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Good Day!

Writing a Concept Paper!

I. Objectives:

a. Define what a concept paper is

b. Identify the purpose of writing a concept
c. Set understanding on how to write a
concept paper
d. Apply the principles of writing a concept
What is a concept paper?

-A concept paper acts as a proposal; it is

also a one-two page written document
describing an idea for a project.
- It also states how a specific project will
be carried out.
- Aims to explain the importance of a
particular project or research.
Other definition…

-an idea, a notion, a plan or intention, a

-it clarifies a concept; Dissecting or
breaking ideas into parts to give a
collective idea about a concept.
-it conveys the essence of an idea and
explains it.
It’s a fact that…

A concept paper is not just all about

research , but it can also be used for
policy making and project proposal.
Concept Paper Research Paper

-is to capture -is to capture the

the thoughts ideas in a
and ideas
manner for
approval to
Purpose of a Concept Paper

1. Serve as a foundation of the full

2. Helps to determine whether a certain
project is feasible or not
3. Use to pique the interest of the
potential funding agencies
4. Used to obtain feedback on the ideas
prior to preparing the full proposal

Before writing a concept paper, you have to

learn how to explain a concept first…
Ways of Explaining a Concept…
Definition Explication Clarification

A method of A method of Entails an analysis

identifying a term explaining which of the concept by
and making its sentences , verses, looking at the
meaning clearer. quotes, or passages examples.
are taken away from
a literary or
academic work and
then interpreted,
explained in detailed
Elements of a Concept Paper

I. Project Title (It shows the totality or overviewo f the

II. Proponents (The people behind the concept)
III. Rationale (The basis or inspiration for putting up a
project/policy which the proponents would like to
IV. ‘Objective/s (The goal/aim behind the concept…)
V. Brief Description of the Project (It explains the
details of the concept)
VI. Schedule of Activities (The different events that may
transpire upon the implementation of the project)
VII.Funding Requirement (The monetary details needed
in the implementation of the project)
VIII. Strategies (It explains how the project will be
Let’s look at the sample…

A concept paper allows us to

express our idea or notion based on
a given subject.

It also gives us an avenue to

emphasize the importance of
implementing a project and how
will it be carried out for
Thank you and God Bless!

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