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Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

Why Study Pharmacokinetics (PK) and Pharmacodynamics (PD)?

Individualize patient drug therapy Monitor medications with a narrow therapeutic index Decrease the risk of adverse effects while maximizing pharmacologic response of medications Evaluate PK/PD as a diagnostic tool for underlying disease states

Clinical Pharmacokinetics
The science of the rate of movement of drugs within biological systems, as affected by the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination of medications

Must be able to get medications into the patients body Drug characteristics that affect absorption:
Molecular weight, ionization, solubility, & formulation

Factors affecting drug absorption related to patients:

Route of administration, gastric pH, contents of GI tract

Absorption in the Pediatric Patient

Gastrointestinal pH changes Gastric emptying Gastric enzymes Bile acids & biliary function Gastrointestinal flora Formula/food interaction

Time to Peak Concentration

100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 20 30 60 120 180 minutes


IV Oral Rectal

Membrane permeability
cross membranes to site of action

Plasma protein binding

bound drugs do not cross membranes malnutrition = albumin = free drug

Lipophilicity of drug
lipophilic drugs accumulate in adipose tissue

Volume of distribution

Volume of Distribution

The volume of distribution is given by the following equation:

Therefore the dose required to give a certain plasma concentration can be determined if the VD for that drug is known. The VD is not a real volume; it is more a reflection of how a drug will distribute throughout the body depending on several physicochemical properties, e.g. solubility, charge, size, etc.

Drug VD Warfarin VD = 8L Theophylline, Ethanol VD = 30L Chloroquine VD = 15000L Comments Reflects a high degree of plasma protein binding. Represents distribution in total body water. Shows highly lipophilic molecules which sequester into total body fat.

Pediatric Distribution
Body Composition
total body water & extracellular fluid adipose tissue & skeletal muscle

Protein Binding
albumin, bilirubin, 1-acid glycoprotein

Tissue Binding
compositional changes

Drugs and toxins are seen as foreign to patients bodies Drugs can undergo metabolism in the lungs, blood, and liver Body works to convert drugs to less active forms and increase water solubility to enhance elimination

Liver - primary route of drug metabolism Liver may be used to convert pro-drugs (inactive) to an active state Types of reactions
Phase I (Cytochrome P450 system) Phase II

Phase I reactions
Cytochrome P450 system Located within the endoplasmic reticulum of hepatocytes Through electron transport chain, a drug bound to the CYP450 system undergoes oxidation or reduction Enzyme induction Drug interactions

Phase I reactions types

Hydrolysis Oxidation Reduction Demethylation Methylation Alcohol dehydrogenase metabolism

Phase II reactions
Polar group is conjugated to the drug Results in increased polarity of the drug Types of reactions
Glycine conjugation Glucuronide conjugation Sulfate conjugation

Pulmonary = expired in the air Bile = excreted in feces
enterohepatic circulation

glomerular filtration tubular reabsorption tubular secretion

Pediatric Elimination
Glomerular filtration matures in relation to age, adult values reached by 3 yrs of age Neonate = decreased renal blood flow, glomerular filtration, & tubular function yields prolonged elimination of medications Aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, penicillins = longer dosing interval

Pharmacokinetic Principles
Steady State: the amount of drug administered is equal to the amount of drug eliminated within one dosing interval resulting in a plateau or constant serum drug level Drugs with short half-life reach steady state rapidly; drugs with long half-life take days to weeks to reach steady state

Linear Pharmacokinetics
Linear = rate of elimination is proportional to amount of drug present Dosage increases result in proportional increase in plasma drug levels
120 100

80 60 40 20 0 dose

Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics
Nonlinear = rate of elimination is constant regardless of amount of drug present Dosage increases saturate binding sites and result in nonproportional increase/decrease in drug levels
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 dose


Michaelis-Menten Kinetics
Follows linear kinetics until enzymes become saturated Enzymes responsible for metabolism /elimination become saturated resulting in non-proportional increase in drug levels


25 20 15 10 5 0 dose phenytoin

Special Patient Populations

Renal Disease: same hepatic metabolism, same/increased volume of distribution and prolonged elimination dosing interval Hepatic Disease: same renal elimination, same/increased volume of distribution, slower rate of enzyme metabolism dosage, dosing interval Cystic Fibrosis Patients: increased metabolism/ elimination, and larger volume of distribution dosage, dosage interval

Study of the biochemical and physiologic processes underlying drug action
Mechanism of drug action
Drug-receptor interaction

Efficacy Safety profile

What the drug does to the body
Cellular level General

Pharmacodynamics Cellular Level

Drug Actions
Most drugs bind to cellular receptors
Initiate biochemical reactions Pharmacological effect is due to the alteration of an intrinsic physiologic process and not the creation of a new process

