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Do Now

● Why do businesses prepare a marketing campaign budget?

● Why is it important to stick to the marketing campaign budget?

● List three promotional methods you could use for a marketing

By the end of the lesson

You should be able to:

- Understand the importance of a budget

- Understand the importance of a timescale for a marketing campaign
- Construct a realistic budget and timescale
- Justify the reasons behind the budget allocation and timescale

Some should be able to:

- Evaluate disadvantages of the promotional activities used for the budget
and timescale
Before your budget: what is your marketing message
● You should clearly outline which promotional message you have chosen for the
marketing campaign and why

● Explain the promotional method including where and how it will be used - then
explain why this method is suitable - how this could benefit the business

● The marketing message should reflect how the business wants to be seen by
the target market, i.e.: Fun? Classy? Luxurious? Friendly?

● You should use multiple promotional methods for your campaign and justify each
one clearly explaining how it links to the marketing message

● You can evaluate the effectiveness of the promotional methods competitors use -
consider this on day one of the exam
The Budget
● Information about the marketing budget will be found in the case study

● You will be told the total amount you have to spend on promotional activities

● To get the top marks you must:

- Demonstrate you have a good understanding of costs associated with the

promotional activity

- Produce a realistic budget and a realistic allocation of funds, showing your


For example:
What to consider for your timescale
● Once you have decided which promotional methods you will use for your
marketing campaign - you need to decide when each method will be used

● Factors to consider:
- Seasonality of the product: is there a particular time of the year when the
product will be more popular?
- The costs of promotional methods - is it realistic to use expensive methods
all year round? Cheaper options such as social media could be used more
- How annoying it would be for customers to receive too frequent
promotions: such as weakly leafleting or regular emails

● For each promotional method you should use the above factors to explain: why
and when it would be most effective, and the frequently of the method
In groups:

Using the information provided and your own research:

1) Allocate the budget of £80,000 over a 52 week period

2) Provide your reasons for allocating the budget as you have
3) Show the allocation of the budget in a table (the best way to show the timescale is
using a Gantt chart)
4) Justify the timescale

If you have time:

- List the disadvantages of the promotional activities you are using.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Exit question
Do you feel confident with the lesson objectives:

You should be able to:

- Understand the importance of a budget

- Understand the importance of a timescale for a marketing campaign
- Construct a realistic budget and timescale
- Justify the reasons behind the budget allocation and timescale

Some should be able to:

- Evaluate disadvantages of the promotional activities used for the budget
and timescale

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