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Quantum Mechanics

By: Aditya
11 Luke
What is quantum physics?

• It is the most fundamental (basic and underlying principles) part of

• Dedicated to the study of matter and energy
• Apparently one of the hardest parts of any science-based course
• Due it its extreme detail – goes to atomic and sub-atomic levels
• Example: quarks and gluons (what makes up protons and neutrons)
Some key ideas and equations
(1) De-Broglie relationship:
λ = wavelength (m)
h = Planck’s constant
(6.62607015 ×10-34 m2 kg / s)
m = mass (kg)
v = velocity (m/s)

• Macroscopic objects (compounds, mixtures) have only particle because their wave nature is
usually neglected to their large size
• But on atomic level particles have very less mass and hence both particle and wave nature is
• This can be termed as dual behaviour as it is displaying both particle and wave nature.
• Every moving particle - whether microscopic or macroscopic - is associated with a wavelength.
(2) Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle:

• The position and momentum of a moving particle cannot be simultaneously measured with high precision.
• There is a minimum for the product of the uncertainties of position and momentum .

h Δx = uncertainty in x-coordinate of particle (m)

Δ 𝑥 Δ 𝑝  ≥  Δp = uncertainty in momentum of particle (kg m/s)
h = Planck’s constant (6.62607015 ×10-34 m2 kg/s)

• It is of significance only for microscopic particles because the energy of photons (theoretical particles of light) is
insufficient to change the position and velocity of larger bodies when it collides with them. This means that
there will be very little to no uncertainty, so it is redundant to calculate it.
(3) Einstein’s Theory of Relativity:

• The most famous equation in science, and the most significant one
(arguably, at least).
• Shows the relationship between mass and energy
• Example 1: When the Universe collapses, all the mass in it turns into
energy. Using the Law of Conservation of Energy, we say that this
energy was the same energy that was at the beginning of it. So, when the new Universe is created, energy
will be converted to mass.
• Example 2 : When fossil fuels are burnt, E = energy (J)
m = mass (kg)
the mass lost by the fuel is
= square of speed of light in air (
proportional to the energy
given of by it.
Thank you :D

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