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Research in

BSED Math 3
Group 2
Jesse Mark Dela Cerna
Julie Anne Lazaga
Diane Albarando
Jemaly Quinto
Leonia Avila
a. List down at least two CIGPs (Concerns, Issues, Gaps and
Problems) that evolves in your area of expertise which can be
considered as research problem.
Communication Barriers

Gender Differences Rural Cultures

Academic Procrastination
CIGPs Inequality in the society

Financial Constraints Student Learning Difficulties

Influence of Social Media

b. Compare and Contrast Qualitative and Quantitative Research
in at least three different aspects.

Qualitative Quantitative

➤ Data Collection methods includes interviews,

focus groups, case studies, and literature reviews. ➤ Data Collection methods includes surveys,
experiments, and observations.

➤ Focus on exploring ideas and formulating ➤ Primary focus is on testing theories and
theories. hypothesis

➤ Open ended questions. ➤ Close multiple choices questions

➤ Subjective, descriptive, biased ➤ Objective, deductive, unbiased

➤ Non-statistical ➤ Use statistical test

c. Compare and Contrast Basic Research from Action Research

Fundamental/Basic Research Action Research

Aims to contribute to theory and and technique of Aims to solve a problem

the discipline
To find solutions to problems in a specific way
Develop and test educational theory and derive
Specific statement of the problem
Highly specific hypothesis are developed
No such thorough review of related literature is
A thorough review of literature is required needed
It is traditional Application of basic research
Descriptive and Inferential Statistics are required Generally grouping of raw data using descriptive
statistic is enough.
Some value judgement may be made, but action Focuses on analyzing and solving real-world
is not recommended problems
A research that tries to better comprehend a Seeks practical answers to current problems
certain event, topic, or natural law.

Aims to broaden the available evidences about Provide new approaches to deal with a variety of
various sources. challenges

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