Lock Portfolio 4

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Portfolio 4
1: Basic information
Jim Richardson is a photographer
Analysing a photographer AO1
known for his pictures produced in the Jim Richardson
National Geographic paper. His work
takes him around the world to take 2: Visual qualities
beautiful photos of nature. This photo shows a close up perspective of a horses face
with the background unfocused and another horse in the
background. I really like this image as I think the focus on
nature is really beautiful and shows the animal from an
interesting angle. The entire composition of the photo using
3: camera settings rule of thirds is different to other nature photos. The
The main tool the artist has used is
background shows the whole body of the animal while the
aperture which controls the focus in
foreground is very focused on just the face. The viewer is
the image. A very low aperture would
connected with the eye of the horse. The focus is in the
have been used to create a blurred
right of the frame and gradually lessens the further left you
background and focused foreground.
get. This and the angle of the horse draws focus across the
image from the eye of the horse, through the centre and to
the horse in the background. The photo has clear texture
from the animal and is smooth in the rest of the frame.

4: My work
I will relate this to my work
when I use aperture in my
shoot. I will be
photographing objects with
an unfocused, blurred
background like the artist
does in his shoots.
raphers Planning a photoshoot
1: Link to photogm Richardson when I do Photography in the style of Jim Richardson
by Ji
I will be inspired ert ure. Like the artist
s in g on ap
this shoot focu 3: Equipment and
depth of field.
will use a shallow
2: Concept location
I will be using a DSLR
For this shoot I will be taking photos of people
camera on Aperture
with objects which they want locked into their
mode and changing it to
future. I will include my own objects: a spoon
a low aperture. I will be
made for me by a close friend and a piece of
shooting both outside
climbing equipment. This shows how I want to
and inside to get
lock my passion for climbing in the future and
different backgrounds
continue to do it and lock something meaningful
and light.
into my future. I will also take photos with
someone else's object.

5: M
4: Lighting odels
In t h is / pe
I will be using the natural will b shoot th ople
e e
lights in the room when objec holding modal
t th
shooting inside and the unfo . They wi e
cu ll
daylight when outside. will b sed and be
6: Composition e th
have on the o e focus
I will experiment with different composition rules like angles and perspective, . bject
rule of thirds and negative space. I will use a shallow depth of field to make the
object in focus and the rest unfocused. This is the main thing I will focus on.

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