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CS 4363: Cryptography

CS 6373: Applied Cryptography

Module 12.4

Chapter 12 Public-Key Encryption

Pages 436-440, 447, 448-451
RSA Based Public-Key Encryption

Ravi Sandhu

© Ravi Sandhu
World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!
Two Special Case of ZN *

slide 17 module 9.2

N is a prime p
 Zp* has elements {1,…,p-1} DH Assumption
Order of Zp* is p-1

N is a product of 2 primes p and q, N = p.q RSA Assumption

 ZN* elements are a subset of {1,…,N-1}
Order of ZN* is ϕ (N) = (p-1).(q-1)

ϕ (N) = (N-1) – (q-1) – (p-1)

= pq - p – q + 1
= (p-1).(q-1)

© Ravi Sandhu
World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!
RSA Key Generation
same as Algorithm 9.47
slide 12, module 9.3

public key private key

© Ravi Sandhu
World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!
RSA Assumption
slide 14, module 9.3

Computing d from e, N
is one strategy for A
There may be others

© Ravi Sandhu
World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!
Plain (Naïve) RSA
Public Key Encryption

© Ravi Sandhu
World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!
Plain (Naïve) RSA
Public Key Encryption

 Not CPA secure

 Encryption is deterministic

 Not CCA secure (since malleable)

 Common example not in the text
m1e = c1 mod N
m2e = c2 mod N
(m1.m2)e = m1e. m2e = c1. c2 mod N
 Page 447

© Ravi Sandhu
World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!
Attacks on Plain (Naïve) RSA
Public Key Encryption

 Small message space

m < B, brute force search in O(B)

 Quadratic attack on large message space

B = 2n, brute force search in O(√B)

 Encrypting short messages using small e

 Encrypting a partially known message
 Encrypting related messages
 Encrypting the same message to multiple receivers

© Ravi Sandhu
World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!
Attacks on Plain (Naïve) RSA
Public Key Encryption

 Small message space

m < B, brute force search in O(B)

 Quadratic attack on large message space

B = 2n, brute force search in O(√B)

 Encrypting short messages using small e

 Encrypting a partially known message
 Encrypting related messages
 Encrypting the same message to multiple receivers

Solution: pad the message to include a random number

© Ravi Sandhu
World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!
Optimal Asymmetric
Encryption Padding
number of bits
shown in blue l+k k

l+k k
l + 2k < ∥N∥

G, H : hash functions
2 round Feistel network
(slide 14, module 7.2)
k l+k

k l+k

© Ravi Sandhu
World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!
RSA-OAEP Encryption

© Ravi Sandhu
World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!
RSA-OAEP Encryption

Proved CCA secure if:

1. G, H are random
2. RSA Assumption

© Ravi Sandhu
World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!
RSA-OAEP Encryption

© Ravi Sandhu
World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!
RSA-OAEP Encryption

If attacker has a
decryption oracle that
distinguishes these 2
then attacker can
recover m in ≈ ∥N∥

© Ravi Sandhu
World-Leading Research with Real-World Impact!

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