धा तूपो षण न्या या Dhatuposhan Nyaya: Body tissues - Nourishment - Theories

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धातूपोषण न्याय

Dhatuposhan Nyaya
Body tissues – Nourishment - Theories
2.Different nyayas
3.Merits and demerits of different nyayas

Poshan means Nourishment.

Nourishment of dhatu after birth depends on food that we intake. Balanced diet = well nourished dhatu.
Nyayas (theories) which explain formation of dhatu from aharrasa are called as dhatu poshan nyayas.

Chakrapanidatta and Dalhan, Commentators of Charak and Sushrut respectively, have explained Dhatu
Poshan Nyaya.

दोषधातुमलामूलम् हि शरिरम् |
ध्रु – धारयति
शरिरधारणात्धातव: (अ.ह्र.सू.१/१३)
दधति / धत्ते व शरिरप्राणान ,धारयति शरिरसंवर्धकान् इति धातु:|
सप्त दुष्या...(अ.ह्र.१/१३)
तत्र पांचभौतिकस्य चतुर्विधस्य षड्र्सस्य
सम्यकपरिणतस्य यस्तेजोभूत: सार: परमसूक्ष्म: स रस: इत्युच्यते //
तस्य ह्र्दय स्थानं....(सु. सू.१४/३
पुष्यन्तित्वाहाररसाद् रसरुधिरमांसमेदोस्थि मज्जशुक्रौजांद्सि..../ (च.सू.२८/४)
संतत्या भोज्यधातुनां परिव्रुत्तिस्तु चक्रवत्/ (च.चि.१५/२१)
स शब्द अर्चि जल संतानवत् अणुनां परिभेदेन...

धातवो हि धात्वाहार:/

रसाद्रक्तं ततो मांसं मांसान्मेद: प्रजायते/

मेदसोअस्थि ततो मज्जा मज्ज्ञ: शुक्रं तु जायते// (सु.सू.१४/१०)
न्याय – बाजु/मत/वाद/विचारधारा/opinion
Charak – Samhita and all other compendia mention sequence of replenishment of Dhatu
Commentator Chakrapanidatta explains how this sequence is managed.

१.क्षीरदधिन्याय – Transformative process क्रमपरिणामपक्षन्याय़/सर्वत्मपरिणाम

२.के दारकु ल्या न्याय – Transportation process
३.खलेकपोत न्याय – Selective process
४.एककाल धातूपोषण न्याय – Regulation of Metabolism
According to this theory the Poorva Dhatu is
completely converted into Uttara Dhatu as like milk is
totally converted into curd and so on.
दूध(क्षीर) – दही – (तक्र)ताक – लोणी – तूप

In the same way entire Ahara Rasa is converted

in to Rasa Dhatu, Rasa Dhatu to Rakta and so on.
1. Sequence of replenishment of seven Dhatvah is
2.Time factor should be taken as directed by
Sushruta. It should be taken as twenty four hours
for replenishment of Rasa – Dhatu and five days
each for next Dhatu.
3.It explains event in disease Rajayakshama,
where due to obstruction in Rakta causes waning
of MamsaDhatu.
1. In fasting stage, individual should die in three to four days. Because after 24 hours there will be no Rasa dhatu left for
replenishment of further Dhatu.
2. In practice milk is supposed to replenish Shukra dhatu immediately after consumption. This can not be explained if this law is
totally accepted.
3. In increased Meda dhatu, Asthi dhatu should increase in response to this law. But in practice it is not observed so.
के दार – शेत, कु ल्या – पाट (Channels and field law)
आहाररस – स्त्रोतसधात्वाग्नी – रस – रक्त - मांस –मेद – अस्थि – मज्जा – शुक्र
1.This law able to explain immediate action of milk on Shukra dhatu.
2. Uniform sequence of replenishment of Dhatu is well stated.
3.It is not necessary that increased Meda should increase Asthi as well.

Sequence of replenishment of Rakta after Rasa, Mamsa after Rakta can not be explained
खऴे – धान्याची रास, कपोत – कबूतर (Storage and supply
1. Uniform sequence of replenishment of Dhatu is stated.
2. This law is able to explain immediate action of milk on Shukra Dhatu.
3. It is not necessary that increased Meda should increase Asthi as well.

Sequence of replenishment of Rakta Dhatu after Rasa, Mamsa after Raktacan not be
demonstrated well.
एवम् अनयो: पक्षयो: महजनद्रुतत्वेन तुल्यन्यायत्वेन च न एकमपि निश्चितं ब्रूम: बुध्दिविभवान्न पक्षबलाबलं, तत्र न कश्चित्
कार्यविरोध: इति उपरम्यते । (च. सू. २८ चक्रदत्तटीका)

Kedarikulya nyaya and Khalekapot nyaya are equivalent to

each other. It is therefore needed to accept all laws together
and interpret replineshment of Dhatu in a manner where all
laws become applicable.

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