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Vesna Trpevska, Nina Kovacevski, Gordana Kovacevska.

PHO Dental clinical center Sv. Pantelejmon, Clinic for orthodontics,

Private practice Impacta Dental,
University “Ss. Kiril and Metodij“, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Skopje, R. N. MACEDONIA.


The aim of this study is to analyze the occlusal

Occlusal detail evaluation is always needed at balance parameters in position of maximum
the end of active fixed orthodontic treatment and intercuspidation, protrusion and left and right
in period of retention. laterotrusion at the end and after active fixed
orthodontic treatment, in period of retention.

T-Scan III System evaluation in 60 subjects divided in two groups, subjects with normal occlusion without previous orthodontic
treatment as control group and subjects with normal occlusion after active fixed orthodontic treatment as experimental group, in three
time intervals, right after the orthodontic treatment, and in period of retention, three months and twelve months after fixed orthodontic

Figure 2. Intraoral view of subjects with normal occlusion. Figure 3. Right laterotrusion, protrusion and left laterotrusion.

Figure 4. Maximum intercuspidation in subjects with normal Figure 5. Maximum intercuspidation in subjects with normal
occlusion/control group. occlusion/experimental group.

Figure 6. Left laterotrusion in subjects with normal occlusion/control

Figure 7. Left laterotrusion in subjects with normal occlusion/experimental group.

Figure 8. Right laterotrusion in subjects with normal Figure 9. Right laterotrusion in subjects with normal occlusion/experimental
occlusion/control group. group.

Figure 10. Protrusion in subjects with normal occlusion/control group. Figure 11. Protrusion in subjects with normal occlusion/experimental group.

Although the patients from the experimental group achieved normal occlusion at the end of the fixed orthodontic treatment, their teeth
in the anterior region received more occlusal force, compared to the control group patients. Occlusal interference prevalence in the
posterior segment was higher in the region of the second molars and occlusion and disclusion time during lateral movements was
bigger in the experimental group patients.

Parameter/sec. Control Experimental Experimental Experimental Protrusion

group group/period 1 group/period 2 group/period 3 Center of occlusal force White ellipse Grey ellipse Dislocation
Parameter% R-Ant L-
OT /maximum 0,29 0,62 0,51 0,34 Ant
intercuspidation Control group 46,67% 40,00% 13,33%
Control group 50,00 50,00
DT /maximum 0,21 0,76 0,42 0,36
intercuspidation Experimental group /period 1 3,33% 33,33% 63,33%
Experimental group/period 1 46,61 53,39
DT /protrusion 0,406 0,78 0,61 0,453
Experimental group /period 2 6,67% 40,00% 53,33%
Experimental group/period 2 47,39 52,61
DT /right laterotrusion 0,421 0,65 0,48 0,43
Experimental group /period 3 33,33% 63,33% 3,33%
Experimental group/period 3
DT /left laterotrusion 0,463 0,88 0,57 0,481
49,11 50,89
Table 3. Center of occlusal force distribution.
Table 1. Occlusion and disclusion time Table 2. Right and left anterior occlusal contacts
distribution. distribution during protrusion.
Asymmetrical contacts during time are getting more balanced. With decreasing the disclusion time and absence of occlusion
interference during protrusion and laterotrusion, the overall occlusion in the retention period is improved.

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