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Innovation experts and patent innovators

Viseum UK
International manufacturers of intelligent CCTV solutions
and pioneers of ethical AI surveillance.
Viseum® Red Team/Blue Team Services

Insurgents constantly innovate their strategies and tactics.

We innovate better by listening to our customers.

Large growing database of attack and defence scenarios.

Optimize first responders – insurgent search, detect, disrupt or destroy:

• What is the automated detection scenario?

• What is the best first responding service and action?
Viseum Overguard™
Radar 40 km.
Thermal/Optical 43 & 78 km Models.
Land or sea and with greater distances from
customised design.

THREE levels automated threat detection and

confirmation - Radar and thermal detection
with automated optical verification.
Radar/Thermal/Optical Surveillance Coverage
Complete day/night 43 and 78 km coverage (2 models).
Counter Drone Radar – Constant High-Tech War

3D modelling and artificial intelligence to validate and track threats with precision.

Early warning detection 10 km – Jamming 6 km – Locate 4 km.

Greatest technical advantage for stopping attack.

Prevent multiple attacks from land and air at the same time.

Detect threats through smoke, dust, clouds and fog and with GPS coordinates.
Versatile Deployment Examples

Single deployment

Triangulation to locate drone operators

Drone Combat Training
Many technologies depend on operation times, distances, terrain, weather, overt or covert and many other

Identifying distance capabilities helps identify location of drone operator.

Drone combat options:

• Onboard cameras, radar, laser, capture netting and/or weapons.
• Drone Jamming – transmit and/or receive signals.
Drone Combat Support

Ongoing customised counter drone systems design.

Dedicated high-tech combat team with expert innovators.

Large growing database – drone types, combat strategies, techniques and tactics.

Select drone and counter drone systems based on operational requirements e.g. communication needs and 3 rd party systems
integration support.

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