Magazine Article Writing

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• Section A
• 200 – 300 words
• Formal writing
• 1 suitable headline
• 5 paragraphs
• Passive voice
• Reported speech
• Write in 3rd person

• Headline
• Paragraph 1: Introduction
• Highlight of the main points
• TIP: Make use of the prompts

• Paragraph 2 – 4: Content
• Details to answer prompt 1 – 3

• Paragraph 5: Conclusion
• Relate main idea / problem to real world situations

• Purpose?
• Eye catching
• Makes the reader want to read the whole article
• Relays key information
• Reading it gives in idea of what the article is about

• Read the following headlines. What do you think the article is about?
• DST cheapest provider
• All phone calls reduced
• Mobile calls cheaper for festival

• Read the snippet below.

• The head of DST has announced that there will be a temporary reduction in the cost of mobile
phone calls during the forthcoming festival. All DST calls within Brunei will be half the
normal rates.

• Read the paragraph below

• Two men were arrested yesterday as they brought in a supply of unauthorized meat over
the border. The goods were stored in a hidden compartment of their car to avoid detection.
• Is the following headline suitable for the above paragraph?
• Fresh meat
• Unsuitable
• Too vague / unclear

• Read the paragraph below

• Two men were arrested yesterday as they brought in a supply of unauthorized meat over the
border. The goods were stored in a hidden compartment of their car to avoid detection.
• Is the following headline suitable for the above paragraph?
• Trouble at the border
• Borderline acceptable
• Can be improved
• Still vague / unclear

• Read the paragraph below

• Two men were arrested yesterday as they brought in a supply of unauthorized meat over
the border. The goods were stored in a hidden compartment of their car to avoid
• Is the following headline suitable for the above paragraph?
• Meat smugglers caught
• Suitable

• Read the paragraph below

• Afizah binti Hj Shuaib was presented yesterday with a prize for getting the highest
possible grades in all her O level subjects. The prize was given by the Deputy Minister of
Education who was the guest of honour at a ceremony in Sekolah Menengah Subok.
• Are the following headlines suitable for the above paragraph?
• Deputy Minister visits school
• Top student gets prize
• Kg Subok has the best school

• Read the paragraph below

• Firemen battled a raging fire last night after a gas bottle exploded in a house in Kampong
Ayer. The explosions caused a number of houses to catch fire and only through the
prompt arrival of the fire brigade was the fire stopped.
• Are the following headlines suitable for the above paragraph?
• Fire in Kg Ayer put out
• Dangers of gas bottles
• Explosion in Kampong Ayer
• To put it simply…
• The introduction is…
• A summary of the content paragraphs (paragraphs 2 - 4

• The headline is…

• A summary of the introduction (paragraph 1)

• Headline
• What your cousin achieved at school,
• Where your cousin went and what your cousin did there,
• Why your cousin in a role model for other students.

• Answer the prompts first

• Academic Excellence Award,
• Went to Switzerland to continue her studies,
• Model student – Discipline, intelligent, charismatic

• Deciding your headline

• Use the question to your advantage

• Model student returns home from Switzerland [6 words]


• Prompt 1: Given the Academic Excellence Award

• Why was she given the award?
• She excelled academically / very accomplished in her academic studies

• Prompt 2: Went to the Royal Swiss College of Medicine to continue her studies
• Where was the college and why go there?
• Went to Switzerland to get a medical degree

• Prompt 3: She was disciplined, intelligent, charismatic

• Who has these qualities?
• Model student

• Write the introduction using the points

• Use the question to your advantage
• Azimah binti Halim, an accomplished model student from the Girls Arabic Secondary School, returned home yesterday from
Switzerland after completing her first degree. [23 words]

• Prompt 1: Given the Academic Excellence Award

• Why was she given the award?
• She excelled academically / very accomplished in her academic studies
• Add relevant details
• Achieved 8 O levels
• In 2017, during her final year at her school, Azimah was able to obtain 8 As for her O level
examination and this resulted in her being one of the top students of Brunei. In recognition of her
outstanding academic achievements, she was conferred the Award for Academic Excellence. The
award was presented by the Deputy Minister of Education at an award ceremony during her
graduation year. [67 words]

• Prompt 2: Went to the Royal Swiss College of Medicine to continue her studies
• Where was the college and why go there?
• Went to Switzerland to get a degree in medicine

• She was able to obtain a scholarship from the Ministry of Education in 2018. This opened up
the path for her to pursue her dream of being a paediatrician. She continued her studies at a
renowned college in Switzerland called the The Royal Swiss College of Medicine. It is a prime
choice for anyone pursing a career in medicine. After 5 years, she completed her studies and
was able to obtain a first class degree in medicine. [78 words]

• Prompt 3: She was disciplined, intelligent, helpful, persistent

• Who has these qualities?
• Model student

• During her secondary education years, she was a student that her peers looked up to due to her
character and attitude. Her exceptional intelligence was also what attracted other students as
she was always ready to guide other students. It was of no surprise that she was held a number
of position at her school such as President of the Student Council and school prefect due to her
amazing leadership qualities. [71 words]

• Conclusion
• Relate idea from question to the real world

• With the increase in academic achievements among Bruneian students, obtaining

scholarships has become extremely difficult. The increase in the number of applicants
means that competition for them is fiercer. However, anyone that is able to surpass the
competition and obtain a scholarship will no doubt have a bright future ahead of them.
[53 words]

• Conclusion
• Relate idea from question to the real world

• Presently, Azimah has opened a private practise named Zeema Clinic which is located in
Central Menglait area. Business hours start from 8am to 8pm and is open daily. Anyone
searching for a local medical paediatrician can set up an appointment at 2123456 as walk-
ins will not be entertained. [48 words]

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