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Database Design and Management

CSC 214
Lecture 5 (Part 2): Logical Database Design

Oladipupo Olufunke (Ph.D)
Lecture Outlines
Schema Refinement
– Data Redundancy
– Update Anomalies
– Functional Dependency
– The process of normalization

Lecture Objectives
 At the end of this lecture, there should be a good
understanding of
– Update anomalies
– How to determine functional dependencies
– How to produce relations with good properties, that
avoid all the database anomalies

Schema Refinement


Normalization is the process of deciding which
attributes to be grouped together in a relation
i.e assigning attributes to entities.
― It helps eliminate data anomalies
― It reduces data redundancies
― It produces controlled redundancies to link tables
Introduction cont.
When to normalize
– During conceptual data modeling , you should
normalize ER diagrams that you develop during that
– During logical database design. You should use
normalization concepts as quality check for the
relations that are obtained from mapping the ER
Introduction cont.
• Normalization is based on functional dependencies among the
attributes of a relation.
• A relation can be normalized to a specific form to prevent possible
occurrence of update anomalies.
• Four most commonly used normal forms are first (1NF), second
(2NF) and third (3NF) normal forms, and Boyce–Codd normal form

Data Redundancy
 Major aim of relational database design is to group attributes into relations to
minimize data redundancy and reduce file storage space required by base relations.
 Problems associated with data redundancy are illustrated by comparing the
following Staff and Branch relations with the StaffBranch relation.
– StaffBranch relation has redundant data: details of a branch are repeated for every member
of staff.
– In contrast, branch information appears only once for each branch in Branch relation and the
only branchNo is repeated in Staff relation, to represent where each member of staff works.

Update Anomalies
 Relations that contain redundant information may
potentially suffer from update anomalies.
 Types of update anomalies include: Insertion, Deletion,
 Also from the StaffBranch table, the update anomalies
could be explained thus:

Insert Anomalies
 If a new staff is employed and posted to branch B003, from the
StaffBranch table it means that as the new staff information is added
into the table, also branch B003 details have to be repeated again.
 In the process of repeating this information that could be a spelling
mistake which automatically lead to data inconsistency.
 For instance, Boo3 address could be writing in two different way but
to computer they are not the same.
163 Main St. Glasgow 163 Main Street Glasgow
Deletion Anomalies
 Assuming staff SA9 is no more with the company and his
details have to be deleted from the StaffBranch table.
 Since he is the only staff in branch B007, it means all
information about branch B007 has to be removed also,
whereas the branch is still existing.

Modification Anomalies
 Assuming the address for branch B005 has to be changed on
StaffBranch, it simply means that the address has to be corrected in as
many occurrences of branch B005.
 In the process of correction if any typographic error occurs it leads to
inconsistency of the database, which in turn affects further
implementation on the database.

Functional Dependency
 Functional Dependency describes relationship between attributes in a relation.
 If A and B are attributes of relation R, B is functionally dependent on A
(denoted A  B), if each value of A in R is associated with exactly one value
of B in R.

 Determinant of a functional dependency refers to attribute or group of

attributes on left-hand side of the arrow.


Functional Dependency
 Main characteristics of functional dependencies used in
– have a 1:1 relationship between an attribute on the
left and right-hand side of a dependency;
– hold for all time;
– are nontrivial.

Functional Dependency
Full Functional Dependency:
When all non-key attributes are functionally dependent on the primary-key(s).
Partial functional dependency:
When non-key attributes are functionally dependent on part of the primary keys.
Transitive Dependency:
A condition where A, B, C are attributes of a relation such that if A  B and B 
C, then C is transitively dependent on A through B. (Provided that A is not
functionally dependent on B or C).

Functional Dependency Diagram

Project_Employee Table
Dependency Diagram

Proj_Num, Emp_Num  Proj_Name, Emp_Name, Job_Class, Chg_Hour, Hour (Full Dep.)

Proj_Num  Proj_Name (Partial Dep.)
 Emp_Num Emp_Name, Job_Class, Chg_Hour (Partial Dep.)
Job_Class  Chg_Hour (Transitive Dep)
The Process of Normalization
 Formal technique for analyzing a relation based on its primary key and
functional dependencies between its attributes.
 Often executed as a series of steps.
 Each step corresponds to a specific normal form, which has known
 As normalization proceeds, relations become progressively more
restricted (stronger) in format and also less vulnerable to update
Unnormalized Form (UNF)

 A table that contains one or more repeating groups.

 To create an un-normalized table:
– transform data from information source (e.g. form) into table
format with columns and rows.

