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1. BRUSHES: these are the devices with bristles used for cleaning and comes in various sizes. There are 3
types of brushes:

a) Hard brush: bristles are stiff and well spaced. Used for the removal of litter.
b) Soft brush: These have bristles that are flexible and set close together. Used to
remove loose soil and litter.
c) Scrubbing brush: used for removing heavy soiling from small areas or by using scrubbing
2. MOPS: A mop is generally used of cleaning floors. The following area the different types of mops:

a) Dry mop / Dust mop: b) Wet mop / Moist mop:

c) Yarn mop: more thicker than wet mop d) Mop for pre moistening
e) Hot mop: After adding water to the mop it is heated to make the water exude on top of the floor,
which can then be cleaned without using any cleaning solvent.
3. BROOMS: It is a cleaning equipment consisting of fibers attached to a
stiff handle. Used for dry cleaning purpose only.

4. MELANINE FOAM: A foam like material which is porous and used for removing grease stains or
marker stains from walls.
5. SQUEEGEES: It is a tool with thick rubber blade, used to remove water from the flat surfaces. These are
used for cleaning floors and also windows.

a) Floor cloths: These are used to b) Wipes & Swabs: Used for wet cleaning
remove spillages from the floor. surfaces above floor level.
3. Rags or disposable cloths: The old linen is used for general cleaning purpose and thrown when heavily soiled.

4. Dust sheets: Old linen used to cover the 5. Druggets: They are cheap stuff usually used as
rugs to protect the flooring during bad weather or
6. Hearth & bucket cloths: Placed under the 7. Chamois leather: Made from the skin of
buckets to prevent marking on the floor. chamois goat. Used for cleaning windows and
8. Carpet sweeper: These are used for cleaning carpets. This box consists of a small box and the base of the box
has rollers and brushes. There is also a container for dirt. When the sweeper is pushed on the carpet the rollers and
brush turns which pushes the dirt in to the container.
9. Spray Bottle: It is a bottle that can squirt or spray the liquid. These are used for carrying cleaning
agents during cleaning process.

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