Drug Receptors
Proteins or glycoproteins
Present on cell surface, on an organelle within the cell, or in the cytoplasm Finite number of receptors in a given cell
Receptor mediated responses plateau upon saturation of all receptors

Drug Receptors
Action occurs when drug binds to receptor and this action may be:
Ion channel is opened or closed Second messenger is activated
cAMP, cGMP, Ca++, inositol phosphates, etc. Initiates a series of chemical reactions

Normal cellular function is physically inhibited Cellular function is turned on

Drug Receptor
Refers to the strength of binding between a drug and receptor Number of occupied receptors is a function of a balance between bound and free drug

Drug Receptor
Dissociation constant (KD)
Measure of a drugs affinity for a given receptor Defined as the concentration of drug required in solution to achieve 50% occupancy of its receptors

Drug Receptors
Drugs which alter the physiology of a cell by binding to plasma membrane or intracellular receptors

Partial agonist
A drug which does not produce maximal effect even when all of the receptors are occupied

Drug Receptors
Inhibit or block responses caused by agonists

Competitive antagonist
Competes with an agonist for receptors High doses of an agonist can generally overcome antagonist

Drug Receptors
Noncompetitive antagonist
Binds to a site other than the agonist-binding domain Induces a conformation change in the receptor such that the agonist no longer recognizes the agonist binding site. High doses of an agonist do not overcome the antagonist in this situation

Drug Receptors
Irreversible Antagonist
Bind permanently to the receptor binding site therefore they can not be overcome with agonist


Degree to which a drug is able to produce the desired response

Amount of drug required to produce 50% of the maximal response the drug is capable of inducing Used to compare compounds within classes of drugs

Effective Concentration 50% (ED50)
Concentration of the drug which induces a specified clinical effect in 50% of subjects

Lethal Dose 50% (LD50)

Concentration of the drug which induces death in 50% of subjects

Therapeutic Index
Measure of the safety of a drug Calculation: LD50/ED50

Margin of Safety
Margin between the therapeutic and lethal doses of a drug

Dose-Response Relationship
Drug induced responses are not an all or none phenomenon Increase in dose may:
Increase therapeutic response Increase risk of toxicity

Clinical Practice
What must one consider when one is prescribing drugs to a critically ill infant or child???

Clinical Practice
Select appropriate drug for clinical indication Select appropriate dose
Consider pathophysiologic processes in patient such as hepatic or renal dysfunction Consider developmental and maturational changes in organ systems and the subsequent effect on PK and PD

Clinical Practice
Other factors
Drug-drug interaction
Altered absorption Inhibition of metabolism Enhanced metabolism Protein binding competition Altered excretion

Clinical Practice
Other factors (cont)
Drug-food interaction
NG or NJ feeds
Continuous vs. intermittent Site of optimal drug absorption in GI tract must be considered

Effect of Disease on Drug Disposition

PO/NG administered drugs may have altered absorption due to:
Alterations in pH Edema of GI mucosa Delayed or enhanced gastric emptying Alterations in blood flow Presence of an ileus Coadministration with formulas (I.e. Phenytoin)

Effect of Disease on Drug Disposition

Drug distribution may be affected:
Altered organ perfusion due to hemodynamic changes
May effect delivery to site of action, site of metabolism and site of elimination Inflammation and changes in capillary permeability may enhance delivery of drug to a site

Hypoxemia affecting organ function

Altered hepatic function and drug metabolism

Effect of Disease on Drug Disposition

Alterations in protein synthesis
If serum albumin and other protein levels are low, there is altered Vd of free fraction of drugs that typically are highly protein bound therefore a higher free concentration of drug

Substrate deficiencies
Exhaustion of stores Metabolic stress

Effect of Disease on PD
Up regulation of receptors Down regulation of receptors
Decreased number of drug receptors

Altered endogenous production of a substance may affect the receptors

Effect of Disease on PD
Altered response due to:
Acid-base status Electrolyte abnormalities Altered intravascular volume Tolerance

Management of Drug Therapy

Target-concentration strategy
Pre-determined concentration goal
Based on population-based PK Target concentration based on efficacy or toxicity

Know the PK of the drug you are prescribing

Presence of an active metabolite? Should the level of the active metabolite be measured? Zero-order or first-order kinetics?
Does it change with increasing serum concentrations?

Management of Drug Therapy

Critical aspects of target-concentration therapy
Know indications for monitoring serum concentrations
AND when you do not need to monitor levels

Know the appropriate time to measure the concentration If the serum concentration is low, know how to safely achieve the desired level Be sure the level is not drawn from the same line in which the drug is administered Be sure drug is administered over the appropriate time AND Treat the patient, not the drug level

No drug produces a single effect!!!

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