Un-normalized data
Customer_ CName Property_ Paddress RentStart RentFinish Rent Owner_No OName
No No

CR76 John Kay PG4 6,Lawrence 1-Jul-04 31-Aug-06 350 CO40 Tina
St. Ikoyi Murphy
PG16 1-Sep-06 1-Sep-08 450 CO93
5, Novar St, Tony Shaw
CR56 Fred Wey PG4 6,Lawrence 1-Sep 02 10-Jun-04 350 CO40 Tina
St. Ikoyi Murphy
PG36 10-Oct-04 1-Dec-06 375 CO93
PG16 2, Fred St. 1-Jan-06 10-Aug-06 450 CO93 Tony Shaw
Apapa Tony Shaw
5, Novar St,

First Normal Form (1NF)

 A relation in which the intersection of each row and column contains one and
only one value.
Normalizing UNF to 1NF
 Nominate an attribute or group of attributes to act as the key for the unnormalized
 Identify repeating group(s) in unnormalized table which repeats for the key
 All key attributes defined
 No repeating groups in the table
 All attributes dependent on primary key
Second Normal Form (2NF)
 Based on the concept of full functional dependency:
 A relation that is in 1NF and every non-primary-key attribute is fully
functionally dependent on the primary key (no partial dependency)
Normalizing 1NF to 2NF
 Identify the primary key for the 1NF relation.
 Identify functional dependencies in the relation.
 If partial dependencies exist on the primary key remove them by placing them
in a new relation along with a copy of their determinant.

Third Normal Form (3NF)
 Based on the concept of transitive dependency:
 A relation that is in 1NF and 2NF and in which no non-primary-key
attribute is transitively dependent on the primary key.
  Normalizing 2NF to 3NF
 Identify the primary key in the 2NF relations.
 Identify functional dependencies in the relation.
 If transitive dependencies exist on the primary key remove them by
placing them in a new relation along with a copy of their determinant.
Boyce–Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
Based on functional dependencies that take into account all candidate keys in a relation,
however, BCNF also has additional constraints compared with a general definition of 3NF.
Normalizing 3NF to BCNF
 A relation is in BCNF if and only if every determinant is a candidate key.
 Note: The attribute on the left side of the arrow in a functional dependence is called the
 Difference between 3NF and BCNF is that for a functional dependency A  B,
 3NF allows this dependency in a relation if B is a primary-key attribute and A is not a
candidate key.
 Whereas, BCNF insists that for this dependency to remain in a relation, A must be a
candidate key.
Boyce–Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
 Every relation in BCNF is also in 3NF.
 However, relation in 3NF may not be in BCNF.
 Violation of BCNF is quite rare.
– Example
– Student_Advisor ( SID, Major, Advisor, Maj _GPA )
– Where SID and Major is the composite key chosen(candidate key) from the beginning
and was used for the normalization till 3NF.
– If there are other candidate keys eg (SID and Advisor) such that advisor functionally
determines another attribute such as Advisor->Major ie a major can only have one
advisor, then we have to break the table down further and the relation now becomes
– (SID, Advisor, Maj _GPA ) and ( Advisor, Major )
Example : Dreamed House
Page 1 Date 7April 2009
Customer Rental Details
Customer Name John Kay Customer Number CR76

Property Property Rent Start Rent Rent Owners Owners

Number Address Finish Number Name
PG4 6,Lawrence 1-Jul-04 31-Aug-06 350 CO40 Tina
St. Ikoyi Murphy
PG16 5, Novar St, 1-Sep-06 1-Sep-08 450 CO93 Tony Shaw

Figure 2: Dream Home Customer Detail form

Table1: Unnormalized Customer_Rental Relation
Customer CName Property_ Paddress RentStart RentFinish Rent Owner OName
_No No _No
CR76 John Kay PG4 6,Lawrence 1-Jul-04 31-Aug-06 350 CO40 Tina Murphy
St. Ikoyi
PG16 1-Sep-06 1-Sep-08 450 CO93 Tony Shaw
5, Novar St,
CR56 Fred PG4 6,Lawrence 1-Sep 02 10-Jun-04 350 CO40 Tina Murphy
Wey PG36 St. Ikoyi 10-Oct-04 1-Dec-06 375 CO93 Tony Shaw
PG16 2, Fred St. 1-Jan-06 10-Aug-06 450 CO93 Tony Shaw
5, Novar St,

 There are multiple values at intersection of certain rows and columns.

 To transform an unnormalised table to 1NF, we must ensure that there is a single value at the intersection
of each row and column.
 So, 1NF is achieved as shown in the next table 2.
Table 2 :1st Normal Form(1NF) Customer_Rental Relation
Customer Property CName Paddress RentStart RentFinish Rent Owner OName
_No _No _No
CR76 PG4 John Kay 6,Lawrence St. Ikoyi 1-Jul-04 31-Aug-06 350 CO40 Tina Murphy
CR76 PG16 John Kay 5, Novar St, Oshodi 1-Sep-06 1-Sep-08 450 CO93 Tony Shaw

