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Do you want to look good?

Do you want to feel good?

• Your body is very special and needs
to be looked after. There are many
ways you can help to keep yourself
clean and healthy so that you look
and fell your very best. Remember
that when you feel clean all over,
you look great all over. And when
you look great, you feel great!
• Good grooming is and expression of
one’s well being. It helps you make
the most of your physical features
and show your clothes, your figure,
and your personality. Grooming
means keeping yourself and your
clothes neat and clean.
• You need not to be beautiful to be
well-groomed. If you are well-
groomed, you can be attractive and
• During puberty, the oil glands in your skin
become more active, thus producing the excess
amount of an oily substance called sebum.
• Skin care is incredibly important during this
time. Pimples are natural occurrence: they
start when the pores become blocked with
dead skin cells and dirt.
• This causes a slowing down of the flow of
sebum to the skin’s surface. Bacteria can now
develop In the clogged pores causing pimples.
To understand what is happening to your skin during puberty,
you need to know certain things about the skin and how it
• The skin
• The skin is very important
because it protects the
rest of your body from
damage and bacteria and
from drying out. Your skin
is also strong and flexible,
whish helps give your
body its shape.
• The skin is made up of
three layers: epidermis,
dermis and hypodermis
or subcutaneous layer.
1. The epidermis

• The outer protective

layer that is there to
keep out water,
pollutants, the sun’s
harmful rays, and
2. The dermis

• The supporting structure of

the skin that lies below the
epidermis. This layer is
made up of blood vessels,
nerves, sweat glands, and
sebaceous glands secret an
oil called sebum that helps
keep the skin moist.
3. The
subcutaneous layer
• Which is also called the
hypodermis, is a fatty
tissue layer below the
dermis that give shape
to your body as well as
keeps the body heat in
and the cold out.
What is acne?
• Acne is a condition that develops in the pores
of the skin around the hair follicles and glands
that produce oil. You probably know it as a
pimple, blackhead, or whitehead.
• Normally, oil produced by the sebaceous
glands flows up through the hair follicles or
pores to the skin’s surface. When the amount
of oil increases, it can combine with dead skin
cells within the follicles to clog pores, which
allow the acne bacteria to thrive.
• The resulting redness and swelling means
pimple has formed.
Doctors sometimes
describe acne in the
following categories:

1. Mild Acne – these are the few

pimples on the face, back, or
chest. Most teenagers usually
experience this type of acne.
Mild acne can be treated with
products bought over the
counter in drugstores.
2. Moderate Acne – these can
be around twenty to sixty small-
to medium-sized pimples over
the face, back or chest.
Moderate acne may be treated
by skin specialist or
3. Severe Acne
– this type of
acne is quite
rare and is
treated by a
• Prevention is always better than cure. Wash
your skin daily with mild soap to remove
oil, bacteria and dead skin cells that cause
pimples. Although normal soaps are quite
good at removing dirt from the skin, they
can also dry it out and leave a residue
behind that may block the pores. Water
alone will not remove all the daily dirt and
grease from your skin.
1. Medicated Facewash
• This is better than ordinary soap
for cleansing your skin as it
removes pimple-causing
bacteria more effectively and
helps avoid overdrying. It is
developed for the delicate skin
on your face.
2. Medicated lotion
• This serves as a good
substitute for a regular
lotion, since it also contains
antibacterial ingredients. It
unclogs pores by removing
the daily buildup of grease
and dirt.
3. Medicated Pads

• These are alternative and

convenient cleansing tools.
These are presoaked in
antibacterial solutions. They
do not only cleanse the
pore; they also leave behind
the anti-pimple ingredients
to help prevent new
pimples from appearing.
• Perspiration is normal and important. It
helps your body regulate its temperature.
The sweat glands are responsible for the
production of oil that produces more
sweat or perspiration.
• These are two kinds of sweat glands-
eccrine and apocrine glands.
• Eccrine glands produce clear and odorless
perspiration. These glands start working as
soon as you are born.
• On the other hand, the apocrine glands only become active when you
start puberty. They produce a different kind of perspiration that can
smell unpleasant when it comes in contact with bacteria on the skin.
This is commonly known as body odor. A lot of apocrine glands are
located under the arms. To control the smell, many use underarm
deodorants or antiperspirants.
Types of products that control underarm odor
and wetness
DEODORANTS These are basically Body Sprays
perfumes that mainly help
mask or cover up body
ANTIPERSPIRANTS These help stop body odor Antiperspirants powders
from developing by
reducing underarm
wetness, a main cause of
body odor.
• Deodorants and antiperspirants come in different
shapes and fragrances. Try them and choose the one
that will work best for you. Remember that the best
first step to keeping is to wash. A daily bath gets rid of
the dirt and oil from skin and reduces the bacteria
that can lead to body odor, so make sure you change
your school uniform or P.E shirts into clean clothes.
• Initially, what ones sees
and reacts to in a person
is his or he clothes.
Clothes reflect a person’s
age, sex, nationality,
occupation, and socio-
economic status.
• Clothes are also the
outward symbol of a
person’s attitudes,
values, interest, and
• Clothes also fulfill important
psychological needs of conformity and
self-confidence. This desire for social
acceptance through dress and behavior
is greatest during adolescence.
• as a person matures and increases in
self-confidence, to what does this refer
is replaced by the need to be unique
and individual.
• This is clearly expressed outwardly
through the selection from a range of
choices in fabric, color, and design,
while conforming to what is in or the
• Being aware of one’s physical
attributes also brings to an
awareness of one’s personality as
the essence of acquiring good
clothes sense. It is possible to
appear well-dressed and well-
groomed by selecting clothes that
bring out one’s best features.
You must always be clean and
neat. Wear clothes that
become you, fit you, show
good taste, and in good order.
• Clothes should fit perfectly and
emphasize your best features.
• Clothes should be right for you- for
your personality, activities, figure,
and skin color. To be well dressed,
observe other people, study books
and magazine carefully, and apply
what you learned regarding clothing
To have a good taste in clothes, you
• Develop an understanding
of color, its harmonies and
• Know what to wear for
proper occasions; or
• Add jewelry or plain
accessories for additional
harmonious effect

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