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Print Media

Print Media can be classified into Books


Newspapers History: Journalism in Early America

Printers and Newspapers

Few papers
Postmasters were not Idea of free
did most of the timely press was not
early endorsed by
publishing colonial
Concept of free
It was shut down Government
press did not
1690- Boston Printer- Benjamin
exists in colonial after one issue
Harris published first newspaper-
America and because of one
most colonists story related to
believed that a King of France
paper had to have annoyed the
royal consent to Imperials
be published The paper was dull
Campbell had
14 Years later, John and consist of many
only 300
Campbell-local Boston stories simply
subscriber and
postmaster published reprinted from
never made
with royal permission European newspapers
Boston News Letter
Newspapers History: Journalism in Early America

Another paper New England Beginning of

Courant launched by James revolution
Franklin Tension between
colonies and crown
Started publishing were rising during
without Government’s Ben retired at the age of 42- Franklin’s tenure as
permission- Jailed Started several papers- publisher
Published America’s first
magazine, run first editorial
Trial of John Peter
Ben Franklin took over- cartoon- Advertising space
Zenger who published a
moved to Philadelphia,
paper openly critical of
where he started
the British Governor of
Pennsylvania Gazette
New York
Introduced more legible
type, headlines and a Zinger was jailed and
cleaner layout charged with criminal
Newspapers History: Journalism in Early America

Lawyers argued that American Birth of Mass

First women recognized as
jury should not be bound by Newspapers
laws formed by England political journalist was
Anne Royall
Minority papers
1820s- 1980s Several conditions
Zenger acquitted- Press before the mass press
Freedom The content was typified by could come into
Commercial and Business existence
news, Political and
Congressional debates,
Partisan press grew in the speeches, acts of legislatures
times of revolution siding and official messages Printing press that
with colonies or with Crown- produced copies
Beginning of Political press quickly and Cheaper
Newspapers grew with the country
Read primarily by the upper socio-
and daily newspapers began in
economic class- Literate and possessed
1783 along with weeklies, bi-
money to spend on subscription fee $ 10
weeklies, tri-weeklies or fortnightly
per year/6 cents per issue
Newspapers History: Journalism in Early America

Greely also supported women rights-

Birth of Mass Newspapers Hired Margaret Fuller as literary Penny Press
critic- Never compromise on quality
Literate population Another important pioneer was Horace Greely. Benjamin Day- 22 year
His New York Tribune launched in 1841 and old launched First mass
Mass Audience ranked third behind Herald and Sun. He used appeal newspaper New
his paper for crusades and causes-opposed York Sun in 1833
capital punishments; favored trade unions and
Democratization westward expansions
of Business and Reduced the price
politics from six cents to a
Others imitated Sun’s success, James
Gordon Bennett launched New York
Rise of Urban Herald in 1835. Introduced Financial
Content Scandals, Violence and
population page, Sports page and an aggressive Human- Interest stories
editorial policy that emphasized excluding political debates

Sun attracted readers and penny press was launched

Newspapers History: Journalism in Early America

Penny Press Significance of the Penny Press

The last major newspaper of the Major changes in journalism that

penny press was launched in 1851 were prompted by mass press during
and is still publishing- New York the period from 1833-1860. The
Times penny press changed:

Edited by Henry Raymond

The basis of economic support
for newspaper
Promised to be less sensational than
the Sun or Herald and less
impassioned than Greely’s Tribune The patterns of distribution of

Soon established a reputation as

an objective and reasoned The techniques of The definition of what
Journalism collection of news. constituted new
Newspapers History: Yellow Journalism

Joseph Pulitzer The page crusades against unhygienic William

living conditions, corrupt politicians Randolph Hearst
and big businesses
Hungarian immigrant- Given control of
Settled in St. Louis. the San Francisco
Pulitzer endorsed the notion to Examiner
Turned St. Louis Dispatch promote the welfare of its readers-
into Successful Newspaper particularly the underprivileged Went after readers by
appealing emotions
In 1833- bought New York World- World contain stories
within 3 Years increased the about crime, violence and Fires, murders and stories
circulation from 15000 to 250,000. tragedy about love and hate were
given splashy coverage-
Re-introduced banked heavily on
Formula of success: Introduced sensationalism sensationalism
practices that attracted
advertisers, aimed his paper to His strategy worked and
large population of immigrants. Hearst bought New Examiner shot to
York Journal in 1895 number-1 position
Newspapers History: Yellow Journalism

Hearst chartered a steamer equipped William Randolph

Joseph Pulitzer with printing presses and brought Hearst
down his yacht and sailed with US
fleet in the Battle of Santiago-put Soon Pulitzer and Hearst
out t 40 extras in a single day engaged in a fierce circulation
This era is not the proudest but war as each paper attempted to
some positive aspects emerged: War ended in April and the out sensationalize the other
enthusiasm, energy, aggressive World and Journal pulled
reporting and investigative out all the stops Press critic put it the duel
stories. between two spreads death,
Brought wide exposure to During this period dishonor, disaster all over
prominent authors such as circulation of Journal one page.
Mark Twain went up to 1 million
mark. Murder, scandals, self promotion
and human interest stories filled
Helped to popularize the layout the 2 papers
The battle between
and display devices, banner
Hearst and Pulitzer
headlines, pictures color This type of reporting
reached its climax with
printing become known as yellow
the Spanish- American
war in 1898 Journalism
Newspapers History: Contemporary Development

Splashy graphics and color

Short, easy to read news stories

Many graphics, charts and tables

Newspaper pages
Newspaper pages
Front Page

Back Page
Newspaper pages
Front Page
Questions for Quiz -2
Mass communication has become a primary forum for the debate about
our culture. The most powerful voices in the forum have the most power
to shape our definitions and understandings.
Q-1. Where should that power reside—with the media industries
or with their audiences?
o If you answer “media industries,” do you want members of
these industries to act professionally and ethically. Why?
o If you answer “audiences,” Do you want individual audience
members to be thoughtful and critical of the media messages
they consume. Why?
Q-2. Define media conglomerates and elaborate the challenges related
with this concept.

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