CR56 PG4 Fred Wey 6,Lawrence St. Ikoyi 1-Sep 02 10-Jun-04 350 CO40 Tina Murphy

CR56 PG36 Fred Wey 2, Fred St. Apapa 10-Oct-04 1-Dec-06 375 CO93 Tony Shaw
We Identify
PG16 the Fred
Wey candidate keys
5, Novar St, Oshodi for the Customer_Rental
1-Jan-06 Relation
10-Aug-06 450 CO93 Tonyas being

composite keys comprising

– (Customer_No, Property_No) ,
– (Customer_No, RentStart),
– (Property_No ,RentStart)
 Among these we select (Customer_No, Property_No) as the Primary Key for the relation.
 To normalize this relation to 2nd Normal form we need to identify the functional
2 .
Dependency diagram for Custormer_Rental relation

Customer_No Property_No CName Paddress RentStart RentFinish Rent Owner_No OName

(Primary Key)

(Partial Dependency)

(Partial Dependency)

(Transitive Dependency)
(Candidate Key)

(Candidate Key)

Figure 5: Dependency diagram for Custormer_Rental relation

Functional dependencies
Functional dependencies of the Customer_Rental relation with Customer_No, Property_No as the primary

fd1: Customer_No, Property_No  RentStart, RentFinish (Pk)

fd2: Customer_No  CName (Pd)
fd3: Property_No  Paddress ,Rent ,Owner_No, OName (Pd)
fd4: Owner_No OName (Td)
fd5: Customer_No , RentStart  Property_No, Paddress, Rent , Owner_No, OName (Ck)
fd6: Property_No, RentStart  Customer_No, CName, RentFinish (Ck)

So, to decompose the customer_Rental relation to 2 nd Normal form all the partial dependencies have
to be removed on separate tables.
So as to have all non-key attribute to be fully dependent on their determinant key.
Customer (Customer_No, Cname)
Rental (Customer_No , Property_No , RentStart, RentFinish)
Property_Owner (Property_No , Paddress, Rent, Owner_No, Oname)

Customer Relation Rental Relation

Customer_No CName
Customer_No Property_No RentStart RentFinish
CR76 John Kay
CR76 PG4 1-Jul-04 31-Aug-06
CR56 Fred Wey CR76 PG16 1-Sep-06 1-Sep-08
CR56 PG4 1-Sep 02 10-Jun-04
CR56 PG36 10-Oct-04 1-Dec-06
CR56 PG16 1-Jan-06 10-Aug-06
Property_Owner Relation

Property_No Paddress Rent Owner_No OName

PG4 6,Lawrence St. Ikoyi 350 CO40 Tina Murphy

PG16 5, Novar St, Oshodi 450 CO93 Tony Shaw

PG36 2, Fred St. Apapa 375 CO93 Tony Shaw

• In other to transform the decomposed relation to 3 rd Normal form, we have to identify
transitive dependency(ies), if there exits in any of the three decomposed relations.
• slide 32 reveals that all the relations are in 3 rd Normal form except property_Owner relation
which consists of transitive dependency by considering fd4,
fd4: Owner_No OName (Td)
• So, to decompose property_Owner to 3rd Normal form the transitive dependency attribute
has to be removed as a separate relation with a copy of Owners_No as the Primary Key, to
Customer (Customer_No, Cname)
Rental (Customer_No , Property_No , RentStart, RentFinish)
Property_for _Rent (Property_No , Paddress, Rent, Owner_No)
Owner (Owner_No, Oname)

3rd Normal form decomposed relations
Rental Relation

Customer_No Property_No RentStart RentFinish

Customer Relation
CR76 PG4 1-Jul-04 31-Aug-06
Customer_No CName
CR76 John Kay CR76 PG16 1-Sep-06 1-Sep-08
CR56 PG4 1-Sep 02 10-Jun-04
CR56 Fred Wey
CR56 PG36 10-Oct-04 1-Dec-06
Property_for_ Relation CR56 PG16 1-Jan-06 10-Aug-06

Property_No Paddress Rent Owner_No Owner Relation

PG4 6,Lawrence St. 350 CO40 Owner_No OName
Ikoyi CO40 Tina Murphy
PG16 5, Novar St, 450 CO93 CO93 Tony Shaw
PG36 2, Fred St. Apapa 375 CO93

3rd Normal form decomposed relations
 In other to transform the decomposed relation to Boyce Codd Normal form,
we have to identify if there is any case where a determinant is not a candidate
key from slide 34.
 Slide 34, reveals that all decomposed relations are in 3 rd Normal form and non
violate Boyce Codd condition.


• Using the property inspection

report in below, generate the

 For each of the following ER diagrams;
– Transform the diagram to a relational schema that shows
referential integrity constraints.
– For each relation, determine the functional dependencies.
– If any of the relations are not in 3NF, transform them to 3NF



Lecture Reference
 Ramakrishnan, R., Gehrke, J.: Database Management Systems. USA: McGraw Hill
Companies (2000) 
 Elmasri, R., & Navathe, S. (2000). Fundamentals of database systems (3rd ed.).
Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley. 
 Hoffer, J. A., Prescott, M. B., & McFadden, F. R. (2005). Modern database
management. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson/ Prentice Hall.
 Connolly, T. M., & Begg, C. E. (2002). Database systems: A practical approach to
design, implementation, and management. Harlow, England: Addison-Wesley
Part 3

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