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Iran is bordered
by Afghanistan, Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Iraq, Pakistan,
Turkey, and Turkmenistan. The
country also shares maritime
borders with Kazakhstan and
Russia (in the Caspian Sea),
Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar,
Saudi Arabia, and the United
Arab Emirates.
The shape of the emblem is
chosen to resemble a tulip,
in memory of the people
who died for Iran: it is an
ancient belief in Iran,
dating back to mythology,
that if a young soldier dies
patriotically, a red tulip
will grow on his grave.
Iranian people voted
in a national In its history, the
The Supreme
referendum to Islamic Republic of
Leader is the head
become an Islamic Iran only has had
of state (above the
republic on 1 April two Supreme
president), and he
1979 and to Leaders: Khomeini,
either has direct or
formulate and who held the
indirect control of
approve a new position from 1979
the executive,
theocratic-republican until his death in
legislative and
constitution whereby 1989 and Ali
judicial branches of
Khomeini became Khamenei, who has
government, as well
supreme leader of the held the position for
as the military and
country in December 30+ years since
the media
1979. Khomeini's death.
“There is not only an evident lack of
“A system of accountability is a accountability for specific events, but
fundamental condition for the also a culture of impunity that also
respect and protection of human involves punishing individuals brave
rights, and is in itself part of a enough to call for justice and truth
State’s obligations under within a tightly controlled and hostile
international law,” environment for criticism or dissent,”

“The legal structure, including the lack of “It is imperative that the
independence of the judiciary, as well as international community, including
obstacles for democratic participation in the Human Rights Council and
decision-making, together with the fact
that many perpetrators who have
individual Member States  support
committed serious violations remain in the calls for accountability in Iran,
positions of power mean that people have and further strengthen the human
in effect no realistic possibility of rights situation in the country.”
achieving justice,”
Its constitution,
adopted by an ex
post facto
referendum, uses
separation of powers
model with
Legislative, and
Judicial systems,
while the Supreme
Leader is the
country's head of
state and
of the armed forces.

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