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Done by Abdul Rahman Sharaiah,
Jad, Ali Haji, and Fares Anas
What is an
 Exponential function =
is the function of the
form f(x)=, where b is a
positive constant (b≠1)
and x is the variable.
Types of
 1. Exponential Growth
 2.Exponential Decay
Exponential Growth

 Exponential Growth :
When the b in the is
greater than one.
Exponential Decay

 Exponential Decay :
When the b in the is
between zero and one.
Real life Example of Exponential Decay
 Andrew spent $350,000 on a new couch. The sofa’s worth falls exponentially at a pace of 5% every year. So,
how much is the sofa worth after two years? Please round your answer to the nearest decimal point.
 Solution: Initial value of Sofa= $350,000
 Rate of decay r = 5% = 0.05
 Time t = 2 years
 Use the exponential decay formula,
 A = P (1 – r)t
 A = 350000 x (1 – 0.05)2
 A = 315,875
 The value of the sofa after 2 years = $315,875
Real life Example of Exponential Growth
 There were 50 fishes in a pond. They had increased to 135 after six months. If the fishes are growing exponentially, then how many fishes will there be in the pond
at the end of one year? Round your answer to the nearest integer.
 Solution:
 The initial number of fishes is a = 50.
 Since the fishes increased exponentially, we use the exponential growth formula.
 y = a bx
 y = 50 bx ... (1)
 It is given that the number of fishes after 6 months is 135. So we substitute x = 1/2 (half-year) and y = 135 in the above equation.
 135 = 50 (b)½
 Dividing both sides by 50,
 2.7 = b½
 Squaring on both sides,
 7.29 = b
 Here, you can observe that b = 7.29 > 1, as it is exponential growth.
 We have to find the number of fishes at the end of 1 year. So we substitute x = 1 and b = 7.29 in (1).
Thank you

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