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Presentation outline

• NBC Ladies Ministry Leaders

• Feedback on meeting held in November
• Progress update
– Visitation
– Finance
• Challenges
• Way forward

NBC ladies’ ministry leadership
• Key leadership consist of: Ladies coordinated into houses:
• Patron- Pauline Anyenda • House of joy: Irene
• Chairlady- Beatrice Odede • House of peace: Dorcas
• Secretary-MaryClara Karimi • House of love: Marion (22pax)
• Treasurer- Angela Munyao
• House of hope: Angela
• House of worth: MaryClara
Other committee members include
• House of light: Linda (23 pax)
• Visitation-Florence Olum
• Hospitality- Dorcas Oketch
• House of valour: Florence
• Irene Mbugua Total ladies in houses xx
• Marion Muthoni
• Linda Mbeyu

Feedback on actions (Nov 2022)
No Recommendation Status

1. Afternoon ladies meeting This will not work due to competing

activities including wajumbe wa yesu

2. Share ladies’ monthly contribution status on monthly basis Done

3. Sending prayers points early Done save on rare circumstances they are
sent la
4. Move Thursday fellowship time from 5:30-6pm Being a weekday an other people living in
far flung areas, it was recommended we
maintain the 5:30pm
5. Incorporate more educative sessions on Thursday and Committee has incorporated different
Saturday fellowship topics on alternate months
6. SMS reminders on Saturday fellowship Fliers are developed prior and widely
7. Incorporate and engage young ladies in ministry Incorporated into groups-plans are
underway to hold a meeting exclusive with
them to forge a working relationship
Progress update
• Came into office in November 2021
• Held regular progress meetings to discuss:
• Ladies prayer breakfast
• Prayer points
• Thursday fellowship
• Visitations
• Upcoming church calendar events
• Worked with former regime to graduate Iwe Nuru (18 pax)and Wajumbe wa
Yesu (42pax) participants
• Planned and organized for Thursday ladies fellowship- averagely 8 people attend
on weekly basis
• Conducted visitations for people that had been bereaved or had welcomed a
new baby and participated in events based on need for different ladies from
different houses; these include church weddings and burials
• Members active in their contribution were given a ‘bahasha’ from the ministry; 5,000/- for
bereavement 3,000/- for new borns 5
Progress cont’d
• Supported men’s ministry
• Men meeting with youth thus got support from the ladies
• Men’s prayer walk
• Organized a successful retreat and a team building within the retreat
• Hosted medics from abroad who had come for the medical camp and presented
them with gifts
• Lost 2 key and active members; Mrs. Kikuvi and Christine Kipsang. May their
souls rest in eternal peace

Finance update
• Total monthly subscriptions from Jan 2022 to date-222,500

• Monthly breakfast meetings-94,944
• Gifts and tokens-36,830
• Benevolence-40,000
• Wedding gifts-28,000
• Others-15,800

• Total-215,574

• Cash at hand 6,926/-

Mama Chao visited after being hospitalized
Sakina visitation after delivering a baby girl

Pamela Ngata visitation after losing


Visiting Norah, new born baby 8

Ruth Lewa’s visitation after losing spouse
Alice Mugo visitation after losing her mum

Mary Clara visitation after losing father-in-


Visiting Mr& Mrs Koech after they lost Ladies representing during Chair lady’s son burial
their dad(Koech’s dad)

Other visitations:
• Cynthia Ambani on arrival of her new born baby
• Representation by Bishop on Walter and Carol Ong’ondo’s son(Hillary) burial
• Representation by Enid, Cate, Pst. Lusimba and Peace at Alice Mugo’s Mum’s burial in Muranga
• Representation by Bishop, Anthony and Marion at MaryClara’s Father in law burial in Meru 10
• Visitations:
• Some members are not up to date in their monthly contributions, compels
visiting team to contribute from pocket to have a ‘kikapu’
• Competing tasks for ladies to be visited causing a delay in visitation
• Non-commitment by ladies-very few active members in:
• Participation for ladies’ breakfast, Thursday fellowship and any other activity
• Monthly contribution-about 20% of ladies in houses have contributed the
required 300/- per month
• Monthly prayer meeting
• WhatsApp walls-very many silent followers
Way forward

• Group work discussion on ways of strengthening the ministry

• ‘A chain is as strong as it’s weakest link’; let us endeavor to be the
strong links to make the ladies’ ministry a success

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