Inductance: Ukrida -

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Lecture 11

Faraday’s law
• Faraday’s law show how magnet can generate electricity

• Inductor (L) is a circuit element that has a large

• The symbol in circuit is
• L is called the inductance of the loop
• SI unit is H or Henry
• Inductance is a wire that is wrapped into a coil
• Due to inductance, the current flows thru a
circuit, will not straight away jump into its
maximum value
• The inductance itself generate an emf that is
called self induced emf
• Its value can be formulated as:

• Inductance (L) is the property of an electrical

conductor in oppose a change in the electric
current flow through it
• Inductance is formulated as

• remember
RL circuits

• Kirchhoff's Loop rule

• The current can be solved as

Mutual Inductance
• Mutual inductance is the interaction between two circuits where
magnetic field at one coil will induce the current to flow at the
other coil
• Mutual inductance in coil 2 due to coil 1 () is
caused by magnetic flux () generated by
current flow in coil 1() time number of turn
of coil 2 ()

• The back emf generated due to the mutual

inductance is
LC Circuit
• Assume there is no resistance (no 𝑄 𝑚𝑎𝑥2
𝐸𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑜𝑟 =
power loss) 2𝐶
• The current will oscilation, which
is lead to resonance phenomenon

𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑥 2
𝐸𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 =
LC circuit oscillation (resonance)
• The cycle of current flow in and out can be derived from the total energy in the system

• Because there is no change energy in the system ()

• Assume the solution is

• We can solve that , which is the resonance frequency of the circuit

LC circuit oscillation (resonance)
RLC circuit
• Introducing resistance at the system,
introduce change in internal energy
which is

• Hence, energy equation in the circuit


• Rearranging
RLC circuit
• Solution for the equation is

• Note, R introduce
a damping to the
system that cause
the oscillation to
die out
• When
, the system is
Quiz 1
• The current in a coil changes from 3.5 A to 2.0
A in the same direction within 0.5 seconds. If
the average emf induced in the coil is 12 mV,
what is the inductance of the coil?
Quiz 2
• Given the circuit below. Calculate :
a) Value of R that will give time constant of 15.0 μs when the
switch at position a
b) Electric current(i) value at the inductor when the switch is
switch to position b
Quiz 3
• Given the circuit below. The emf battery is 50.0 V, the
resistance is 250 Ω, and the capacitance is 0,500 μF. Initially the
switch is closed for a long time that potential difference across
capacitor is zero. When the switch is opened, the potential
difference reach a maximum value of 150 V. What is the value
of the inductance?
Quiz 4
• Given the circuit,, R=7.6 Ω, L =2.20 mH, and C= 1.80 μF.
Calculate :
a) The frequency of the damped oscillation when the switch is
switch to position b
b) Critical resistance for damped oscillations
Thank You

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