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[Name of the Company]

[Student Name 1]
[Student Name 2]
Solution Architecture
AI Business Case

● [Team up with one of your fellows]

● [Study how AI is used at a specific company, e.g. Tesla, IBM Watson, etc.]
● [Prepare and give a presentation showing your outcomes]
● [Groups of 2x Students]
● [20 Min per Team: 15 Min. presentation + 5 Min. questions]
● [Due Date: 14/Dec/2022 23:59]
● [Presentation date: 15/Dec/2022]
Solution Architecture
AI Companies Overview

Solution Architecture
AI Companies Overview

Solution Architecture

● [In which market is the company?]

● [You can also present any terminology needed to understand the domain of the service/product]
● [If it’s the case, think about illustrating existing challenges with images or any other type of data]
Solution Architecture
Company Profile

Who they are?

● How big is the company?]
● [When was it founded?]
● [Where it is located?]
AI-based Products and Services
What they do (Overview)?
● [What type of AI-based services/products do the company offer?]
● [What do they do different from their competitors?]

Service 1: Service 2: Service 3: Service 4:

Summary …. … …
Selected AI Service
● [Describe thoroughly what are the shortcomings of current solutions]
● [Describe thoroughly the selected product/service]
● [You can list here its different features], e.g:
○ How did the service help the company?
○ How does the service use AI?
○ What are the challenges?
○ How does the AI part make the service better?
○ Comparisons with competitors


Input Output
Solution Architecture
Selected AI Service

● [You can list or illustrate with images what methods did you use]:
○ Method 1
○ Method 2
○ ….

Method 1 Method 2 Method N

● If available, mention how the company collected the data? How big is the dataset, etc?
● Are the datasets collected on one site only? How does the company did the data annotation?
Do they outsource the data acquisition, etc.

Sample image 1 Sample image 2 Sample image 3 Sample image 1 Sample image 2 Sample image 3

My Dataset 1 My Dataset 2
● How many images? ● How many images?
● What about the training/val/tes splits? ● What about the training/val/tes splits?
● What about the annotations? ● What about the annotations?
● Open source? ● Open source?
Quantitative Results

● Illustrate here how do the service improves sales/efficiency of a given task

● Observation 2 from results
● Observation 3 from results
Qualitative Results

● Observation 1 from results

● Observation 2 from results
● Observation 3 from results
AI Class
What similarities do you see among the proposed solution and the course content?
● [What techniques do they use or do you think the company is using?]
● [How was the evaluation been performed?]

Service 1: Service 2: Service 3: Service 4:

Summary …. … …
Solution Architecture

● What did you learn from the company?

● What are the potential extensions/new versions of the service/product?
● Where else can the service/product be used?

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