Basic Steps in EIA of Air Environment

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Basic steps in EIA of air environment

• 1.Identification of air pollutants

• 2.Description of existing air quality
• 3.Determination of air pollution dispersion potential
• 4.Assembage of basic meteorological data
• 5.Preparation of air quality standards
• 6.Emission inventory
• 7.Calculation of mesoscale impact
• 8.Microscale impact determination
• 9.Abatement strategies
• 1.Identification of air pollutants
• it consists of identification of type and quantities of  air
pollutants emitted from project activities. 
• Emission factor

• 2.Description of existing air quality

• State air pollution control agency
• Private industries
• SAROAD System of EPA. 
• History of air quality
• 3.Determination of air pollution dispersion
• Mixing height, inversion, average wind speed
• Degree of precipitation
• Persistence of air population episode
• 4.Assembage of basic meteorological data
• Precipitation, temperature, wind speed and
direction, solar radiation, relative humidity
• 5.Preparation of air quality standards
• Ambient air standards
• Emission standards
• 6.Emission inventory
• .this is compilation of the quantities of air
pollutants from all sources in a defined area. 
• 7.Calculation of mesoscale impact
• Estimation of annual quantities of air pollutants
from construction and operation phase. 
• 8.Microscale impact determination
• Calculations of ground level concentration of
air pollutants. 
• 9.Abatement strategies
• use of controlling equipment.
Basic steps in EIA of Water environment

• 1.identification of water pollutants

• a. Determination of  type and quantities of water pollutants emitted from all
alternatives  during construction and operation phases. Review of similar projects
• B. Identify the non point sources of pollutants impacts. 
• C. Summarize the report containing  agriculture waste generation factors
• D. Summary of bacterial load
• E. Finally provide information to enable calculation of total quantities of water
pollution anticipated from a given activity
• 2.Description of existing water quantity and quality
• .relevent city, country and state water resources  agences, private industry
• Storet system of EPA. 
• 3.unique pollution problem
• Fish kills, excessive algal growth and thermal discharge
• 4.Description of groundwater quality and
• Depth of groundwater table, it's direction,
major uses.

• 5.Summarry  of meteorological information

• precipitation, evaporation and air temperature
• 6.Water quality standards
• .Effluents standards
• Water quality standards

• 7.Waste load allocation study

• Maximum assimilate capacity of nearby water body
• 8.mesoscale impact calculations
• To examine the impact of alternatives in contributing
waste load to stream
• 9.Construction phase impacts
• Anticipated   distance downstream decreased water quality

• 10.microscale impacts calculation. 

• contributions  from conservative pollutants, DO
concentration from non conservative pollutants.
• 11.pollution control measures
• Turning Sewage Water Into Drinkable Water.
• Using Wetlands to Make Water Bodies Pollutant-Free.
• optimum usage of water .
• Air
• 1. Diffusion factor
• 2. Particulates
• 3. Sulfur oxides
• 4. Hydrocarbon
• 5. Nitrogen oxide
• 6. Carbon mono oxide
• 7. Photo chemical oxidants
• 8. Hazardous oxidants
• 9. Odor
• Water
• 10. Aquifer yield
• 11. Flow variations
• 12. Oil
• 13. Radio activity
• 14. Suspended solids
• 15. Thermal pollution
• 16. Acid and Alkali
• 17. Biochemical oxygen demand
• 18. Dissolved oxygen
• 19. Dissolved solids
• 20. Nutrients
• 21. Toxic compounds
• 22. Aquatic life
• 23. Faecal coli form
• Land
• 24. Soil stability
• 25. Natural hazard
• 26. Land use pattern
• Ecology
• 27. Large animals (Wild and
• domestic)
• 28. Predatory birds
• 29. Small game
• 30. Fish, shellfish and water fowl
• 31. Field crops
• 32. Threatened species
• 33. Natural vegetation
• 34. Aquatic plants
• Noise
• 35. Physiological effects
• 36. Psychological effects
• 37. Communication effects
• 38. Performance effects
• 39. Social behaviour effects
• Human Aspects
• 40. Life styles
• 41. Psychological needs
• 42. Physiological systems
• 43. Community need
• Economics
• 44. Regional economic stability
• 45. Public sector review
• 46. Per capita consumption
• Resources
• 47. Fuel resources
• 48. Non fuel resources
• 49. Aesthetics

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