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2 Matrices

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2.4 Elementary Matrices

Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

 Factor a matrix into a product of elementary

 Find and use an LU-factorization of a matrix to

solve a system of linear equations.

Elementary Matrices and Elementary
Row Operations

Elementary Matrices and Elementary Row Operations (1 of 6)

Definition of an Elementary Matrix

An n × n matrix is an elementary matrix when it can be
obtained from the identity matrix In by a single elementary
row operation.

Elementary Matrices and Elementary Row Operations (2 of 6)

Theorem 2.12 Representing Elementary Row

Let E be the elementary matrix obtained by performing an
elementary row operation on Im. If that same elementary
row operation is performed on an m × n matrix A, then the
resulting matrix is the product EA.

Example 3 – Using Elementary Matrices
Find a sequence of elementary matrices that can be used to
write the matrix A in row-echelon form.


Example 3 – Solution (1 of 2)

Example 3 – Solution (2 of 2)
The three elementary matrices E1, E2, and E3 can be used to
perform the same elimination.

Elementary Matrices and Elementary Row Operations (3 of 6)

Definition of Row Equivalence

Let A and B be m × n matrices. Matrix B is row-equivalent
to A when there exists a finite number of elementary
matrices E1, E2, . . . , Ek such that
B = EkEk − 1 . . . E2E1A.

Elementary Matrices and Elementary Row Operations (4 of 6)

Theorem 2.13 Elementary Matrices Are Invertible

If E is an elementary matrix, then exists and is an
elementary matrix.

Elementary Matrices and Elementary Row Operations (5 of 6)

Theorem 2.14 A Property of Invertible Matrices

A square matrix A is invertible if and only if it can be written
as the product of elementary matrices.

Example 4 – Writing a Matrix as the Product of Elementary Matrices

Find a sequence of elementary matrices whose product is

the nonsingular matrix

Example 4 – Solution (1 of 2)
Begin by finding a sequence of elementary row operations
that can be used to rewrite A in reduced row-echelon form.

Example 4 – Solution (2 of 2)
Now, from the matrix product E4E3E2E1A = I, solve for A to
obtain This implies that A is a product
of elementary matrices.

Elementary Matrices and Elementary Row Operations (6 of 6)

Theorem 2.15 Equivalent Conditions

If A is an n × n matrix, then the statements below are
1. A is invertible.
2. Ax = b has a unique solution for every n × 1 column
matrix b.
3. Ax = O has only the trivial solution.
4. A is row-equivalent to In.
5. A can be written as the product of elementary matrices.

The LU-Factorization

The LU-Factorization (1 of 1)
Definition of LU-Factorization
If the n × n matrix A can be written as the product of a
lower triangular matrix L and an upper triangular matrix U,
then A = LU is an LU-factorization of A.

Example 6 – Finding an LU-Factorization of a Matrix

Find an LU-factorization of the matrix

Begin by row reducing A to upper triangular form while
keeping track of the elementary matrices used for each row

Example 6 – Solution
The reduced matrix above is an upper triangular matrix U,
and it follows that The product
of the lower triangular matrices

is a lower triangular matrix L, so the factorization A = LU is


Example 7 – Solving a Linear System Using LU-Factorization

Solve the linear system.

x1 − 3x2 = −5
x2 + 3x3 = −1
2x1 − 10x2 + 2x3 = −20

Example 7 – Solution (1 of 4)
An LU-factorization of the coefficient matrix A is given as,

First, let y = Ux and solve the system Ly = b for y.

Example 7 – Solution (2 of 4)

Solve this system using forward substitution. Starting with

the first equation, you have y1 = −5. The second equation
gives y2 = −1. Finally, from the third equation,
2y1 − 4y2 + y3 = −20
y3 = −20 − 2y1 + 4y2
y3 = −20 − 2(−5) + 4(−1)
y3 = −14.
Example 7 – Solution (3 of 4)
The solution of Ly = b is

Now solve the system Ux = y for x using back-substitution.

Example 7 – Solution (4 of 4)
From the bottom equation, x3 = −1. Then, the second
equation gives
x2 + 3(−1) = −1
or x2 = 2. Finally, the first equation gives
x1 − 3(2) = −5
or x1 = 1. So, the solution of the original system of equations


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