JA Framework 2.0: 3rd Generation Template Framework For Joomla!

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JA T3 Framework 2.

3rd generation template framework for Joomla!

Topics to be covered
1. Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0 Overview, main features.. 2. Template Administration Panel Introducing the reforged administration panel.. 3. Screenshots See it to believe it!

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.1 Overview

What is JA T3 Framework 2.0?

What are the benefits of this framework?

Who is developing with T3 Framework now?

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.2 Main Features Using the popular Mega Menu System

Improves Multiple Layouts Feature

Mobile Ready

RTL Language Support

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.2 Main Features Cache and compression Profiles to hold all template settings New Framework Structure Improves Overrides

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

Let's meet these features!

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.3 JA Typography

Easy to edit special content with the new JA Typo Plugin. Click the JA Typo button in your content editor to open the panel. Just click the quick links in the panel and the formatting will be added on the fly.

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.3 JA Typography

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.4 Cache - The Settings

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.4 Cache - Where is it anyway?

Works with Joomla! core cache!

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.5 CSS & JS Compress

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.5 CSS & JS Compress

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.6 Multiple Themes & Layouts

One template, multiple layouts and color themes.

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.6 Multiple Themes & Layouts

Image of how the site is looked via Iphone

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.7 Menu systems 1.7.1. CSS Menu

Lightweight, no JS required

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.7 Menu systems 1.7.2. Split menu

Tiny code, combines both horizontal and vertical layout display for the menu structure

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.7 Menu systems 1.7.3. Mega menu

One of the most powerful menu system, can load modules as menu items

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.8 Menu Parameters Plugin
While editing menu items, you will notice a new parameters section called (JA Extended).

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.9 Profiles - Overview

What is a profile?
Basically, it is a set of template settings..

How can you manage profiles?

Using the template panel... right?

What do they bring to the framework?

OK, let's see..

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.9 Profiles - The New Override Options

What are these "Overrides"?

Wow, that's a good question...

What is profile assignment about?

With the new framework you can...

Introducing JA T3 Framework 2.0

1.10 The New Framework Structure

Template Administration Panel

2. Template Administration Panel - Overview

What changed?

What's new?
What more?

Template Administration Panel

2.1 Global Panel

Template Administration Panel

Template Administration Panel

2.2 Profiles Panel

Template Administration Panel

2.2 Profiles Panel

Template Administration Panel

2.2 Profiles Panel
Customize logo, font-size, template width and text direction

Template Administration Panel

2.2 Profiles Panel
Select a menu type, a menu system and customize it

Template Administration Panel

2.2 Profiles Panel
Enabling User Tools will allow front-end users to change the settings for each template design feature

Template Administration Panel

User Tools front-end view

Template Administration Panel

2.2 Profiles Panel
Themes settings support multiple themes per page

Template Administration Panel

2.2 Profiles Panel
Layout settings allow to custom layout of Desktop, Handheld device and Iphone

Template Administration Panel

2.3 Layouts Panel

Template Administration Panel

2.3 Layouts Panel

The internal editor allows you to easily edit your layouts on fly

Template Administration Panel

2.4 Themes Panel

Template Administration Panel

2.4 Themes Panel

Template Administration Panel

2.5 Update & Help Panel

The JA T3 Blank Template

Layout & Themes variations

In this example the profile is using a three columns layout Red color theme

Layout & Themes variations

In this example the profile is using a two columns left layout and Red color theme

The iPhone Ready Layout

In this example the profile is using a three columns layout and Red color theme

RTL Language preview

Theme Preview

Say it out loud!

Hung Dinh CEO, JoomlArt.com

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