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Group 3
Au d r e y J o y D e l a Cr u z
C y n t h i a D e l a Pe ñ a
E m m a n u e l D a l i o a n
M ae G e n e v a C r u z
R af a e l D a y a g
R o se n d a A l v a r e z C a y a g
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Varieties of English
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Varieties of English includes the difference of

pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and

Honor Honour

Armor Armour

Labor Labour
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Varieties of English
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• British English
 Used in Great Britain, and it distinguishes the form of the English
language used in the British Isles from forms used elsewhere.

• American English
 Also known as United States English or U.S. English, is the set of
varieties of the English language native to the United States and
widely adopted in Canada.

• Australian English
 takes features from both British and American English, so it is
sometimes considered a combination of the two variations. 4 4
Varieties of English
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• South Asian English

 Used in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan,
and Sri Lanka.

• South African English

 The English language in South Africa (SAE) dates from the arrival of
the British at the Cape of Good Hope in 1795.

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Language Varieties
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To understand the meaning of language varieties, it's

important to consider how lects differ from standard
English. Even what constitutes standard English is a topic
of hot debate among linguists.
Varieties of language develop for several reasons:
differences can come about for geographical reasons;
people who live in different geographic areas often
develop distinct dialects—variations of standard English.
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Language Varieties
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Dialect - A regional or social variety of a language distinguished by

pronunciation, grammar, and/or vocabulary.

Register - The way a speaker uses language differently in different


Jargon - Refers to the specialized language of a professional or

occupational group.
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Language Varieties
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Types of Lects:

Regional dialect:
A variety spoken in a particular region.

Also known as a social dialect, a variety of language (or register) used by a
socioeconomic class, a profession, an age group, or any other social group.

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Language Varieties
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A lect spoken by a specific ethnic group.

The language or languages spoken by everyone.

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Language Registers
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What Is Language Register?

It describes the way a person speaks in relation to their audience. A speaker
modifies their language register to signal levels of formality according to
their relationship to their audience and intended purpose of speech.

Language register is the level and style of your writing. It should be

appropriate for the situation you are in. The language register determines the
vocabulary, structure, and some grammar in your writing.
Language Registers
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The three most common language registers in writing

 Formal

 Informal

 Neutral
Language Registers
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Rules of the formal language register:

Do not use contractions

Spell out numbers less than one hundred

Write in third person point of view

Language Registers
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Avoid using too much passive voice

Avoid using slang, idioms, exaggeration

(hyperboles) and clichés

Avoid abbreviations and acronyms

British English vs. American English
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The main difference is that British English keeps the

spelling of words it has absorbed from other
languages, mainly French and German. While
American English spellings are based mostly on how
the word sounds when it is spoken.
British English vs. American English
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Is British English better than American English?

In the main, British English and American English are very similar,
even with differences in spelling. In today's world, American
spelling is probably winning thanks to Microsoft's spell checker.
There are vocabulary differences, and some can cause
embarrassing situations if you only know one flavour.
British English vs. American English
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British English: American English:

I've just had I just had lunch
lunch. I already saw that
I've already seen film.
that film.

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