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Religions and

Dian Azmawati
The peopling of SEA
The Peopling of SEA
• Southern China and eastern Tibet were the
source of the region’s population, and some
migration had been taking place for nearly 2
• The largest ethnic element in todays SEA is the
brown-skinned Malay, inhabiting Malaysia,
Brunei, Indonesia, and the Phillipines
The peopling of SEA
• SEA has been overshadowed by India and China
• Unlike Chinese, Indian influence had no political
• Indian minorities are found in every country of
the regions, most notably in Myanmar, Malaysia,
and Singapore
• Chinese becoming the majority in Singapore, and
important minority in every other country of SEA
The influence of India and
The influence of India and
• Before the Indian and Chinese influence became
widespread, SEA has fostered an indigenous
• The Javanese had developed wayang, gamelan,
and batik (N.J. Krom, a Dutch scholar).
• SEA is not a cultural battlefield between China
and India, instead, China also adopted Budhism
which was introduced by India
Religions and their role
• Four religions have sizeable numbers
of adherents in SEA:
• Islam
• Hinduism
• Buddism
(Theravada and Mahayana)
• Christianity
Religions and their roles
• Some Scholars consider the religions and
beliefs in South East Asia are :
• Islam
• Budhism
• Hinduism
• Christianity (Catholicism)
• Confucianism
• Animism
Religions in SEA (2014)
Religions and their role
• Moslem majority can be found in
Indonesia (except Bali: Hinduism),
Malaysia, Brunei, and southern Philipines
• Buddhism : Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia,
Thailand, and Vietnam
• Catholic: Philipines
Religions in SEA
• Founded in India in the 6th century BC
• Existence is pain
• The cycle of birth and death
• Equality
• Religious affairs are managed
democratically by a body of bhiksu
• Evolved in India
• Has the fourfold class system: the Brahmans
(priests, scholars, astrologers); the Kshatriyas
(warriors); the Vaishyas (traders); the Shudras
• The religion then came to be controlled by
• Karma
• The prophet: Muhammad s.a.w
• Believe in one GOD
• Simple and easy to follow
• Five pillars of Islam
• Qur’an
• No priest
• No formal church
• Do all people of different religions live in
harmony in southeast Asia?
• What states have problems in coping with
the diversity of religions?
• What is the basic problem? how can we
solve this?

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