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Revision Seminar 2021-2022
Sierra Stopper
Human Relations
◦ Family relationships – kinship, blood relatives
◦ Friendships
- Fair-weather friends, faithful companions
◦ Enemies
◦ Acquaintances (passing acquaintance)
◦ Colleagues/co-workers
◦ Strangers – foreigners, aliens
◦ What is/are:
- A functional family? - A platonic relationship?
- Foster parents? - Soulmates?
- A breadwinner? - Kindred spirits?
- An extended family? - A nuclear family?
- A broken home? - Half siblings? Step-siblings?
Families Today
Growing up

◦ “When we are children we seldom think of the future.

This innocence leaves us free to enjoy ourselves as few
adults can. The day we fret about the future is the day
we leave our childhood behind.” 

― Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind
Growing Up
Is this how it really was and is?
Growing up
◦ What do we take and learn from adults as we grow up?

◦ At what point did you start thinking on your own, rather than accepting what others told

◦ What are the differences between you and your parents/other adult figures? What are
the similarities?

◦ In what concrete ways have you changed in the last 10 years?

Personal Perspectives
◦ How is it that you look at society today?

◦ What do you consider to be a healthy, modern society?

◦ How do you fit into your culture, country, society, community, etc.? What
part do you have to play? To contribute?

◦ How would you define “family”?

Personal and Social Development

◦ How is your culture changing and

◦ What changes are occurring related to
race and ethnicity?
◦ What changes are there related to
gender and sexuality?
◦ What role does education play in all of
◦ What role does the government play in
it all?
Social Solidarity
◦ What connects us?

◦ sol•i•dar•i•ty /ˌsɑlɪˈdærɪti/  n. [uncountable] agreement in
attitude or purpose, as between members of a group: Our
union went on strike in solidarity with the others.
Social Solidarity
What is it that connects us?

◦ How important is social solidarity to

our cultures today?
◦ How are societies changing to keep up
with the effects of globalization and
technological advancements?
◦ Are those things driving us further
apart or bringing us together?
Other Resources:
◦ “Families and Societies”:
◦ “US Society – Youth and Family Life”:
◦ Photos:
◦ Sanchez, Ibyang. “A Wife’s Charmed Life.” 28-8-09. 13-9-16.
◦ “Series – Modern Family.” Tv Tropes. 13-9-16
◦ Ott, Sherry and Adam, Jennifer. “Growing up in Edina: Summertime in 1950s filled with simple pleasures.” Edina Historical
Society. 4-8-11. 13-9-16.
◦ 13-9-16.
◦ “Human and Social Development.” Human Sciences Research Council. 2016. 13-9-16.
◦ “Definition of Social Solidarity.” Social Solidarity. 25-10-14. 13-9-16.

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