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What do you see in the picture?

A wave is a disturbance that
moves energy from one
place to another.
Label the figure below.
Label the figure below.
Wavelength crest

Equilibrium position or
resting position


Match column A with the correct answers on
column B and C
Answer the questions below?

1.Which waves has a bigger amplitude?

2.Which waves has the longest wavelength?
3. Which waves has the highest frequency?
 one way to categorize waves is based on the direction of movement of the individual particles
of the medium relative to the direction that the waves travel.
Let’s Meet the important scientist for this topic:
Let’s Meet the important scientist for this topic:


Can a wave be a particle?
 In 1887, Heinrich Hertz discovered that shining light on a metal caused electrons to be ejected.
 Whether or not electrons were ejected depended upon frequency not the amplitude of the light!
Remember energy depends on amplitude.
 Years later, Albert Einstein explained Hertz’s discovery: EM waves can behave as a particle called a
photon whose energy depends on the frequency of the waves.
Properties of EM Waves

 All matter contains charged particles that are always moving; therefore, all objects
emit EM waves.
 The wavelengths become shorter as the temperature of the material increases.
 EM waves carry radiant energy.
What is the speed of EM waves?

 All EM waves travel 300,000 Material Speed

km/sec in space. (speed of light- (km/s)
nature’s limit!) Vacuum 300,000
- EM waves travels in a vacuum at 3X108 Air <300,000
 EM waves usually travel slowest Water 226,000
in solids and fastest in gases. Glass 200,000
Diamond 124,000
Electromagnetic Waves

How they are formed Kind of wave Sometimes behave as

Waves made by Transverse with Waves or as
vibrating electric alternating electric and
Particles (photons)
charges that can travel magnetic fields
through space where
there is no matter
What is the wavelength & frequency of an
EM wave?
 Wavelength= distance from crest to crest.
 Frequency= number of wavelengths that pass a given point in 1 s.
 As frequency increases, wavelength becomes….
Making Electromagnetic Waves

 When an electric charge vibrates, the electric field around it changes

creating a changing magnetic field.
Making Electromagnetic Waves

 The magnetic and electric fields create each other again and again.
Making Electromagnetic Waves

 An EM wave travels in all directions. The figure only shows a wave

traveling in one direction.
Making Electromagnetic Waves

 Theelectric and magnetic fields vibrate at right angles to the direction

the wave travel, so it is a transverse wave.
Electromagnetic Spectrum
• The electromagnetic spectrum is a
continuum of electromagnetic waves
arranged according to frequency and
• It is a gradual progression from the
waves of lowest frequencies to the waves
of highest frequencies.
Wave Speed Equation:

The formula we are going to practice today is the wave speed equation:
wave speed=wavelength*frequency
𝒗= 𝞴 𝒇
𝒗=𝑤𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑 )
𝞴=𝒘𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉 𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓 (𝒎)
= frequency )
or Hertz (Hz)
𝟏 𝑯𝒛 =𝟏/ 𝒔
What is the frequency of green light that has a wavelength of 5.0 X
10-7 m/s?
= 5.0 X 10-7 m/s
v = 3.0 X 108 m/s


f= v/

f= v/

= 6.0 /s

or = 6.0 Hz
Red light has a frequency of 4.0 X 1014 hertz.
What is the wavelength of red light in a vacuum?
= 4.0 X 1014 hertz or 4.0 X 1014 /s
v = 3.0 X 108 m/s
Solution: ;

7.5 X IO-7m
Red light has a frequency of 4.0 X 1014
1. Find the speed of red light in a
vacuum if its wavelength is7.5 X IO-7m.
2. As the red light above enters glass its
wavelength changes to 5.8 X 10-7 m, but
its frequency remains constant. What is
the speed of red light in this glass?
Sample problems:

1. A wave has wavelength of 10 m and a speed of 3 x 108

m/s. What is the frequency of the wave?
2. A wave has frequency of 5 Hz and a speed of 25 m/s. What is the wavelength of
the wave?
3. A wave has a wavelength of 125 meters is moving at a speed of 20 m/s. What is
it’s period?
Ch eck y ou r un derstan din g! Are t hese statements true? If n ot, co rrect them.

