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Asia and the Pacific

• Ok Tedi Mine, Papua New Guinea
• Weipa Bauxite, Australia
• Huang He Delta, China
• Isahaya Bay, Japan
• Phnom Penh, Cambodia
• Thon Buri, Thailand
• Dead Sea, Jordan
• Aral Sea, Kazakhstan
• Lake Balkhash, Kazakhstan
• Kara-Bogaz-Gol, Turkmenistan
• Three Gorges Dam, China
Asia and the Pacific

• Lake Hamoun, Iran

• Mesopotamia, Iraq
• DMZ, Korea
• Oudomxay, Laos
• Papua, Indonesia
• Sundarban, India/Bangladesh
• Shatt al-Arab, Iraq/Iran
• Al Isawiyah, Saudi Arabia
• Wyperfeld National Park, Australia
• Paektu San, North Korea
Asia and the Pacific
• Asia is home to 60% of the world’s population, with only 36% of
the world’s freshwater resources; majority of the global population
without access to improved sanitation lives in this region

• Asia has reversed the rate of forest loss from loss of 1.3 million
hectares per year in the 1990s, to a net gain of more than 600 000
hectares per year between 2000 and 2005, yet the region has the
lowest amount per capita (0.2 hectares) of forest in the world

• Agriculture is the mainstay of Asian economies; it

constitutes a high portion of land usage in warm and humid
areas of Asia; majority of Asia's poor people depend directly
or indirectly on agriculture for their livelihoods
UNESCO 2005; FAO 2005; CGIAR 2005
Environmental Impact of Copper Mine
Ok Tedi Mine, Papua New Guinea

These images show

environmental impact of
the mine

• 1990: Both the mine and

township of Tabubil, are
clearly visible

• 2004: Raised river

beds, forest damage and
decline in biodiversity are
some impacts
Lowering of landscape in
Weipa bauxite mine, Australia

These images show

environmental impact of
the mine

• 1973: Under current

mining practices,
vegetation is cleared and
the topsoil is removed

• 2002: Image show larger

extent of cleared area
Dramatic changes in
Huang He Delta, China

The delta changed

dramatically between 1979
and 2000

• 1979: Huang He’s yellow

color is the result of huge
load of sediments

• 2000: The image clearly

shows the change in Delta
Changes in Huang He Delta, China

• From 1989 to 1995 the

Yellow River delta grew in

• From 1995 to 2000 the

Yellow River delta shrank
in area
Land reclamation changes along
Isahaya Bay, Japan

• 1993: Turning tidal lands

into farmlands

• 2001: The straight line of

sea wall is visible

• 2003: The area has

been fully reclaimed from
the sea
Flooding in the Mekong River:
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

These images show the

extent of flooding and
extensive ditches and
canals used for irrigation

• 2000: Taken during the

period of flooding

• 2001: Taken after the

flood waters had receded
Replacement of mangroves by aquaculture
in Thon Buri, Thailand

• 1973-1978: Area is
engulfed in a conflict
between needs of
people versus the
welfare of the coastal

• 2002: Shows
extensive aquaculture
ponds (blue patches
Dramatic changes in the Dead sea,
Jordan over 30 years

• 1973: The Sea

level is dropping at
the rate of 1m/year

• 2002: Notice the

expansion of salt
works, and near-
complete closing off of
the southern part by dry
Death of the world’s fourth largest inland
sea: Aral Sea, Kazakhstan

• 1973: The surface of

the sea once measured
66 100 km2

• 1987: 60% of the

volume had been lost

• 1999-2004: The sea is

now quarter of the size it
was 50 years ago
Alarming drop in
Lake Balkhash’s water level, Kazakhstan

Images show
alarming drop in
lake’s water levels

• 1975-1979:
Excessive use and
waste of lake water
are causes of the

• 2001: Smaller
neighbouring lakes
appear to be
drying up
Changes in Kara-Bogaz-Gol – a lagoon of
the Caspian sea, Turkmenistan

Caspian Sea is the

largest inland body of
water in the world

• 1988: KBG is the

large shallow lagoon of
the Caspian sea

• 2000: Caspian Sea

levels are higher than
1978 levels and water
flows freely into salty
waters of KBG
Changes due to construction of Three
Gorges Dam, China

• 1987: Nature of the river

and surrounding landscape
before the dam

• 2004: The enormous dam

is clearly visible
Changes in water levels on
Lake Hamoun, Iran

• 1976: The amount of

water in the lake is
relatively high

• 1999-2001: The lake

dried up and disappeared
Demise of an Ecosystem –
Mesopotamia Marshlands, Iraq

• 1973-2000: Most of
the wetlands

Upstream damming as well

as drainage activities in the
marshlands themselves
have significantly reduced
the quantity of water
entering the marshes
Revival of Mesopotamia Marshlands, Iraq

• 2000: Water returns

to the Mesopotamian

• 2004: Greening of
some of the
Marshlands in recent
Forest burning in Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

burn scars
in the DMZ
Deforestation in Ouxomxay, Laos

• 1975: Image
shows continuous
forest cover

• 2000: Forest cover

dotted with cleared
Changes in world’s second largest palm oil
producing area: Papua, Indonesia

• 1990: a new human

presence, earth colored
roads provide access to
the forest

• 2000: rectilinear patterns

cover 10,000 ha

• 2002: Cleared area

nearly doubles since 2000
Sundarban: Changes in largest mangrove
forest of the world, India/Bangladesh

Forest degradation has

been occurring in many
parts of Sundarbans

Shrimp farming is
a major threat to
mangrove forests
Changes in the largest date palm forest
in the world: Shatt al-Arab, Iraq/Iran

• 1975-2002: Shows
destruction of the
largest date palm
forest in the world,
bordering Iraq and

• By 2002, more
than 80 per cent of
palms were wiped
out due to war, salt
and pests
Greening of a desert – Al’ Isawiyah
Saudi Arabia
Greening of a desert

• 1986 -A desert

• 1991 -Irrigation

• 2000 -And transforms

the desert

• 2004 –Irrigation
intensity increases
Changes in the native scrubland:
Wyperfeld National Park, Australia

• 1973: Vegetation in the

Wyperfeld National Park
is mostly rich green in
the image

• 2000: The dark green

areas are now mottled
with light patches, areas
where the ground is bare
after a burn

• 2004: Significant
additional burned areas
Agriculture expansion around Paektu San
North Korea

• 1977: Shows result of

intensive land
development on the
North Korean side of
the border

• 1999: Shows
expanding agricultural
activities on and around
Paektu San, especially
after the construction of
the dam
Asia and the Pacific
One Planet Many People:
Atlas of Our Changing Environment

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