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Zero % Investment

No HR department

Zero % Fuel

They work during heavy rain

100% Customer Satisfaction

Who Are They ?


History : Started in 1890

The concept of the dabbawala originated when India was under British rule.
Started by : Mahadeo Havaji Bacche

In 1930, he informally attempted to unionize the dabbawallas

Charitable trust : Registered in 1956 The commercial arm of this trust was registered in 1968 as Mumbai Tiffin Box Supplier's Association The present President of the association is Sopan Laxman Mare

Organization Structure
The Dabbawala have two different aspects as considered with the mode actual operations & mode of organizations formed by the Dabbwallas. To guide & manage the entire operation procedure.

Acquition of any new customers & training a new person assigned to the particular customer.

Coding System



9 M 16

VP for ville parle, C for Cooper hospital. The red denotes the station and the dabbawalla team and the collection point. Destination maskings are 10 Nariman Point. 9 is the dabbawala handling the destination area, M is the Mittal Tower 16 refers to the 16 floor.

Functioning of the dabbawallas

7am 9am Tiffins are collected from homes. 9am 10 am Sorting out of the tiffins 10am 11.30am. Dabbawallas load the wooden crates 12.30pm Tiffins delivered at the respected offices.

Returning Journey
1.15pm 2.00pm Collection process starts of the tiffins which were delivered almost an hour ago. 2.00pm 2.30pm Dabbawallas meets at the destination station. 2.30pm 3.30pm Return journey by train. 3.30pm 4.00pm Group meets at the original station and sort out the tiffins as per the original area.

They are the Legends of management gurus with innumerable achievements
Received Six Sigma for its services & ISO 9001:2000 certification They also found name in Guiness Book Of World Records

Prince Charles made it a point to meet this community in 2003 .

Virgin group chairman Richard Branson travelled with Dabbawala and delivered tiffins to his own employees.

Case study :By Harvard university & Richard Ivery school of Business Ontario.
Invited to Terra madre World meeting on food commission held at Italy

Iso 9001:2000 certified

The mumbai Dabbawala where given Six Sigma Ranking by Forbes Group & also ISO 9001:2000 certification by Joint accrediation systems of Australia & Newzeland (JAS-ANZ) Iso - InternationalOrganisation for Standardization , a global quality mgmt standard It is a govt appointed body for accrediation of conformity assessment bodies in the field of certification & inspection It is a non profit organisation for accrediation of certification of quality mgmt. systems (ISO 9001) Product certification such as codemark,watermark etc Personell certification & Inspection.

Customer faith in Iso branded organization . Mumbai dabbawalla got ISO 9001:2000 certification for their accuracy & customer satisfaction despite having no technical backup , the error rate is 1 in 16 million services. ISO (JAS-ANZ) has accredited 67 conformity assessment bodies (as of June 2009) who have certified over 50,000 organisations in over 20 countries. ISO(JAS-ANZ )is a member of the International Accrediation forum(IAF) .

What is SIX SIGMA ?????????

Six Sigma is a business management strategy. Its a set of techniques which is generally used to indicate that a business process is well controlled. A Six Sigma systematic quality program provides businesses with the tools to improve the capability of their business processes.

Where SIX SIGMA can be applied ?

Administration. Quality. HRM IT Production Services MUMBAI DABAWALLA

Reasons for Mumbai Dabawalla six sigma

Team work. Time Management. Innovation. Customer relationship management. Logistics & supply chain management.

Last 116 year they have not used any kind of technology, But yet they got six sigma certified.
Now a days mobile phone are use to communicate (mostly incoming calls). They have there own website i.e.

Logistic is still manual.

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