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Our Team members

MBA I – 11 Htat Wint Aung MBA I – 16 Min Zaw Aye

MBA I – 12 Hsu Yadanar Aung MBA I – 17 May Zaw Chit

MBA I – 13 Hsu Yi Aung MBA I – 18 Aung Thi Ha

MBA I – 14 Tay Zar Aung MBA I – 19 Phuu Theint Han

MBA I – 15 Myint Myint Aye MBA I – 20 Hnin Kay Hlaing


MBA I – 15 Myint Myint Aye

MBA I – 12 Hsu Yadanar Aung


 B ac k g rou nd Inf orm a tion of J ap an

 Gros s Dom e st ic Produ ct

 Popu la tion

 L ab or For ce

 Tra de

 Int er es t Ra te

 Ec onom i c Polic y in J a pa n

 Rol e of t he B a nk of J a pan

 C onc lus ion

Background Information of Japan

 Located in East Asia

 High Income & Developed Country

 A major economic power in the world

 J a p a n i s r e m a r k a b l e f o r i t s e x t ra o r d i n a r i l y ra p i d ra t e

o f   e c o n o m i c g r o w t h i n t h e 2 0 t h c e n t u r y, e s p e c i a l l y i n t h e

fi r s t s e v e ra l d e c a d e s a f t e r   Wo r l d Wa r I I

 Much of growth was the result of increases in worker

p r o d u c t i v i t y.

 T h i s h i g h e r p r o d u c t i v i t y wa s d u e m a i n l y t o : i n c r e a s e d c a p i t a l

( m a c h i n e s , e t c .) p e r w o r k e r, a d va n c e i n t e c h n o l o g y, a h i g h l y

e d u c a t e d a n d s k i l l e d l a b o r f o r c e , s u p p o r t i v e g o ve r n m e n t

p o l i c i e s a n d a g o o d w o r l d t ra d e e nv i r o n m e n t .
Gross Domestic Product

• The economy of Japan is a  highly developed free-

market economy.

• It is the third-largest in the world by nominal GDP and

the four th-largest by purchasing power parity (PPP).

• It is the world's second-largest developed economy.

• Japan is a member of both the G7 and G20.

• Japan GDP in 2020 was US $5.06 trillion.

•  The service sector has come to dominate the economy

in terms of its overall propor tion of the gross domestic
product (GDP) and of employment.
Gross Domestic Product

GDP per capital is $40,093 in 2020

GDP growth rate was declined -4.6% in 2020 due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Gross Domestic Product

 Mos t of t he GD P of J a pa n com es f rom s er v i ce se ct or an d m a nu fa ct ur in g s ec tor com e s i n

second pl ac e

 A s the g e og ra phi ca l fe at ur es in J a pa n ar e n ot l ike oth er cou nt rie s, J apa n m ost ly tr y t o g e t its

na tio na l i nc om e thr oug h e xpor ts a nd tou ri sm

GDP Composition % (2020)









Agriculture Service Manufacturing

 The current population of Japan is 125,783,924 as of April,2022

 Japan population is equivalent to 1.62% of the total world population

 91.8 % of the population is urban (116,099,672 people in 2020)

 The median age in Japan is 48.4 years

 Japan life expectancy is 85.03 years

Labor Force (Unemployment Rate)

 Japan total labor force in 2020 was 68,680,759 of its population

 Japan unemployment rate for 2020 was 2.97%

 Japan labor force par ticipation rate for 2019 was  48.85%
Labor Force (Employment Rate)

Employment in Agriculture (% of total employment) 3.358% (2020)

Employment in Industry (% of total employment) 24.067% (2020)

Employment in Services (% of total employment) 72.574% (2020)


 Japan and the United States are very impor tant trading partners.

 Top 3 Trade Par tners (2019): China, United States, and South Korea

 Main Industries: Automobiles, consumer electronics, computers, other electronics

 Growing demand overseas for Japanese goods led to annual trade surpluses

 Major Japanese expor ts include electronic equipment and cars

 Expor ts of goods and services in 2020 was $786,216,140,782 million

 Impor ts of goods and services in 2020 was $785,365,751,129 million

 Japan foreign direct investment for 2019 was $39.93B, a 57.9% increase from 2018

 Impor ts of goods and ser vices represent the value of all goods and other market services received

from the rest of the world.

 They exclude compensation of employees and investment income (formerly called factor servic es)

and transfer payments. 

 Japan purchases oil from the Middle E ast.

 The amount of land in Japan suitable for agriculture is insuffi cient to produce enough food for

Japan's large population. As a result, Japan impor ts most of its food from other countries.

 Japan lacks many raw materials needed for industry and energy, such as oil, coal, iron ore, copper,

aluminum and wood. Jap an must impor t most of these goods.


Imports of goods and services (current US$) $786,216,140,782 (2020)

Exports of goods and services (current US$) $785,365,751,129 (2020)
FDI, net inflows (BoP, current US$) $39,932,871,887 (2019)
Interest Rate
 In Japan, interest rates are set by the Bank of Japan's Policy Board in its Monetary Policy Meetings.

 In 2 016, Japan Gov introduce negative interest rate policy.

 Shor t-term interest rate is negative 0.1 %

 Long-term rate is zero %

Economic Policy in Japan
• Economic policy largely provides a reliable economic environment and supp or ts the objectives of

fostering a country’s c ompetitive capabilities.

• Extremely long bus iness-c ycle booming since 2 01 2.

• Public debt levels are very high and continuing to rise, with defi cits large.

• Government plans to achieve a primary budget balance have been pushed forward to 2025.

• Interest rates remain low, in p ar t because public debt is held largely by domestic investors. 

• Currently, Strengthen Social Economic Activities

• 2% Infl ation target…

Role of the Bank of Japan
 The Bank of Japan is the central bank of Japan, which was established with the Bank of

Japan Act in June 1882, and star ted functioning in October the same year.

 The Bank of Japan main objectives are to issue the offi cial Japanese banknotes (the bank

is the exclusive issuer of Japanese banknotes and coins), to achieve price stability, through

monetary control and to maintain stable fi nancial system by facilitating smooth funds

settlements between the Japanese fi nancial institutions.

Monetary Policy

Financial System Stability

Banknotes and Coins

Yen Carry Trade



 In come is more evenly distributed in Japan  Income is mostly distributed to

tha n in th e U nited States. a dm inistrative and infrastructure sectors

 Like th e Unite d Sta tes, Ja pan's economy  Diffe rent Beh avior
h as moved from ma nufa cturing towards
 Agricultura l Ba sed Country
ser vices. 
 Polies for FD I a re va ries a nd not strong
 In dustrialized Coun try

 CBM is independent but doesn’t have full

 Strong an d exa ct policies for FDI
a uthority to control a nd ma king policies (
 Ba nk o f J apa n is independent and h ave still h ave infl uencers)
fu ll a utho rity to control
 La ck of tech nology
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