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Section 1: Technical Foundations of Database
• • Database Management
• • Fundamental Data Concepts
• • Database Structures
• • Database Development

Section 2: Components of a Database Application System

What Is a Data Resource Management?
• Data resource management is a managerial activity that
applies information system technologies like database
 management and other management tools to the task of
managing an organization’s data resources to meet the
information needs of the business user. It involves the
management of files and computer data for businesses
and companies.
Importance of data resource management to an

• Reduce data redundancy

• Ensure data integration
• Reduce data dependent
• Ensure flexibility
• Ensure security
• Ensure easy sharing, and availability of data
Database Management 

• • Data are a vital organizational resource that need to be managed like other important business
• • Today's business enterprise cannot succeed without quality data about their internal operations
and external environment.
• • In all information systems, data resources must be organized and structured in some logical
manner so that they can be accessed easily, processed efficiently, retrieved quickly, and managed
• • Database provide a logical organization method and easy access to the data stored in it.
Component of a Table (of a Database)
Fundamental Data Concepts 

• • The data stored in a database are independent of the application programs

using them and of the type of storage devices on which they are stored.
• • Databases contain data elements describing entities and relationships
among entities.
Database Structures 
• • The relationships among the many individual data elements stored in databases are based
on one of several logical data structures, or models.
• • Database management system (DBMS) packages are designed to use a specific data
structure to provide end users with quick, easy access to information stored in databases.
• • Five fundamental database structures are:
• • hierarchical , network , relational, object-oriented and
multidimensional models.
Hierarchical DB Model Network DB Model
Relational DB Model Object-oriented DB Model
Variation of relational model that uses multidimensional structures to organize data and
express the relationships between them.
• Data elements are viewed as being in cubes. Each side of the cube is considered a dimension
of the data.
• Each dimension represent a different category.
• Have become the most popular database structure for the analytical databases that support
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) applications, in which fast answers to complex business
queries are expected.
Database Development 
•  • Developing a large DB of complex data types can be a complicated task.
• • Database administrator and the database design analyst work with end users and system
analysts to model the business processes and the data they require.

• Then they determine:

• • What data definitions should be included
in the DB.
• • What relationships should exist among
the data elements.
Section 2: Components of a Database
Application System

• A database application is a computer program whose primary purpose is

retrieving information from a computerized database. From here,
information can be inserted, modified or deleted which is subsequently
conveyed back into the database.
Database application can mean two things:

• “One: It can refer to software running a database system.

• Ex. MongoDB Server or SQL Server are both software that provide the following:
• Efficiently store and retrieve data from a file system to a network client.
• Offer rich capabilities for querying and manipulating data from a variety of drivers.
• Secure and authorize the access to the stored data
• Scale
• Provide fault tolerance and recovery (including backups)
• for our data
• Two: It can refer to applications that are heavily coupled to a specific database and built to
provide elements of that database to the end user.

• Some examples of such applications include:

• • Online encyclopedias (Wikipedia)
• • Social media websites (Facebook)
• • CRM systems (Salesforce)
• • Email systems (Gmail)
• • E-commerce websites (Amazon)
Database applications can have a lot of features
and abilities, but the main ones are to:

• Store and retrieve data efficiently.

• Provide a rich language API to interact with the data.
• Secure and allow a scalable access to the
• data as it grows.
some examples of database applications

• *Database software (DBMS): *Database applications:

• *MongoDB *Wikipedia
• *MySQL *Facebook
• *Oracle *CRM systems
• *SQL Server
• *Account management systems *Amazon
Application and Uses of Database
Management System (DBMS)
* Railway Reservation System *Military
* Library Management System *Human Resource Management
*Banking *Manufacturing
*Universities and colleges *Airline Reservation system
*Credit card transactions *Agriculture
The Purpose of Database Applications

• The main purpose of database applications is to provide a way for data to be

consumed either by end users (via UI) or other higher-level applications (via
APIs). A database application can be used for storing or retrieving data,
processing transactions, or various machine learning calculations.

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