1. Electromagnetic waves transfer energy through

 2. A wave is a disturbance that transfers energy.
 3. Most EM waves are invisible and undetectable.
Solve the following problems. Show your
1. What is the frequency of radio waves with a
wavelength of 20.52 m?

2. What is the wavelength of light waves with a

frequency of 6.53 Hertz?
1. Which electromagnetic wave has the longest wavelength?
2. Which electromagnetic wave has the shortest wavelength?
3. Observe what happens to the wavelength of the electromagnetic
waves as they progress (goes rightward from the figure). Does the
wavelength of the EM waves increase or decrease as we go from
radio wave to gamma ray?
1. Which among the EM waves has the highest frequency?
2. Which among the EM waves has the lowest frequency?
3. The energy of an EM wave also depends on its frequency,
which means waves with higher frequency has higher energy
too. Which among the EM waves has the highest energy?
4. Which among the EM waves has the lowest energy?
5. What happens to the frequency of the
electromagnetic waves as it progresses? Does the
frequency of the EM waves increase or decrease as
we go from radio wave to gamma ray?
Answer the following.
Pick out the word that will make the statements
The electromagnetic spectrum is the arrangement
of 1. (electromagnetic waves, ultraviolet radiation),
which are waves that are created with changing
electric field and 2. (electric charge, magnetic field).
EM waves travel on 3. (air, vacuum) at a constant
speed of 4. (3 x108 m/s, 8 x103 m/s).
The electromagnetic spectrum is arranged in a manner of 5.
(decreasing, increasing) wavelength, 6. (decreasing, increasing)
frequency and 7. (decreasing, increasing) energy. 8. (Gamma ray,
Radio wave) has the longest wavelength, lowest frequency and
lowest energy among all EM waves. The 9. (radio wave, visible
light) is the only EM wave that can be seen by our naked eye,
whereas 10. (red, violet) has the longest wavelength and 11. (red,
violet) has the greatest frequency.
On the other hand, 12. (gamma ray, radio wave) has the
shortest wavelength and highest frequency; which carries
the highest 13. (energy, wavelength) among all EM waves.
Therefore 14. (gamma ray, x-ray) has the lowest ionizing
radiation, while 15. (gamma ray, x-ray) has the highest
ionizing radiation.
Practical Applications of EM Waves
Electromagnetic waves have practical
applications which depend greatly on their
wavelength, frequency, and energy.
Radio Waves
Are the EM waves found at the left end of EM spectrum
(arranged from low frequencies to high frequencies). They are
the type of EM waves with the longest wavelength but they
are of low frequencies thereby carrying the lowest energy
from among the EM waves.
Practical Applications
Practical Applications
Microwaves are applied in so many ways texting to cooking,
and to communications to the rest of the world.
Practical Applications
Practical Applications
Practical Applications
How does microwave cook food inside it?

1. A part of the oven produces microwaves.

2. The microwaves are sent to the reflecting fan.
3. The microwaves are reflected in many directions by the fan
and the walls of microwave oven.
4. As microwaves pass through the food, they transfer energy
to the water molecules in the form of heat. This will cook
the food.
Infrared (IR), sometimes called infrared light, is
electromagnetic radiation (EMR) with wavelengths longer
than those of visible light.
Practical Applications
Practical Applications
Practical Applications
Visible Light
• Enables us to see things around us. It also gives light to the
screen of most electronic devices.
Practical Applications
Practical Applications
What is the visible light spectrum?

The visible light spectrum is the segment of the

electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can view.
More simply, this range of wavelengths is called visible
light. Typically, the human eye can detect wavelengths
from 380 to 700 nanometers.
• Ultraviolet (UV) light has shorter wavelengths than visible
light. Although UV waves are invisible to the human eye,
some insects, such as bumblebees, can see them. This is
similar to how a dog can hear the sound of a whistle just
outside the hearing range of humans.
Practical Applications
Practical Applications
Practical Applications

Production of vitamin
D in our skin.
•X-rays can pass through soft tissues but are filtered by dense
matter such as the bones. This makes x-rays suitable for
diagnosing bone fractures and dense tumors.
 X-rays can damage body tissues.
 Frequent /Overexposure to x-rays can cause cancer over
Practical Applications

Practical Applications

•Gamma rays have the highest frequencies and energies than
any EM waves.
 Emitted by the sun and stars. Can also be produced by
radioactive substances.
 Can penetrate soft and hard body tissues.
 Can cause cancer cells to develop.
Practical Applications
Practical Applications
Effects of Electromagnetic (EM) radiation
on living things and the environment

The effect of EM radiation on

organisms and the environment
depends on how much energy it
What is radiation?

