminosity of Cepheid stars
and the pulsation period of Cepheid stars.
2. The Tully-Fischer
Relationship Method
This method was discovered by Tully and Fischer in 1977, they found an empirical
relationship between the stripe width of spiral galaxies and the total luminosity of
galaxies. At first this method used optical/visual luminosity, but later it was found
that the relationship was better if it used a longer wavelength (λ), namely at infrared
to microwave wavelengths. This method can only be used on spiral galaxies and has
a distance order of Mega parsec (Mpc) from Earth.
3. Type Ia Supernova
This method uses the magnitude of an Ia supernova explosion in a galaxy to measure the
distance to the galaxy. A type Ia supernova is a supernova explosion resulting from the
gravitational collapse experienced by a white dwarf star that has reached the Chandrasekhar
limit. The mean absolute magnitude at the peak of the brightness of a star after a stretch
factor is -19.6. So we can also find out the apparent magnitude that is produced during the
peak brightness of a star's explosion as well as during observations. After that, we can
calculate it using the Distance Modulus Equation like the other methods. This method can
be used to count galaxies that are very far away because their brightness can exceed the
total brightness of their host galaxy. This method has a distance order of up to Giga parsec
(Gpc) from Earth.
4. The Hubble-Lemaître
This method was discovered by Hubble and Lemaitre after it was discovered that the
universe is expanding. Initially Edwin Hubble observed galaxies with his new telescope,
which at that time had the largest diameter of 2.5 meters at the Mount Wilson Observatory
in 1919–1929, he then recorded their spectra and measured their distances. After that, from
the spectrum he obtained, it was known that the spectral lines of galaxies generally shift
towards longer wavelengths (λ) or move redshift, except for the closest galaxies to the Milky
Way. From this redshift movement it can be seen that the universe is expanding, so a linear
graph of the relationship between speed and distance is obtained. This method has a
distance order of up to Giga parsec (Gpc) from Earth.

Milky Way Galaxy’s

“ Milky Way Galaxy’s
The Milky Way Galaxy is the galaxy in which we live.
It is a large spiral galaxy, about 100,000 light years in
diameter and containing about 100 billion stars.The
Milky Way galaxy has a distinctive structure,
consisting of a dense central core, branching spiral
arms, and a vast disk of stars and interstellar
material. The center of the Milky Way galaxy is where
there is a very large and heavy supermassive black
hole.The spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy consists
of three main arms, namely the Scutum-Centaurus,
Sagittarius, and Perseus arms. These spiral arms are
filled with clouds of dust and gas, and are the
birthplaces of new stars.Around the galactic disk are Credits:

balls of gas and old stars called globs.

Dame., T & Thaddeus., P. 2011. The Structure and Evolution of the Milky Way. Annual Review of
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Eka., S., 2010. Astronomi dan Astrofisika. Makassar: SMA Negeri 1 Makassar.
Fraknoi., A. 2016. Astronomy. Texas: Rice University.
Holt., Rinehart., Winston. 2019. Earth Sciense Interactive Textbook. America: A Harcourt
Education Company.
Kaler., B. 2014. The Milky Way: A Beginner's Guide. Oneworld Publications.
Kaler., B. 2017. The Milky Way. Routledge.
Nugroho., A., I. 2017. Modul Tata Surya. Yogyakarta: Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Galaxy is cluster of billions star, there's
three types of galaxy wich is spiral galaxy,
elliptical galaxy, and irregular galaxy.
Distance between galaxy is very far, and
there's 4 method to determine the
distance between galaxy. Milky Way
galaxy have a distinctive structure that
consist of core, spiral arm, and wide disc.

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