Radiation is energy that comes from a source

and travels through space at the speed of
light. This energy has an electric field and a
magnetic field associated with it and has
wave-like properties. You could also call
radiation “electromagnetic waves”.
Radiation is all around us. We encounter it everyday
from natural and man-made sources and it sustains our

In simple terms, we can define radiation as any energy

that is either transmitted or absorbed. Technically, we
can define radiation as energy in the form of particles
or rays which travel through space.
Types of radiation:

Radiationis of two general types in our


Non-ionizing radiation

Ionizing radiation
Non-Ionizing Radiation
Non-ionizing radiation exists in various
forms. Some are detected by our senses
while other forms are recognized
through special instruments that convert
this type of radiation into signals that our
senses can recognize.
Examples of Non-ionizing Radiation
Radio waves which carry information and entertainment
through radio and television.
Microwaves which are used in microwave ovens and to
transmit cellular telephone messages.
Infrared rays which provide energy in the form of heat
Visible light which we can see
Ultraviolet rays from the sun which can provide a good suntan
We are exposed to low levels of non-ionizing
radiation every day. When the exposure is
intense and direct, it may result in damage to
tissue due to heat. Right amount of non-
ionizing radiation like UV rays maintain the
proper mechanism of ecosystem.
Ionizing Radiation
This type of radiation carries sufficient energy to knock
electrons off other atoms - leaving them electrically charged
or ionized. In living tissues, the ions caused by such radiation
can affect normal biological processes.

High-energy EM waves like x-rays and gamma rays are

considered as ionizing radiation.
 We are also exposed to low levels of ionizing radiation that comes
from the atmosphere. This means that the usual amount of ionizing
radiation from natural sources absorbed by our bodies is small.

 Our main exposure to ionizing radiation comes from manmade

sources using diagnostic medical exams. Excessive exposure to these
radiations can alter molecules within the cells and may cause eventual
harm such as skin or tissue damage, cancer and death.
Factors to consider to reduce radiation
1. Time
The dose of radiation a person receives depends
on how long the person is near radiation dose.
2. Distance
The radiation dose a person receives depends
strongly on how close the person is to the source.
3 . Shielding
One way to minimize the amount of radiation that
reaches people is to put some material between them
and a radiation source.
Shielding varies accordingly to the nature of
material and thickness, depending upon the energy
and type of radiation emitted.
Choose the correct term from the enclosed
choices that should go into the blank spaces.

Radio/television signals, GPS and MRI are practical applications of

(1) __________________ (radio wave /microwave). Satellite
communication, cooking, terrestrial communication, and RADAR
make use of (2) ________________ (infrared/microwave). Remote
controls, thermal imaging and night vision goggles are practical
applications of (3) ________________ (infrared/ultraviolet).
You can see things around you because of (4)
__________________ (gamma rays/visible light) which is
also used in optical fibers, artificial lights and screens of
electronic devices. Vitamin D is produced from (5)
______________ (ultraviolet /microwave), which is also
used for security markings and sterilization of water in
drinking fountains. In diagnosing bone fractures, we use
(6) ______________________ (gamma rays/X-rays).
(7) __________________ (long wavelength X-ray)/short
wavelength X-ray) is a type of x-ray that can penetrate the
flesh while (8) __________________ (long wavelength X-
ray)/short wavelength X-ray) can penetrate through metals.
Treating tumors and cancer through the process called
radiotherapy and sterilizing medical equipment are practical
applications of (9) _______________ (gamma
rays/ultraviolet). The effect of Electromagnetic waves on
organisms and environment depends on how much (10)
______________ (wavelength, energy) it carries.

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